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Id 2542
Author Ríos-Morales E.; Miñana-Signes V.; Monfort-Pañego M.
Title Perspective on health and backcare in adolescents practicing rhythmic gymnastics and classical dance: a qualitative investigation of multiple cases; Perspectiva sobre la salud y los cuidados de la espalda en adolescentes practicantes de gimnasia rítmica y danza clásica: una investigación cualitativa de casos múltiples
Ríos-Morales E.; Miñana-Signes V.; Monfort-Pañego M. Perspective on health and backcare in adolescents practicing rhythmic gymnastics and classical dance: a qualitative investigation of multiple cases; Perspectiva sobre la salud y los cuidados de la espalda en adolescentes practicantes de gimnasia rítmica y danza clásica: una investigación cualitativa de casos múltiples ,Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte 17 53

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Abstract The main objective of this work was to explore the perceptions of high school students and teachers involved in the performing arts (rhythmic gymnastics and classical dance) concerning the health and care of the back. Three adolescents and a high school teacher participated, responding openly to questions through a semi-structured interview. The results showed that the four participants had some episodes of back pain, and three of them experienced LBP throughout their lives, and their perception of this is predominantly negative. They explained that the activity practiced required the development of exercises with continuous trunk extensions and rotations, as well as extreme movements, and awkward and disharmonious postures. The workouts require a high level of demand and the hours of training are very long. In conclusion, participants in performance arts, such as competitive rhythmic gymnastics and professional classical dance, perceive that they require high levels of dedication, which in turn requires extreme mobilization of the spine that could have repercussions on back problems. And for these reasons, they believe that a professional person, specialized in sports or dance, is required to direct this type of activity to avoid back health problems. © 2022, Universidad Catolica San Antonio Murcia. All rights reserved.


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