Analyze article and determine cultural category

Id : 2247

Author :
Smaniotto Costa C.; Volzone R.; Ruchinskaya T.; Solano Báez M.D.C.; Menezes M.; Ercan M.A.; Rollandi A.


Smart Thinking on Co-Creation and Engagement: Searchlight on Underground Built Heritage

Reference :

Smaniotto Costa C.; Volzone R.; Ruchinskaya T.; Solano Báez M.D.C.; Menezes M.; Ercan M.A.; Rollandi A. Smart Thinking on Co-Creation and Engagement: Searchlight on Underground Built Heritage,Smart Cities 6 1

Link to article
Abstract This paper aims to explore public participation for activating underground built heritage (UBH). It describes and analyses practices of stakeholders’ engagement in different UBH assets, based on experiences gathered in the scope of the European COST Action ‘Underground4value’. It brings together five inspiring cases from Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, in which digital and mobile technologies were used as tools to improve community experiences in UBH. Thus, the paper discusses ‘smartness’ from the perspective of people and communities around cultural assets, where ‘smartness’ becomes a new connotation and a pathway to advance (local) knowledge and know-how. Therefore, this paper takes on the challenge to define a smart city as an ecosystem for people’s empowerment and participation, and, in particular, to explore social tools for creating new values in heritage placemaking—where sharing knowledge becomes a fundamental principle. © 2023 by the authors.



Heritage 0.9982
Archives 0.0000
Libraries 0.0002
Book and Press 0.0000
Visual Arts 0.0008
Performing Arts 0.0000
Audiovisual and Multimedia 0.0000
Architecture 0.0002
Adverstizing 0.0000
Art crafts 0.0002
General cultural dimension 0.0004
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