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Id 3071
Author Yildiz Durak H.
Title Conversational agent-based guidance: examining the effect of chatbot usage frequency and satisfaction on visual design self-efficacy, engagement, satisfaction, and learner autonomy

Yildiz Durak H. Conversational agent-based guidance: examining the effect of chatbot usage frequency and satisfaction on visual design self-efficacy, engagement, satisfaction, and learner autonomy,Education and Information Technologies 28 1

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Abstract Chatbots are tools that have the potential to effectively support interpersonal communication and interaction. Chatbots can provide great opportunities in education. The use of chatbots in education can be used to employ interactive methods, to provide learners information and different types of info, and to guide learners. Indeed, chatbots promise to enhance learning experiences by creating more interaction than traditional teaching practices provide. In this context, the purpose of this study is to apply chatbot technology as a guidance tool in educational environments and to model its effects on visual design self-efficacy, engagement, satisfaction, and learner autonomy at the end of the process. The participants of the study are 86 university students. In this study, data were collected with 4 different scales. Data were analyzed using the variance-based structural equation model with the partial least square method. As a result of the study, it was found that students with higher chatbot usage satisfaction had higher visual design self-efficacy. Chatbot usage satisfaction positively affects some aspects of course satisfaction. Chatbot usage satisfaction affects engagement. The effects of the study results in terms of research and practice were discussed. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.


DOI 10.1007/s10639-022-11149-7
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