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Id : 2040

Author :
Robinson J.


The City on Display: Architecture Festivals and the Urban Commons

Reference :

Robinson J. The City on Display: Architecture Festivals and the Urban Commons,The City on Display: Architecture Festivals and the Urban Commons

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Abstract The City on Display: Architecture Festivals and the Urban Commons reflects on the biennials, triennials, and other festivals of architecture and design that have been held over the last two decades, as they expand and transform in response to the exigencies of ‘planetary urbanisation’. Joel Robinson examines the development of these large-scale, international, and perennial exhibitions as they address such challenges as urban regeneration, heritage preservation, climate change, and the migration crisis. Homing in on examples of festivals in Venice, Rotterdam, Oslo, Tallinn, Sharjah, Seoul, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong, the author describes how they alter the public spaces that host them, either through civic boosterism and gentrification, on the one hand, or through a reassertion of the urban commons and the right to the city, on the other hand. He attempts to thematise the architecture festival’s relationship with the city and interrogate its potential as a forum for global debate about the emergencies of the urban condition. This book will be beneficial for students and academics of architecture and urbanism, and especially those who have an interest in how the city gets exhibited at such festivals and even reimagined as something other than it currently is. © 2023 Joel Robinson.



Heritage 0.0003
Archives 0.0000
Libraries 0.0006
Book and Press 0.0000
Visual Arts 0.0059
Performing Arts 0.0010
Audiovisual and Multimedia 0.0000
Architecture 0.9906
Adverstizing 0.0000
Art crafts 0.0012
General cultural dimension 0.0004
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