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Id 173
Author Sliwka, A.; Wloch, T.; Tynor, D.; Nowobilski, R.
Title Do asthmatics benefit from music therapy? A systematic review
Sliwka, A., Wloch, T., Tynor, D., & Nowobilski, R. (2014). Do asthmatics benefit from music therapy? A systematic review. Complementary therapies in medicine, 22(4), 756-766.

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Abstract More than 300 million people from countries all over the world suffer from asthma. Rates vary between countries, as prevalence ranges from 1 to 18%. This chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract affects people of all ages. When left untreated, asthma can lead to a significant reduction in the patient’s physical activity. Studies on the quality of life in asthma patients have indicated that symptoms depend not only on the severity and duration of the disease, but also on the social and psychological condition of the patient and their family. Additionally, it is described how stress impacts the perception of asthma symptoms, respiratory tract health, and asthma control. Strong emotions can be responsible for the exacerbation of asthma. Furthermore, depression can affect the patient’s compliance to treatment. Consequently, a lack of patients’ adherence decreases asthma control, leading them to lose faith in conventional treatment’s effectiveness. More and more often patients with asthma are turning to complementary and alternative treatments. Their great variety allows each patient to reach their individual needs and preferences. Literature also shows a development of multidisciplinary programs for asthma treatment that are complemented by relaxation methods such as progressive muscle, mental, muscular and functional relaxation, guided imagery, hypnotherapy, autogenic training, biofeedback techniques and music therapy. According to the American Music Therapy Association, music therapy is ‘‘the (. . .) use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program’’. Music therapists provide a targeted treatment including both intrumental and vocal music activities. Creating, singing, moving to, and/or listening to music are all popular methods of employing the music therapy. It has been successfully used in different branches of medicine. The method is easy to use in a clinical setting, is non-invasive, and relatively inexpensive. Similarly to other asthma treatment interventions that fit the category of CAM, there is lack of a defined statement concerning music therapy effectiveness in asthma treatment. The aim of our article is to systematically review the evidence of music therapy as a treatment approach for asthma.



Studies on the quality of life in asthma patients have indicated that symptoms depend not only on the severity and duration of the disease, but also on the social and psychological condition of the patient and their family. an electronic literature search through medline/pubmed embase sportdiscus cochrane library teacher refer- ence centre web of science academic search complete psycinfo psycarticles pedro and scopus was undertaken. of the publications a total of were excluded: were excluded because of inadequate intervention another because the intervention was not addressed to patients with asthma more because they did not meet the study design criteria and nally others because they described the same study population as the articles which had already been included to the nal assessment. in the rst study patients took part in -week program composed of -minute singing lessons for females while males played traditional didgeridoo sounds and melodies. in the second study participants took part in the same program but the lessons were min and spanned over weeks.

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