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2297 View Lloyd J.K.; Alpi K.M.; Hoogland M.A.; Stephenson P.L.; Meyer E. Interlibrary loan and document delivery in North American health sciences libraries during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic 72.8352
2330 View Fleary S.A.; Gonçalves C.; Joseph P.L.; Baker D.M. Census Tract Demographics Associated with Libraries’ Social, Economic, and Health-Related Programming 87.0947
2261 View Brewster L.; Cox A.M. Taking a ‘whole-university’ approach to student mental health: the contribution of academic libraries 92.3921
2342 View Dudak L.T.; Comito L.; Zabriskie C. “You Can’t Self-Care Your Way Out of a Broken System”: The 2022 Urban Libraries Trauma Forum 94.5959
2263 View Wilson A.J.; Staley C.; Davis B.; Anton B. Libraries advancing health equity:a literature review 95.0137
2315 View Boyd F. Between the Library and Lectures: How Can Nature Be Integrated Into University Infrastructure to Improve Students’ Mental Health 97.5281
2313 View Bourgeois J.P. Graduate students in public health predict their actual usage of different library services and resources quite accurately 98.0898
2380 View Susilawati E.; Johari A.; Marzal J.; Anggereini E. Effects of Multimedia E-Books and Augmented Reality on Knowledge and Skills of Health Sciences Students: A Systematic Review 98.6329
2322 View Hamad F.; Al-Fadel M.; Fakhouri H. The role of academic libraries and information specialists during times of health crises in Jordan: the COVID-19 pandemic case 99.9179
2148 View Kuromiya H.; Majumdar R.; Miyabe G.; Ogata H. E-book-based learning activity during COVID-19: engagement behaviors and perceptions of Japanese junior-high school students 102.153
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