Analyze article and determine cultural category

Id : 2378

Author :
Wordlaw L.; Vilme H.


Lessons learned: Implementing and adapting a multimedia campaign to promote heart health to college students

Reference :

Wordlaw L.; Vilme H. Lessons learned: Implementing and adapting a multimedia campaign to promote heart health to college students,Journal of American College Health

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Abstract Objective: This one-year pilot study investigated the effectiveness of a multimedia campaign, Heart Healthy U (HHU), to increase awareness about the link between unhealthy behaviors and risk for heart disease among emerging adults on a college campus. This paper describes the implementation of HHU. Participants: The HHU campaign was implemented from the Fall of 2019 through Spring 2020 and during this time there were approximately 15,043 enrolled students at the south eastern U.S. college campus. Methods: The HHU campaign employed print (e.g., banners, posters, and yard signs) and electronic formats (e.g., email, Instagram). We designed the methods across three phases: (1) relationship building and formative research, (2) campaign development, and (3) the Heart Healthy U campaign launch. Results: The HHU encountered challenges when the novel coronavirus (COVID-19 or SARS-co-V2) interrupted campus life, however we relied on the electronic formats to reach students during the state-wide lockdown/quarantine mandates. In addition, there were two changes to the HHU health messages. First, we updated the health messages to illustrate that eating healthy and engaging in physical activity supports immune function. Next, we developed new health messages to address effects of physical isolation and anxiety by promoting psychological well-being during this historic public health crisis. Conclusions: We asked whether a multimedia campaign on a college campus could encourage emerging adults to consume fruits and vegetables and engage in physical activity according to the federally-recommended guidelines. It is essential that interventions intended to reach today’s emerging adults be presented in formats that they use (e.g., social media platforms), supported by campus administrators, and endorsed by peer influencers. In conclusion, more intervention studies are needed to counter the unhealthy social norm behaviors common to college campus life that increase heart disease risk, particularly among marginalized populations. © 2022 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.



Heritage 0.0000
Archives 0.0000
Libraries 0.0001
Book and Press 0.0001
Visual Arts 0.0003
Performing Arts 0.0007
Audiovisual and Multimedia 0.9987
Architecture 0.0001
Adverstizing 0.0000
Art crafts 0.0000
General cultural dimension 0.0000
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