Analysis of interlinked descriptions of entities - objects, events, situations or abstract concepts – while also encoding the semantics

Id 186
Author Węziak-Białowolska, D.; Białowolski, P.
Title Cultural events – does attendance improve health? Evidence from a Polish longitudinal study

Węziak-Białowolska, D., Białowolski, P. Cultural events – does attendance improve health? Evidence from a Polish longitudinal study. BMC Public Health 16, 730 (2016).

Keywords cultural attendance; self-reported health; patient health questionnaire; longitudinal data; causal analysis
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Abstract Although there is strong advocacy for uptake of both the arts and creative activities as determinants of individual health conditions, studies evaluating causal influence of attendance at cultural events on population health using individual population data on health are scarce. If available, results are often only of an associative nature. In this light, this study investigated causative impact of attendance at cultural events on self-reported and physical health in the Polish population

Metodology Four recent waves (2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015) of the biennial longitudinal Polish household panel study, Social Diagnosis, were analysed. Causative influence of cultural attendance on population health was established using longitudinal population representative data. To account for unobserved heterogeneity of individuals and to mitigate issues caused by omitted variables, a panel data model with a fixed effects estimator was applied. The endogeneity problem (those who enjoy good health are more likely to participate in cultural activities more frequently) was circumvented by application of instrumental variables.

Technique Longitudinal study; self-report questionnaires; panel data; statistical longitudinal modelling techniques; OLS simple regression

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