Analyze article and determine cultural category

Id : 2254

Author :
Camuñas-García D.; Cáceres-Reche M.P.; Cambil-Hernández M.D.L.E.


Maximizing Engagement with Cultural Heritage through Video Games

Reference :

Camuñas-García D.; Cáceres-Reche M.P.; Cambil-Hernández M.D.L.E. Maximizing Engagement with Cultural Heritage through Video Games,Sustainability (Switzerland) 15 3

Link to article
Abstract This paper aims to provide a framework for creating and analyzing cultural heritage games, with the intention of maximizing players’ cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement with digital heritage. To achieve this, a set of game design characteristics was identified through semi-structured interviews with experts (n = 16) and subsequently validated through a discussion with university students (n = 19). Grounded theory was then applied to the comments of the experts to create a framework of ten fundamental characteristics, divided into three dimensions: cognitive, emotional, and behavioral. Additionally, an assessment of the literature was conducted to explain and support the inclusion of each game component. © 2023 by the authors.



Heritage 0.9948
Archives 0.0000
Libraries 0.0001
Book and Press 0.0000
Visual Arts 0.0031
Performing Arts 0.0000
Audiovisual and Multimedia 0.0000
Architecture 0.0009
Adverstizing 0.0000
Art crafts 0.0005
General cultural dimension 0.0004
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