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Id : 3025

Author :
Sinico M.


Atmosphere Design of Urban Places. A Scientific Phenomenological Approach

Reference :

Sinico M. Atmosphere Design of Urban Places. A Scientific Phenomenological Approach,Springer Series in Design and Innovation 20

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Abstract The aim of this chapter is to deal with the concept of atmosphere from a scientific phenomenological perspective, and to define it in terms that can be operationally used by designers of urban places. Within the theoretical context of Gestalt psychology experimental phenomenology, atmosphere falls into the category of tertiary-expressive qualities. Atmosphere is an expressive quality of a higher order, in the sense that it assimilates in a structure the expressive qualities of a lower order, but it does not unify them. The atmosphere of an urban place presents itself as an objective phenomenal property of the field outside the self; but, as long as the users are part of the dynamic ego-environment system, it can both generate contagion effects and activate processes within the users. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.



Heritage 0.0000
Archives 0.0000
Libraries 0.0001
Book and Press 0.0000
Visual Arts 0.9983
Performing Arts 0.0005
Audiovisual and Multimedia 0.0004
Architecture 0.0006
Adverstizing 0.0000
Art crafts 0.0000
General cultural dimension 0.0000
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