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Id 670
Author Devesa M., Báez A., Figueroa V., Herrero L.C.
Title Economic and social impacts of cultural festivals. The case study of the Valdivia International Film Festival Repercusiones económicas y sociales de los festivales culturales: El caso del Festival Internacional de Cine de Valdivia
Devesa M., Báez A., Figueroa V., Herrero L.C.; Economic and social impacts of cultural festivals. The case study of the Valdivia International Film Festival Repercusiones económicas y sociales de los festivales culturales: El caso del Festival Internacional de Cine de Valdivia ;Eure vol:38 issue: 115.0 page:95.0

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Abstract Today, culture and cultural festivals are part of the strategies of local and regional development and urban regeneration actions as a result ofthe impact that these goods can generate on the territories. These repercussions could be social, cultural, touristic or economic, since cultural goods and cultural events generate impacts in terms of production, income andjobs. The aim ofthis paper is to analyze the economic contribution of the Valdivia International Film Festival to the city and region where it is held. The Economic Impact Study methodology is used for this purpose, based on the definition and valuation of three types of effects (direct, indirect and induced). The results show that thefestival generates a significant impact on the economy ofthe area, benefiting especially the tourism sector of the city and business services. The work also highlights the importance attached by the attendees to the cultural impacts of the festival, which are, in fact, the essence of the event.


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Cultural festivals constitute one of the most representative prototypes of cultural heritage and, at the same time, have become one of the most dynamics of the current cultural landscape. .
They provide cultural opportunities for the audiences whether local or foreign that are often innovative, avant-garde and novel, and that complement, therefore, the fixed cultural infrastructures. .
The work also highlights the importance attached by the attendees to the cultural impacts of the festival, which are, in fact, the essence of the event..
Cultural festivals can contribute to development both from a personal point of view (self-esteem, confidence, creativity) and from a general perspective (creating a social atmosphere nice). .
all of it as a consequence of the learning opportunities of the cultural events, the exposure to creativity, the creation of networks and relationships between people and the close relationship that festivals have with the place where they take place. .
In short, festivals play a fundamental role in diversifying the cultural offer of cities and regions, preserving the culture of society, improving the well-being of citizens and increasing social cohesion. .
Today, culture and cultural festivals are part of the strategies of local and regional development and urban regeneration actions as a result ofthe impact that these goods can generate on the territories. .
In turn, and derived from this phenomenon, culture is becoming a urban planning factor, not only because of the provision of new cultural infrastructures and the regeneration of urban spaces, but also because of the diversi$cation of the cultural offer and tourist attractions that, in short, try to con$gurate a more attractive and representative image of the quality of life, capable of compete with other enclaves or territories through this differentiation strategy. .
This allows us to offer an alternative culture, different and sometimes innovative that increases the cultural offer of the cities and regions. .
Spectators also value very positively the impact that the festival has on the image of the area and the cultural animation of the city, highlighting its bene$ts for the local inhabitants. .
Although the idea arose to create a large university and knowledge cluster, it also aims to improve and develop cultural and artistic activity in the area and, thus, the quality of life of its citizens. .
In short, they favor the creation of a sense of place by citizens, as well as the generation of a social and interaction space. .
The results show that thefestival generates a significant impact on the economy ofthe area, benefiting especially the tourism sector of the city and business services. .
Indeed, it seems reliance on cultural activities as a source of wealth and employment, eminently due to the attraction of /flows of expenses and income linked to cultural tourism, but also through the transformation and development of the productive fabric that, together, seek new comparative advantages for cities and regions. .
Conclusions In recent years, culture has become part of local and regional development strategies and urban regeneration actions, not only because of its potential to generate wealth and employment, but because of its contribution to the diversi$cation of the tourism product, its ability to promote social cohesion and the well-being of citizens or their contribution to the differentiation of places. .
Cultural festivals, one of the most dynamic and interesting artistic manifestations on the scene current culture, are also part of economic development policies, as a consequence of the multiple repercussions economic, social, cultural, tourist or physical that they generate in the territories where they are celebrated. .
Nowadays, festivals not only fulfill their traditional role as an institution that allows present, disseminate or preserve the culture of a society, but also stand out for their ability to generate wealth in the cities where they are held, for their contribution to the diversi$cation of the tourist product or to the improvement of the image of the place. .
The celebration of a festival can be a decisive factor in choosing a destination, a compelling reason for repeat visits or an element that improves the satisfaction of the visitors, which allows to develop the tourist pro$l and the cultural image of the place (Getz, 1997). .
These repercussions could be social, cultural, touristic or economic, since cultural goods and cultural events generate impacts in terms of production, income andjobs. .
It generates, in short, an active circulation of funds among agents of the local and regional economy, both public and private, as well as higher spending by local viewers that also impacts the territory. .
The festivals attract local spectators and visitors who spend their income on cultural activities, as well as other related goods and services, which in turn has knock-on effects on the rest of the economy. .
At the same time, the festival establishes the goal of contributing to the cultural development of the new Los Ros region, being a window of the region to the world and contributing to tourism in the area. .
A cultural event, by definition, has its focus on culture, although it may contain other elements. .
It is, ultimately, about make appear the large /flows of income generated by cultural activity on the local or regional economy. .
The impact of the festival in context In short, the celebration of the Valdivia International Film Festival generates various incomes that are dispersed throughout the economy of the city and the region and that contribute to the productive fabric of the area, to employment in the city and to the development of the audiovisual and cultural sector of Valdivia. .
For this reason, the initiative of the Valdivia International Film Festival helps to develop the productive and business fabric of the city and contributes to one of the most powerful economic sectors in the area, the tourist and commercial sector, in a generalized outsourcing process. .
As we have pointed out before, festivals have cultural and social resonances in the place where they are organized and that, in essence, are their true reason for being. .
In short, festivals have a cultural, economic and tourist dimension that is not new in essence, but it is new in terms of its expansion in recent years, which has aroused growing interest from the scientific c< Cultural festivals have an important relationship with the place where they are held, since, on the one hand, they are conditioned by the territory, its history and its people; and, on the other hand, they generate repercussions and impacts in the places where they are celebrated and organized. .
Examples of this trend are the recent effort in the restoration and enhancement of numerous heritage legacies; the museum boom of recent years; or the improvement of infrastructures of the performing arts, such as auditoriums, theaters and palaces for festivals and congresses. .