Analyze article and determine cultural category

Id : 3078

Author :
Vujičić M.D.; Stankov U.; Pavluković V.; Štajner-Papuga I.; Kovačić S.; Čikić J.; Milenković N.; Zelenović Vasiljević T.


Prepare for Impact! A Methodological Approach for Comprehensive Impact Evaluation of European Capital of Culture: The Case of Novi Sad 2022

Reference :

Vujičić M.D.; Stankov U.; Pavluković V.; Štajner-Papuga I.; Kovačić S.; Čikić J.; Milenković N.; Zelenović Vasiljević T. Prepare for Impact! A Methodological Approach for Comprehensive Impact Evaluation of European Capital of Culture: The Case of Novi Sad 2022,Social Indicators Research 165 2

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Abstract European Capitals of Culture (ECoC) is an initiative that promotes European cultural diversity with the aim of economic, cultural, and social revitalization. Measuring complex impacts is a constant challenge for both practitioners and academia. Thus, the paper presents a comprehensive impact assessment framework (iECoC) quantified through an integral aggregation operator based on a novel use of fuzzy measure (Choquet integral). The iECoC results in a single number, but has an inherent value of reviling its segmented structure, which separately depicts the impact on three segments: culture, economy, and community, thus providing insights into trends for sectoral decision-making. The impact is measured in three years span on the example of Novi Sad—European Capital of Culture 2022. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V.



Heritage 0.0007
Archives 0.0000
Libraries 0.0016
Book and Press 0.0000
Visual Arts 0.0061
Performing Arts 0.0014
Audiovisual and Multimedia 0.0001
Architecture 0.0017
Adverstizing 0.0000
Art crafts 0.0009
General cultural dimension 0.9876
Note: Due to lack of computing power, results have been previously created and saved in database