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Id 178
Author Cicerchia, A.,
Title Social and economic impacts of culture in ECoC Italian candidate cities
Cicerchia, A. (2016). Social and economic impacts of culture in ECoC Italian candidate cities. Economia della Cultura, XXVI (1): 149-164

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Abstract Social and economic impacts of the arts and culture are a recurring topic in the literature of last two decades or more. Scepticism, in various extents, about their measurability coexists with an increasing accountability demand. In many cases, efforts to reporting cultural impacts appear disembodied from any planning frame of reference. It is so in many ex post evaluations, aimed at recollecting unplanned and unintended outcomes and spillovers of cultural projects of various nature. The European Capital of Culture Programme has increasingly developed a praxis for planning, monitoring and short term and medium term evaluating the desired impacts of the cultural investments, activities, events, etc. for candidate and selected cities. This paper investigates the impact and result indicators provided in the six Italian shortlisted cities Bidbooks in the selection process resulted in the adoption of Matera as European Capital of culture for 2019.


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It could also consider the wider economic impact of the year on areas such as inward investment, employment and job creation, and the strength and quality of the local business sector. .
Sub-themes include: artistic vibrancy of the year (cultural offer, innovative productions); profile of the sector (number and type of organisations, facilities and jobs); sustainability of the system (e.g. skill development in the cultural sector); the ECoC contribution (e.g. direct investment/funding of the city's cultural system) and contribution of other relevant regional, national or international institutions. .
Answering these questions requires the assessment of demographic and geographic data on participants and non-participants in cultural activities, and access to opportunities for cultural involvement. .