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Id 954
Author Cárdenas R.E., Barriga A.P., Lizama J.I.
Title Artistic expression as a teaching strategy for the development of affectivity and self-esteem in people with Intellectual Disabilities and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) La expresión artística como estrategia didáctica para el desarrollo de la afectividad y la autoestima en una persona con Discapacidad Intelectual y Síndrome Alcohólico Fetal (SAF)

Cárdenas R.E., Barriga A.P., Lizama J.I.; Artistic expression as a teaching strategy for the development of affectivity and self-esteem in people with Intellectual Disabilities and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) La expresión artística como estrategia didáctica para el desarrollo de la afectividad y la autoestima en una persona con Discapacidad Intelectual y Síndrome Alcohólico Fetal (SAF) ;Arte, Individuo y Sociedad vol:29 issue: Special Issue page:205.0

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Abstract This article describes the artistic experiences of a person with Intellectual Disabilities and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) in a visual art workshop conducted in the premises of a municipal school in the city of Yungay, Chile. After using exploratory research, case study methodology and approximation results with different painting and drawing techniques as teaching tools that aimed to develop artistic learning in the school context, it has been concluded that visual arts broaden the channels of visual expression and serve as a way to communicate affectivity and self-esteem through certain practical exercises and systematic actions that benefit the mental health of people with intellectual disabilities. The conclusion also reinforces the importance of a proper atmosphere for the teaching of Arts and the value of creative activity in the context of diversity, self-discovery and a more affective inclusion with the educational community in general. © 2018 Universidad Complutense de Madrid.All right reserved.


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