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Id 952
Author Badía M.
Title Visual arts in people with dementia: A systematic review Las artes visuales en personas con demencia: Revisión Sistemática
Badía M.; Visual arts in people with dementia: A systematic review Las artes visuales en personas con demencia: Revisión Sistemática ;Arte, Individuo y Sociedad vol:29 issue: Special Issue page:9.0

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Abstract Dementia is a progressive health condition, affecting an increasing number of people, characterised by the cognitive impairment and the presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms that limit daily life and diminish the quality of life of the person. The goal of this systematic review is to analyse those investigations related to the impact of visual arts interventions on the health and well-being of people with dementia. This review has been done using Medline, PsycINFO and Cinalh databases. Out of 84 publications found, 18 met the inclusion criteria. The results highlight the current relevance of research on visual arts intervention in dementia, but the studies included small samples and showed important methodological weaknesses. Nevertheless, current literature suggests that with adequate supports people with dementia can produce and appreciate visual art, and improve the perception of physical and emotional well-being. © 2018 Universidad Complutense de Madrid.All right reserved.



Visual arts in people with dementia: A systematic review Las artes visuales en personas con demencia: Revisión Sistemática. The goal of this systematic review is to analyse those investigations related to the impact of visual arts interventions on the health and well-being of people with dementia. Los resultados de estos estudios han demostrado que la produccin artstica est influenciada por la severidad de las alteraciones cognitivas aunque la expresin artstica tiene un efecto positivo en la autoconcepto y la autoestima. En general los resultados de los estudios comprueban cambios y dificultades en la elaboracin artstica afirman la capacidad esttica de los pacientes y apoyan que las terapias artsticas creativas como terapias no farmacolgicas complementarias son eficaces para la enfermedad deAlzheimer y otras demencias en un marco estructurado de intervencin. Observed well-being among individuals with dementia: Memories in the Making an art program versus other structured activity.

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