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Id 157
Author Williams, D.,
Title The social impact of arts programs. How the arts measure up: Australian research into social impact.
Williams, D. (1997). The social impact of arts programs. How the arts measure up: Australian research into social impact. Working Paper 8. Stroud, UK: Comedia.

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Abstract The aim of the project is to develop a methodology to evaluate the social impact of community arts programmes and assess impact in key areas. It argues public funded community based arts projects were powerful catalysts for community development.



It argues public funded community based arts projects were powerful catalysts for community development. respondents in this case study rated a positive response to these social capital indicators as follows: improved consultation between government and community: % improved communication of ideas and information: % increased appreciation of community arts: % comedia: siap working paper how the arts measure up. learning for human development helps people to evaluate critically and gain greater personal insights and understanding of the world around them. the reaffirmation of their values coupled with new skills forged the way for the community to establish a co-operative working partnership with comedia: siap working paper how the arts measure up council and achieve their vision for a recreational reserve. in short creating social capital found that successful community-based arts projects were effec- tive at generating new arts markets attracting non-arts funding and sponsorship to employ artists to work with communities and attracting significant levels of business investment in the form of donated goods and services.

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