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Id 135
Author Guetzkow, J.,
Title How the Arts Impact Communities: An introduction to the literature on arts impact studies
Guetzkow, J. (2002). How the Arts Impact Communities: An introduction to the literature on arts impact studies. Working Paper Series 20. Princeton: Centre for Arts and Culture Policy Studies, Princeton University.

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Abstract The author lay out some of the issues that need to be addressed when thinking about and studying how the arts impact communities, in addition to providing an introduction to the literature on arts impact studies. He begin discussing the mechanisms through which the arts are said to have an impact. Following this is a discussion of key theoretical and methodological issues involved in studying the impact of the arts. He conclude by suggesting areas for further research and reflecting on the limitations of past research.



How the Arts Impact Communities: An introduction to the literature on arts impact studies. the arts attract residents and businesses: the density of arts organizations and prevalence of arts events may play a role in attracting residents and businesses to re locate to a community by improving its image and making it more appealing. studies using this criterion usually focus on the economic impact of the arts so examining a well- defined tax base makes sense. despite the strengths of this type of analysis for describing in detail the supposed consequences of particular arts programs on particular individuals these studies are limited in a number of ways: first they tend to rely exclusively on the subjective accounts of people involved in the art programs or audience members in order to support their claims in short they tend to be anecdote-rich and evidence-poor though perhaps theres an argument to be made that a mountain of anecdotes serves as some kind of evidence. as a result it is especially incumbent upon arts researchers to carefully specify their definitions and think critically about the theoretical and empirical issues confronting them when attempting to take the measure of culture

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