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Id 895
Author Aabe N.O., Fox F., Rai D., Redwood S.
Title Inside, outside and in-between: The process and impact of co-producing knowledge about autism in a UK Somali community
Aabe N.O., Fox F., Rai D., Redwood S.; Inside, outside and in-between: The process and impact of co-producing knowledge about autism in a UK Somali community ;Health Expectations vol:22.0 issue: 4.0 page:752.0

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Abstract Background: Co-production is predicated on equal power-sharing and responsibility in research partnerships. However, relatively few accounts exist that explore the subjective experience of how co-researchers achieve such equality, from the perspectives of public contributors and researchers. Aim: This paper aims to provide a unique insight into the process of co-production, by weaving personal reflections with principles to evaluate the impact arising from co-produced knowledge. It is based upon participatory research that was initiated by a ‘lay’ person, on behalf of a community organization, seeking support for Somali families who are affected by autism. The paper explores the evolving partnerships that began with community theatre and qualitative research and leading to extensive dissemination and impact, all of which has been jointly owned and negotiated by the co-researchers and community organizations. Discussion: Initially, this paper reflects on the process, drawing on principles defined for co-production in health research and combining it with the co-researchers personal reflections of their experiences as insiders and outsiders, stepping in and out of each others worlds. The value of reciprocity, flexibility and continuous reflection is illustrated. The latter part of the paper explores the impact of this co-produced knowledge using a theoretical framework, to assess the specific impacts and its broader transformative potential. It demonstrates how (1) opportunities for all partners to be equitably involved to the maximum degree possible throughout the research process can affect social change and (2) co-produced research can become a catalyst that is dynamic and complex, achieving multi-layered impact. © 2019 The Authors. Health Expectations published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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The workshops were well attended and helped to increase awareness of their child's longer term independence. .
This can be achieved through continual reflection, appreciation of and sharing knowledge and expertise, and commitment to flexibility within roles Willingness to engage in creative forms of knowledge sharing in order to reach diverse audiences, such as community theatre and film Willingness to harness opportunities to collaborate with organizations who have capacity to take the research findings and key messages and implement them into social change..
The use of both community theatre and film is examples of how this co-produced knowledge reached multiple audiences and disseminated knowledge widely in a lasting format. .
Factors supporting co-production: The involvement of at least one person who is willing and able to advocate for a community group and to bridge the gap between research institutions and community organization Building and maintaining trust between key players in the coproduction process. .