Analyze article and determine cultural category

Id : 203

Author :
Rosenstein, C.,


Cultural development and city neighborhoods.

Reference :

Rosenstein, C. (2011). Cultural development and city neighborhoods. City, Culture and Society, 2(1): 9‑15.

Link to article
Abstract This article examines four defining characteristics of city cultural policy: (1) the concentration of cultural resources in downtowns and cultural districts; (2) a policy infrastructure focused on nonprofit organizations, cultural industries and tourism; (3) the narrow policy scope and political influence of city-level cultural agencies; and (4) the decentralized and under-institutionalized authority and oversight in the public cultural sector. The article traces the impacts of these characteristics on cultural development and the cultural life of neighborhoods, arguing that when city cultural agencies do not consciously and actively incorporate communities and their needs into cultural development, their policies and programs can in fact conflict with and threaten the cultural health of urban neighborhoods.



Heritage 0.0001
Archives 0.0000
Libraries 0.0004
Book and Press 0.0000
Visual Arts 0.0006
Performing Arts 0.0000
Audiovisual and Multimedia 0.0000
Architecture 0.0004
Adverstizing 0.0000
Art crafts 0.0000
General cultural dimension 0.9983
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