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Id 527
Author Jones P.
Title Situating universal design architecture: Designing with whom?
Jones P.; Situating universal design architecture: Designing with whom? ;Disability and Rehabilitation vol:36 issue: 16.0 page:1369

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Abstract Purpose: To respond to growing calls for a theoretical unpacking of Universal Design (UD), a disparate movement cohering around attempts to design spaces and technologies that seek to allow use by all people (to the fullest extent possible). The on-going embedding of UD into architectural practice and pedagogy represents an opportune juncture at which to draw learning from other distinct-but-related transformatory architectural movements. Methods: Sociological-theoretical commentary. Results: UD has to date, and necessarily, been dominated by the practice contexts from which it emerged. Appealing as a short-hand for description of designing-for-all, in most cases UD has come to stand in as a term to signal a general intent in this direction and as an umbrella term for the range of technical design resources that have been developed under these auspices. There remains a fundamental ambivalence vis-à-vis the question of users power/capacity to influence decision-making in the design process in UD; technically-oriented typologies of bodies predominate in influential UD architectural accounts. Conclusions: UD represents rich technical and pedagogical resources for those architects committed to transforming the existing built environment so as to be less hostile to a wide range of users. However, within UD, unpacking the social role of the professional architect vis-à-vis a variety of publics is an important, but hitherto underdeveloped, challenge; issues concerning professional-citizen power relations continue to animate parallel architectural politics, and UD can both contribute and draw much from these on-going explorations.Implications for RehabilitationUniversal Design (UD) architecture shares a close affinity with rehabilitation practice, with the creation of built environments that allow use by individuals with a wide range of capacities a priority for both.While an effective communicative bridge between professions, UDs deployment typically leaves unspoken the capacity of users to meaningfully affect decision-making in the design process.UD architecture has much to draw from, and contribute to, parallel movements in participatory architectural design; debates therein have illuminated much about the social practices underpinning designing for difference.UD could engage more fully with questions relating to the social and political role of the architect. © 2014 Informa UK Ltd.



Situating universal design architecture: Designing with whom?. As UD is being deployed in so many differing contexts analysis of definitive underlying foundations is not possible and attempts at such interrogation frequently require a significantly partial reconstruction of the movements otherwise scattered fragments before this work of analysis can begin. In the next section I propose an engagement between architects deploying UD and those participatory architectural initiatives that have attempted to put the user at the hub of any design exercise : page . Challenging an absent present: architectural design users and participation The User is a designers object a construction which is effective only in so far it conforms to what all reasonable participants to these design process see might be the case : page We all use concepts abstract entities to selectively organise experience : page when making sense of the world and acting in it . While designing architecture necessarily requires some notion of the types of bodies and mobilities that will use them no matter how nuanced or technically precise these conceptualisations of users are from the perspective of the participatory architectural literature discussed above if citizens are not involved in materially shaping the outcomes of the design process they risk reproducing a scenic disempowered notion of the user.

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