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Id 878
Author Małuj J., Załuski D.
Title Emotional and Social Potential of Art in the City
Małuj J., Załuski D.; Emotional and Social Potential of Art in the City ;IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering vol:245 issue: 4 page:

Abstract In the city residents are more often consumers than creators. Due to evolving specialization and the division of public tasks, citizens do not have an active influence on their surroundings and public spaces. They remain passive users who are detached from the process of creation. As a result, they often have no emotional connection to public space. On the basis of literature research, case studies, questionnaires as well as in-depth interviews with the inhabitants of Tri-City Metropolis (Poland), it has been noted that art capable of evoking emotions has a particular impact on both their attitudes and engagement in the process of city revitalization. Shared participation of artists and residents in shaping space through creative acts and artistic expression may contribute to greater satisfaction with the place of residence as well as a perceived increase in the quality of life. Creative acts and processes influence the sense of dignity and personal freedom and integrity, they may serve as a catalyst to unleash the residents authenticity, creativity and agency. The quality of art being created and its social impact depend on the model of cooperation, adopted and professed values as well as the principles being followed by the process of revitalization. This presentation discusses the what art, including street art, becomes after revitalization: a memory, an inspiration, a work of considerable material or social value or a feeling of insufficient fulfilment arrived upon due to compromise. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.

