Analysis of interlinked descriptions of entities - objects, events, situations or abstract concepts – while also encoding the semantics

Id 197
Author Stern, M., J.
Title Measuring the Outcomes of Creative Placemaking

Stern, Mark J. (2014). “Measuring the Outcomes of Creative Placemaking.” In Wilfried Eckstein (organizer), The Role of Artists & The Arts in Creative Placemaking, May 30-31, 2014, Baltimore, MD—Symposium Report (84-97). Washington DC: Goethe-Institut and EUNIC.

Keywords Social Impact; Arts; Outcomes; Placemaking; Creativity
Link to article
Abstract This paper was delivered by Mark Stern at a transatlantic symposium on the arts and artists in urban resilience held in Baltimore in May 2014. With the topic of creative placemaking outcome measurement, Stern took a step back to talk about the "outcomes problems" of creative placemaking. The focus of the talk was on the problems of conceptualization and measurement of the ways that creative placemaking can influence a place and the people who live, work, and visit there. The presentation had five sections: 1) the controversy over outcomes of creative placemaking; 2) the potential contradictions in its conceptual foundation; 3) how economic impact and creative economy approaches have addressed the question of measurement; 4) SIAP's approach to space and place; and 5) implications for policy and grantmaking.

Metodology In chapter 4, Stern explains the methodological approach developed by the University of Pennsylvania's Social Impact of the Arts Project (SIAP). In Philadelphia and other U.S. cities, they have developed quantitative indexes of different assets and combined them into a cultural asset index (CAI), that has been estimated for small geographies (typically, a census block group of 5-7 city blocks). They use geogrraphic information systems to then link cultural data to other measures of social wellbeing in order to study the arts' social impact. They supplement quantitative and spatial analysis with interviews and observational data to both generate hypotheses for testing and validate and give depth to their findings

Technique Interview; Observation; Statistical analysis; Spatial analysis; Qualitative methods

knowledge graph

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