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2322 View Hamad F.; Al-Fadel M.; Fakhouri H. The role of academic libraries and information specialists during times of health crises in Jordan: the COVID-19 pandemic case 94.6686
2053 View Flores-Fernández C.; Salgado C.C.; Cortés Á.R.; Ramírez C.Y. Provision of regional and national library and museum services in Chile during the health crisis due to COVID-19; Prestación de servicios de bibliotecas y museos regionales y nacionales de Chile durante la crisis sanitaria por COVID-19 97.3744
2297 View Lloyd J.K.; Alpi K.M.; Hoogland M.A.; Stephenson P.L.; Meyer E. Interlibrary loan and document delivery in North American health sciences libraries during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic 99.7163
2293 View Prilop V. Evaluating a Pandemic Chat Service in a Consumer Health Library 101.396
2290 View Adle M.; Behre J.; Real B.; St. Jean B. Moving toward Health Justice in the COVID-19 Era: A Sampling of US Public Libraries’ Efforts to Inform the Public, Improve Information Literacy, Enable Health Behaviors, and Optimize Health Outcomes 101.722
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2265 View Valero P.P.; Montesi M.; Rodríguez I.V. LIBRARIES BEFORE THE HEALTH CRISIS OF 2020–21. RESULTS OF A SURVEY OF WINNING LIBRARIES AND FINALISTS FOR THE FUNDACIÓN BIBLIOTECA SOCIAL AWARD; Biblioteques davant la crisi sanitària de 2020–21. Resultats d'una enquesta amb biblioteques guanyadores i finalistes del premi de la Fundación Biblioteca Social 104.205
2740 View Faedda S.; Plaisant A.; Talu V.; Tola G. The Role of Urban Environment Design on Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review 104.263
2678 View Idoiaga Mondragon N.; Eiguren Munitis A.; Berasategi Sancho N.; Picaza Gorrotxategi M.; Dosil Santamaria M. How are children coping with COVID-19 health crisis? Analysing their representations of lockdown through drawings 105.342
2628 View Dowrick A.; Rai T.; Hinton L.; Eacott B.; Baker S.; Askew M.; Ziebland S.; Locock L. Health inequalities, ethnic minorities and COVID19: interactive theatre workshop drawing on a qualitative interview study 106.468
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