Analyze article and determine cultural category

Id : 2044

Author :
Vardopoulos I.


Industrial building adaptive reuse for museum. Factors affecting visitors’ perceptions of the sustainable urban development potential

Reference :

Vardopoulos I. Industrial building adaptive reuse for museum. Factors affecting visitors’ perceptions of the sustainable urban development potential,Building and Environment 222

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Abstract Adaptive reuse is a rapidly expanding frontier research topic across the world. Following decades of human-induced disdain and neglect of resource depletion and environmental deterioration, adaptive reuse has the potential to have a substantial impact on current trends in urban sustainability. Adaptive reuse that integrates certain concepts and strategies can accomplish a healthy mix of financial investment, environmental protection, cultural heritage preservation, and urban regeneration. Yet, the results of converting a pre-existing industrial building of cultural heritage into museum remain unclear. This study aims to explore the elements influencing public perception of the adaptive reuse influence on sustainable urban development. In order to achieve the objective set, an online survey focusing on the newly adaptively reused FIX Brewery was conducted, followed by regression analysis. Findings argue that adaptive reuse can have an overall impact on the long-term sustainable development of the surrounding area, in terms of improving the quality of life for the local society, empowering the cultural dimension, as well as making it a popular tourist destination. The literature appears to be lacking in a point of reference for the users’ evaluation of the final decision following the completion of an adaptive reuse. Filling this gap, this study suggests that a decision assessment criterion in post-occupancy evaluations should be considered, along with an alternative. New evidence should enable competent bodies take steps towards creating cultural hotspots using adaptive reuse. At a broad level, study results could also be useful to key players pursuing a sustainable response to city challenges. © 2022 Elsevier Ltd



Heritage 0.0069
Archives 0.9533
Libraries 0.0068
Book and Press 0.0000
Visual Arts 0.0012
Performing Arts 0.0033
Audiovisual and Multimedia 0.0003
Architecture 0.0021
Adverstizing 0.0000
Art crafts 0.0140
General cultural dimension 0.0121
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