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2463 View David O.A.; Magurean S. Positive Attention Bias Trained during the Rethink Therapeutic Online Game and Related Improvements in Children and Adolescents’ Mental Health 68.26
2591 View He R. The Intervention of Music Therapy on Behavioral Training of High-Functioning Autistic Children under Intelligent Health Monitoring 89.7428
2352 View Aisah S.; Ismail S.; Margawati A. Animated educational video using health belief model on the knowledge of anemia prevention among female adolescents: An intervention study 90.7241
2413 View Schuler B.R.; Raknes S. Does group size and blending matter? Impact of a digital mental health game implemented with refugees in various settings 94.0661
2481 View Ingadottir B.; Laitonen E.; Stefansdottir A.; Sigurdardottir A.O.; Brynjolfsdottir B.; Parisod H.; Nyman J.; Gunnarsdottir K.; Jónsdóttir K.; Salanterä S.; Pakarinen A. Developing a Health Game to Prepare Preschool Children for Anesthesia: Formative Study Using a Child-Centered Approach 95.6225
2659 View Lai B.; Vogtle L.; Young R.; Craig M.; Kim Y.; Gowey M.; Swanson-Kimani E.; Davis D.; Rimmer J.H. Telehealth Movement-to-Music to Increase Physical Activity Participation Among Adolescents With Cerebral Palsy: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial 96.0334
2417 View Rodrigues M.A.F.; De Oliveira T.R.C.; De Figueiredo D.L.; Neto E.O.M.; Akao A.A.A.; De Lima G.H.M.; Silva V.L.N.; Karl A.L. An Interactive Story Decision-Making Game for Mental Health Awareness 98.3864
2512 View Roberts D. Multimedia learning methods and affective, behavioural and cognitive engagement: a universal approach to dyslexia? 104.72
2438 View Tuijnman A.; Kleinjan M.; Olthof M.; Hoogendoorn E.; Granic I.; Engels R.C.M.E. A Game-Based School Program for Mental Health Literacy and Stigma on Depression (Moving Stories): Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial 104.843
2492 View Reed J.; Salusky I.; Shattell M. Experiences of Mental Health Practitioners With Empathy Computer Games 105.248
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