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Id 141
Author Bonet, L., ; Négrier, E.,
Title The Participatory Turn in Cultural Policy: Paradigms, Models, Contexts.
Bonet, L.; Négrier, E. (2018). The Participatory Turn in Cultural Policy: Paradigms, Models, Contexts. Poetics, 66(1): 64-73.

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Abstract There is a participative turn in the field of cultural policy. Nevertheless, far from being coherent and generalized, this new focus is bound up with one of the peculiarities of cultural policies: namely, the coexistence of several paradigms that induce distinct versions of participation. Secondly, it faces three major changes that affect the relationship between culture and society. Technological, societal and political trends explain the growing role of participation as a protagonist in today’s Western societies, with significant consequences on how cultural behaviour and cultural institutional strategies are reconfigured. In order to clarify the plural dimensions of participation and its results and consequences on cultural life, we propose a model showing the distinct proactive roles of current citizens. This will then allow us to critically examine the arguments and organizational implications for the achievement of political goals as well as their relationship with stakeholders' positions and human behaviour. This discussion will be inspired by the assessment of BeSpectACTive!, a European action research project whose objective is to analyze active citizen participation in the field of performing arts.



Technological, societal and political trends explain the growing role of participation as a protagonist in todays Western societies, with significant consequences on how cultural behaviour and cultural institutional strategies are reconfigured. the three arrows at the bottom of figure make it possible to understand the contemporary dynamics of participation but also how they are differently implemented according to the contexts. in fact the differences in implementation are more related to the personality of the artists their experience and willingness to play the participatory game than to local political strategies. here the instability of the organization goes hand in hand with the uncertainty about the reality of participation. in a more decisively way than in ordinary periods context individuals whose leadership can orientate the project in one direction or the other are of crucial importance.

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