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Id 623
Author Sánchez-López I., Pérez-Rodríguez A., Fandos-Igado M.
Title Com-educational platforms: Creativity and community for learning
Sánchez-López I., Pérez-Rodríguez A., Fandos-Igado M.; Com-educational platforms: Creativity and community for learning ;Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research vol:8 issue: 2 page:214

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Abstract Education is at a time of redefinition and transformation, in line with an era characterized by considerable technological development and profound social changes. One would expect it to be accompanied by a media context in which narrative models are transformed by the impact of digitalization, affecting student-teacher interactions. However, it has been observed that the media usage of an entire generation emphasizes the gap between formal education and young peoples everyday digital life. Within this framework, and at the international level, a series of innovative pedagogical proposals have emerged, which approach education from the field of communication: Minecraft Education, NFB Education, EducArte, Scratch and 7 de Cinema. We have called them com-educational platforms, because of their investment in the education-communication vector, based on an educommunicative idea. The proposed study implements a multimodal discourse analysis (MDA) to gain an in-depth knowledge of its characteristics. Beyond their individual idiosyncrasies, our analysis reveals a common central feature: the placement of community-creativity combination as the core phenomenon for learning. © NAER Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research 2019.



Com-educational platforms: Creativity and community for learning. In this context didactics which one would assume should be ahead or at least in tune with technological development has been clearly exceeded. Thus in the case of Scratch the programming and the development of knowledge is recognized and in Minecraft Educations proposal Cipollone Schifter and Moffat argue that it offers a unique opportunity for students to show their creativity and their comprehension in ways that are more tangible than if they were conducted in the real world. Creative participation is recognized makes sense and has a specific value in a community environment. Along this line motivation creative participation the perspective of entertainment and enjoyment besides the tools that promote the creative value of narration and the exchanges in a community environment more directly connect with the new ways of thinking as described by Prez-Rodrguez and Delgado-Ponce and the cognitive logic of the digital media presented by Naughton and Considine et al.

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