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2352 View Aisah S.; Ismail S.; Margawati A. Animated educational video using health belief model on the knowledge of anemia prevention among female adolescents: An intervention study 101.458
2666 View Carson T.L.; Hazzard V.M.; Finn E.; Lipson S.K. Participation in varsity sports, dance, and Greek life associated with menstrual disturbance in a national sample of female college students 105.511
2298 View Jameson J.; Duhon L. A 10-year follow-up survey of US academic libraries highlights the COVID-19 experience and greater interest in health information outreach 106.622
2146 View Andrade S.B.; Sools A.; Saghai Y. Writing styles and modes of engagement with the future 108.612
2270 View Chung E.Y.-H.; Tse T.T.-O. Effect of human library intervention on mental health literacy: a multigroup pretest–posttest study 111.273
2254 View Camuñas-García D.; Cáceres-Reche M.P.; Cambil-Hernández M.D.L.E. Maximizing Engagement with Cultural Heritage through Video Games 111.291
2133 View Shah A.R.; Ni L.; Bay A.A.; Hart A.R.; Perkins M.M.; Hackney M.E. Psychosocial Effects of Remote Reading with Telephone Support versus In-Person Health Education for Diverse, Older Adults 114.279
2303 View Liu J.; Sun H.L.; Zheng J. Factors affecting users' intention to use mobile health services of public libraries 114.726
2304 View Lozano H. Libraries as a Mental Health Resource 116.491
2515 View Moraes-Partelli A.N.; Coelho M.P.; Santos S.G.; Santos I.L.; Cabral I.E. Participation of adolescents from the Quilombola community in the creation of an educational game about alcohol consumption; Participação de adolescentes de comunidade Quilombola na criação de jogo educativo sobre o consumo de álcool ; Participación de adolescentes de comunidad Quilombola en la creación de juego educativo sobre consumo de alcohol 116.656
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