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Id 3083
Author Basaraba N.
Title Cross-comparing the Concept of “United in Diversity” as Expressed by European Capitals of Culture

Basaraba N. Cross-comparing the Concept of “United in Diversity” as Expressed by European Capitals of Culture,Journal of Intercultural Communication Research

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Abstract This paper examines the conceptualization and expression of cultural diversity and unity within the European Capitals of Culture (ECOC) initiative using a case study approach. Previous case studies have examined the impacts of the programmes from a single-city perspective and used quantitative and economic-focused approaches to evaluate impact. However, the ECOC initiative was intended to showcase the diverse cultures in Europe rather than focus on economic outcomes. A cultural discourse analysis was applied to eight winning cities between 2015 and 2019 (proceeding the onset of COVID-19) to answer the question: are ECOC focusing on expressing their national or regional diversity and identities or are they communicating a more generalized European perspective? The results showed that in the past five-year ECOCs have chosen to engage in more diverse and localized forms of cultural expression in their events, but not in their visual communications. Based on the analysis, a series of recommendations for future programme development are made (also published as a separate policy brief) to enhance ECOC’s ability to balance the communication of their diversity with their connection to Europe. © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.



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