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Id 2276
Author Xavier Junior G.F.; Dos Rei A.S.
Title The singularities of work in university libraries specialized in health: The reference service in debate; As singularidades do processo de trabalho nas bibliotecas universitárias especializadas em saúde: o serviço de referência em debate
Xavier Junior G.F.; Dos Rei A.S. The singularities of work in university libraries specialized in health: The reference service in debate; As singularidades do processo de trabalho nas bibliotecas universitárias especializadas em saúde: o serviço de referência em debate ,Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciencia da Informacao 20

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Abstract Introduction: the reference service in university libraries specialized in health has certain singularities due to the characteristics of the scientific field of the field of Health Sciences, the interface between teaching practices and scientific research, as well as the general profile and demands for information /reliable evidence by academics, professors/researchers and practitioners. Objective: to present and discuss the singularities of the reference service in university libraries specialized in health, as well as the challenges/potentialities of librarianship in this context. Method: The study, of theoretical character carried out exploratory research with bibliographic research in national and international literature in the area of Librarianship/Information Science. Results: The results obtained indicate that the singularities of the work process in university libraries are determined not only by the idiosyncrasies of health personnel, but, above all, by the fact that human health (physical and mental) is the object of study and practice of area. Conclusion: It is concluded that despite the challenges related to library training in Brazil and the development of desirable and/or required skills/skills for health care, these elements do not constitute an insurmountable obstacle to professional practice with excellence. However, the librarian needs to recognize that such variables are intervening in their professional practice and that the search for improvement/specialization is a pressing demand. © 2022 Universidade Estadual de Campinas. All rights reserved.


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