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Id : 2567

Author :
Nikolić L.


The Risk of Academic Music Education for the Health of Students; Music Students’ Education on the Preservation of Health and the Prevention of Professional Illnesses; Rizičnost visokoškolskoga glazbenog obrazovanja za zdravlje studenata i edukacija studenata glazbe o očuvanju zdravlja i prevenciji profesionalnih bolesti

Reference :

Nikolić L. The Risk of Academic Music Education for the Health of Students; Music Students’ Education on the Preservation of Health and the Prevention of Professional Illnesses; Rizičnost visokoškolskoga glazbenog obrazovanja za zdravlje studenata i edukacija studenata glazbe o očuvanju zdravlja i prevenciji profesionalnih bolesti ,Radovi Zavoda za Znanstvenoistrazivacki i Umjetnicki Rad u Bjelovaru 16

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Abstract The paper examines the risk of academic music education for the health of students, and the inclusion of adequate health education for music students in study programmes at music academies in the Republic of Croatia. Results of contemporary scientific research have shown that young musicians, included in specialized music education, begin as early as in their childhood suffering from physical and mental problems connected with performing music. These problems escalate at the beginning of their studies. Frequent occurrence of physical and mental problems among students and professional musicians shows that engaging in highly skilled music presents a risk in the context of the health of musicians-performers. The analysis of study programmes for musicians-performers conducted at music academies in Croatia (N = 51) has shown that there exist neither courses nor any consistence regarding the set study outcomes in other study programme courses, which cover health education. The academic education of future music professionals and pedagogues in Croatia includes no necessary courses either for the preservation of physical and mental health or for the prevention of professional illnesses. Expressed is the need for conducting empirical research of the presence of health problems and education of students regarding potential health risks, and ways to seek advice and help. Results of this research and the proposed empirical research among students of music might be helpful in connection with raising awareness of the importance of the health education of future professional musicians and music pedagogues. They might furthermore be of help in the context of the implementation of a systematic education aimed at the preservation of the physical and mental health of students of music academies. © 2022 Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. All rights reserved.



Heritage 0.0000
Archives 0.0000
Libraries 0.0001
Book and Press 0.0001
Visual Arts 0.0000
Performing Arts 0.9994
Audiovisual and Multimedia 0.0002
Architecture 0.0001
Adverstizing 0.0000
Art crafts 0.0000
General cultural dimension 0.0000
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