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Id 2274
Author Sterling E.B.; Cleveland A.D.; Philbrick J.L.
Title Analyzing COVID-19 Resources on Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries’ (AAHSL) Research Guides
Sterling E.B.; Cleveland A.D.; Philbrick J.L. Analyzing COVID-19 Resources on Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries’ (AAHSL) Research Guides,Medical Reference Services Quarterly 41 4

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Abstract In this study, the authors analyzed 147 AAHSL member libraries’ COVID-19 research guides to determine the volume and origin of links included. Through stratified sampling based on total enrollment of health sciences academic institutions, 51 eligible AASHL library websites were selected for inclusion in the study. Content from COVID-19 research guides was analyzed, and the origin of each link was categorized. Most AAHSL libraries have at least one COVID-19 research guide, while some have two or more. A total of 8,848 links within examined research guides were visited. Links to academic institutions including universities’ own internal links were most common while news outlets, social media, and international government were linked least. Regarding individual organizations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH)were most frequently linked. The overwhelming majority of sampled health sciences libraries use research guides to share COVID-19 information with their users. It is necessary to further investigate how libraries can optimize research guides to benefit their users. These results and conclusions reveal information resource patterns in research guides at health sciences academic libraries and are consistent with those reached by researchers investigating academic libraries’ research guides in 2020. © 2022 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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It is necessary to further investigate how libraries can optimize research guides to benefit their users. .