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Id 163
Author Daykin, N.; Byrne, E.; Soteriou, T.; O’Connor, S.
Title The impact of art, design and enviroment in mental healthcare: a systematic review of the literature
Daykin, N., Byrne, E., Soteriou, T., & O’Connor, S. (2008). The impact of art, design and environment in mental healthcare: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of The Royal Society for the Promotion of Health, 128(2), 85–94.

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Abstract There has been a burgeoning interest in arts and the environment in healthcare. While research has been undertaken on the clinical impact of disciplines, relatively little research has studied the impact of broader arts for health interventions. This paper reports findings from a systematic review of the arts for health literature, encompassing research on the impact of visual art, design and the environment on the well-being of patients and staff in mental healthcare settings.



The impact of art, design and enviroment in mental healthcare: a systematic review of the literature. these activities exist within the expanding domain of arts for health a broad movement that encompasses a wide range of disciplines and practices from art therapy through to public art and architecture. for example the study by ulrich et al examined physiological measures including blood pressure and pulse rate as well as psychosocial self-report measures to compare the effects of nature conditions with other conditions on patients undergoing a stressful procedure blood donation in a us hospital. us hospital survey found that patients expressed a greater need for privacy than staff believed they had with the majority of medical and mental health patients preferring a private room. the data collection explored perceptions of the attributes of the arts as well as experiences of the ehca project and staff observations of its effects on users.

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