Analyze article and determine cultural category

Id : 2403

Author :
Drachen A.


Debate: Games-based collaboration as a driver for massive-scale mental health research

Reference :

Drachen A. Debate: Games-based collaboration as a driver for massive-scale mental health research,Child and Adolescent Mental Health 28 1

Link to article
Abstract Games have become a key part of the daily lives of many children and young people, irrespective of geographical location, age, gender or culture. Games form a gateway to these audiences – as well as tertiary groups like parents – which does not exist anywhere else. Additionally, behavioural telemetry from games forms an untapped and sizeable potential for mental health and well-being research. Working with the games industry gives mental health research and associated interventions a pathway for conducting research and working with communities at very large scales. © 2022 The Authors. Child and Adolescent Mental Health published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.



Heritage 0.0000
Archives 0.0000
Libraries 0.0000
Book and Press 0.0001
Visual Arts 0.0000
Performing Arts 0.0004
Audiovisual and Multimedia 0.9995
Architecture 0.0000
Adverstizing 0.0000
Art crafts 0.0000
General cultural dimension 0.0000
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