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2651 View Nunes P.; Birdsall C. Curating the urban music festival: Festivalisation, the ‘shuffle’ logic, and digitally-shaped music consumption 109.938
2654 View Mieszek M. Theater Out in the Streets: Urban Space in Historical School Theaters; Teatr, który wychodził na ulice: Przestrzeń miejska w dawnych teatrach szkolnych 115.344
2649 View Nunes P. Music for all tastes: Urban festivals and cultural cosmopolitanism as strategies of social control in Portugal; Música para todos os gostos: Festivais urbanos e cosmopolitismo cultural como estratégias de controlo social em Portugal 121.218
2672 View Kałużny O. The effect of dance workshops participation on reaction time in persons with moderate intellectual disabilities - pilot study 122.483
2528 View Rugh R.; Humphries A.; Tasnim N.; Basso J.C. Healing minds, moving bodies: measuring the mental health effects of online dance during the COVID-19 pandemic 124.437
2646 View Spanu M. Cultural Industry and Urban Creativity in North America: A Comparative Evolution of Live Popular Music in Mexico City and Montreal; Industria cultural y creatividad urbana en América del Norte: Una evolución comparativa de la música popular en vivo en Ciudad de México y Montreal 126.3
2645 View Glückler J.; Panitz R. Live Music in the Time of Corona: On the Resilience and Impact of a Philharmonic Orchestra on the Urban Economy 126.745
2533 View Mathisen T.F.; Sundgot-Borgen C.; Anstensrud B.; Sundgot-Borgen J. Intervention in professional dance students to increase mental health- and nutrition literacy: A controlled trial with follow up 128.438
2639 View Kim J.; Park J. The Development and Validation of Qualitative Value Indicators of Region-Based Community Dance for Cultural Urban Regeneration 128.76
2642 View Swartjes B.; Berkers P. Designing Conviviality? How Music Festival Organizers Produce Spaces of Encounter in an Urban Context 131.462
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