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Id : 183

Author :
Binnie, J.


Does Viewing Art in the Museum Reduce Anxiety and Improve Wellbeing?

Reference :

Binnie, J. (2010). Does Viewing Art in the Museum Reduce Anxiety and Improve Wellbeing? Museums & Social Issues, 5(2), 191–201.

Link to article
Abstract This article presents research conducted within Leicester’s New Walk Museum exploring whether viewing art within the museum impacts reported anxiety. The two studies discussed here are part of a PhD project looking at perception and expe- rience of art within the museum, and how this can influence wellbeing and affective responses. The first study looked at the responses of museum staff, while the second compared those of frequent and infrequent museum visitors. The article focuses on self-reported data collected using the State Trait Anxiety Inventory as well as through semi-structured inter- views. Participants reported a reduction in anxiety levels from their trait level after viewing the art; however, this amount dif- fered for each participant group.



Heritage 0.9897
Archives 0.0001
Libraries 0.0001
Book and Press 0.0000
Visual Arts 0.0015
Performing Arts 0.0001
Audiovisual and Multimedia 0.0001
Architecture 0.0005
Adverstizing 0.0000
Art crafts 0.0039
General cultural dimension 0.0041
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