Analysis of article to determine research methods used

Id : 2061

Author :
Najda-Janoszka M.; Sawczuk M.


Exploring engagement in value creation–a multi-stakeholder perspective in the museum context

Reference :

Najda-Janoszka M.; Sawczuk M. Exploring engagement in value creation–a multi-stakeholder perspective in the museum context,Museum Management and Curatorship 38 1

Link to article
Abstract This study builds on the multi-stakeholder perspective to explore the nature of stakeholder engagement across key areas of value creation in the museum context. The empirical research followed a multiple case study design, based on three cases selected in accordance with a maximum variation strategy. The investigation involved a qualitative content analysis of primary and secondary sources. The findings reveal a context-bound perception of stakeholders and varying conditions for their engagement in the value-creation process. The study provides a strategic perspective for a comprehensive, multi-layered review of the stakeholder engagement across different activity areas, and thus informs the formulation of strategies to improve the task-evidenced multi-voice narration within the scope of museum activities. © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.



case study, empirical research

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