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2019 View Noor U.; Mansoor M.; Shamim A. Customers create customers!–Assessing the role of perceived personalization, online advertising engagement and online users' modes in generating positive e-WOM 105.382
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2250 View Zhang X.; Zhang W.; Zhao Y.C.; Zhu Q. Imbalanced volunteer engagement in cultural heritage crowdsourcing: a task-related exploration based on causal inference 122.13
2244 View Bavi A.; Gupta N. Gamification of Digital Heritage as an Approach to Improving Museum and Art Gallery Engagement for Blind and Partially Sighted Visitors 131.869
2153 View Macdonald L.; Nicholls N.; Gallou E.; Monckton L.; Mitchell R. Is spatial exposure to heritage associated with visits to heritage and to mental health? A cross-sectional study using data from the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS) 134.745
2022 View Lou C.; Zhou X.; Huang X.; Qiu C.; Yuan M. Fostering consumer engagement during an omnipresent victim crisis: understanding the role of values in pandemic-themed advertising 137.24
2345 View Bangani S.; Dube L. Institutional commitment to community engagement in South African academic libraries 137.472
2709 View Buttazzoni A.; Minaker L. Exploring the relationships between specific urban design features and adolescent mental health: The case of imageability, enclosure, human scale, transparency, and complexity 139.412
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2077 View Foltz M.; Maldonado S.F.; Leipert K.; Hamelers R.; Shanker A. LGBTQ Community Archives in Small Urban Centers: Reflections on Community and University Partnerships to Build Awareness of the Lehigh Valley’s Rich LGBTQ History from AIDS Activism to Anti-Discrimination Legislation 142.366
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