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Id 742
Author Mantziou L.
Title Museum Cluster as Urban Defibrillator
Mantziou L.; Museum Cluster as Urban Defibrillator ;IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering vol:471.0 issue: 7.0 page:

Abstract In the 21st century, the regeneration and expansion of cultural areas, based on sustainability, memory preservation and aesthetics, is considered to strengthen the international presence of the city. This study focuses on museum clusters and explores their involvement in the evolution of the city. The urban design of museum clusters redefines the public space and potentially enhances the social, cultural and economic development of the city. The radiance of a museum cluster springs from the material and intangible values both in the museum content and in the urban and architectural environment. A museum cluster is engraved in the collective consciousness as an innovative site for knowledge communion and culture, as a special quality element of the city. © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.

