Candidate transition variables for cultural domain


Article Authors Title Candidate transition variable
View Ander, E.; Thomson, L.; Lanceley, A.; Menon, U.; Noble, G. Heritage, Health and Wellbeing: Assessing the impact of a heritage focused intervention on health and wellbeing. Most participants expressed improved wellbeing after the intervention, such as improved mood, calmed anxiety or a feeling of enhanced confidence. .
View Morse, N.; Thomson, L.J.M.; Brown, Z.; Chatterjee, H.J. Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users elicit an emotional response that encourages positive feelings such as optimism, hope and enjoyment; . .
View Thomson, L. J. M.; Chatterjee, H. J. Well-Being With Objects: Evaluating a Museum ObjectHandling Intervention for Older Adults in Health Care Settings It was hypothesized that prepost comparisons would demonstrate enhanced well-being (increase in positive emotion, wellness and happiness; decrease in negative emotion) across settings. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement It improves my wellbeing being there, yes. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Its physical, practical and psychological doing is a functionality that had a positive impact on health and wellbeing for the participating service users. .
View Paddon H.L., Thomson L.J.M., Menon U., Lanceley A.E., Chatterjee H.J. Mixed methods evaluation of well-being benefits derived from a heritage-in-health intervention with hospital patients The study demonstrated statistically significant, overall enhancement of psychological well-being as determined by the PANAS measures, and subjective well-being and happiness as determined by the VAS measures. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing The findings reveal a rich array of positive benefits on the participants' social wellbeing with/in the community. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing There was some evidence of a growing sense of collective social wellbeing which stemmed from the projects amongst the wider community. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing And that was a relief, you know. .
View Beauchet O., Cooper-Brown L., Hayashi Y., Galery K., Vilcocq C., Bastien T. Effects of thursdays at the Museum at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the mental and physical health of older community dwellers: The art-health randomized clinical trial protocol Wellbeing is positively associated with quality of life and physical health benefits, including a decreased risk for disease, speedier disease recovery, and increased longevity 6-13 . .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections I felt a sense of achievement very much so, selfesteem. .
View Koebner I.J., Fishman S.M., Paterniti D., Sommer D., Witt C.M., Ward D., Joseph J.G. The art of analgesia: A pilot study of art museum tours to decrease pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain Participants indicated high satisfaction with the program. .
View Koebner I.J., Fishman S.M., Paterniti D., Sommer D., Witt C.M., Ward D., Joseph J.G. The art of analgesia: A pilot study of art museum tours to decrease pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain Program satisfaction was high. .
View Koebner I.J., Fishman S.M., Paterniti D., Sommer D., Witt C.M., Ward D., Joseph J.G. The art of analgesia: A pilot study of art museum tours to decrease pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain Nevertheless, interviewees comments were largely positive. .
View Morse, N.; Thomson, L.J.M.; Brown, Z.; Chatterjee, H.J. Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users are calming and reduce anxiety; . .
View Binnie, J. Does Viewing Art in the Museum Reduce Anxiety and Improve Wellbeing? While there were several restrictions within these studies, they do illustrate that a decrease in perceived anxiety from the stresses of everyday life can be experienced. .
View Morse, N.; Thomson, L.J.M.; Brown, Z.; Chatterjee, H.J. Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users promote self-esteem and a sense of identity and community; and . .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections Self-esteem Another key area related in interviews was the development of self-esteem through the programme. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery Undoubtedly, these effects are connected with increasing self-esteem and the time-out phenomenon mentioned in the previous section. .
View Beauchet O., Cooper-Brown L., Hayashi Y., Galery K., Vilcocq C., Bastien T. Effects of thursdays at the Museum at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the mental and physical health of older community dwellers: The art-health randomized clinical trial protocol This program helped to create a much broader approach to health promotion with a strong community focus. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community It is social and they are able to chat. .
View Morse, N.; Thomson, L.J.M.; Brown, Z.; Chatterjee, H.J. Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users provide a positive social experience, reducing social isolation; . .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works Social engagement This was a process of building relationships and meaningful connections which in turn increased engagement in the program, It made me feel less lonely. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Through public involvement, social networks and cohesion can be developed. .
View Camic P.M., Baker E.L., Tischler V. Theorizing how art gallery interventions impact people with dementia and their caregivers Competency Various participants appeared to achieve a sense of competency through the experience: The team was very encouraging. .
View Ander, E.; Thomson, L.; Lanceley, A.; Menon, U.; Noble, G. Heritage, Health and Wellbeing: Assessing the impact of a heritage focused intervention on health and wellbeing. It is also crucial that people feel a sense of relatedness to other people, so that in addition to the personal, internally focused elements, peoples social experiences - the degree to which they have supportive relationships and a sense of connection with others - form a vital aspect of well-being. .
View Beeksma, A., ; Chiara , D., C. Participatory heritage in a gentrifying neighbourhood: Amsterdam’s Van Eesteren Museum as affective space of negotiations People are encouraged to belong to the neighbourhood and to feel connected to it. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts As a result, people's sense of community and of belonging is strengthened. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Finally, it has potential benefits for the residents. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Residents' social relations positively influence their subjective well-being by positively influencing .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Residents' sense of community positively influences their subjective well-being by positively influencing .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Residents' social environment positively influences their subjective well-being by positively influencing .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Residents' perceived positive tourism impact positively influences their subjective well-being by positively influencing .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Sense of community demonstrated a significant positive effect on residents' cognitive wellbeing. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Residents with higher household income, better housing conditions, and a higher standard of living are more satisfied with their life and are happier. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites A higher sense of community, comprising of sense of belonging, autonomy and proudness of living in the community, contributes to residents positive cognitive well-being. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites The benefits of social environment are easy to observe and are valued by residents. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Residents experience more positive affect when they perceive tourism as having positive impacts on the local community. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Tourism has helped to increase the standard of living, improve local infrastructure, and promote local culture and crafts. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Tourism can lend a hand to building a better social environment for residents. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Inhabitants daily social lives should be enriched and their native sense strengthened through the revitalization projects. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria This model also allows for the promotion of inclusive cultural heritage, a new concept for some in archaeological circles. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Urban renewal is intended to improve the urban environment in accordance with the changing economic and social needs of the people. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts To do so, it can engender a more sustainable relationship between heritage conservation and overall planning in urban renewal..
View Vardopoulos I., Stamopoulos C., Chatzithanasis G., Michalakelis C., Giannouli P., Pastrapa E. Considering urban development paths and processes on account of adaptive reuse projects More broadly, findings from the current research could be valuable to decision-makers and involved stakeholders aiming to achieve successful sustainable urban development. .
View Lange-Valdés C. Architecture as an apparatus of urban regeneration: 20 years of the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum La arquitectura como dispositivo de regeneración urbana: 20 años del Museo Guggenheim Bilbao The foregoing merits a detailed review regarding its ability to produce new forms of urbanity. .
View Collazo A.A. Progress, mobility and Urban regeneration in a traditional neighbourhood: El Encino, Mexico In the pursuit of a sustainable city it is necessary to promote healthy and functional neighbourhoods. .
View Plaza B., Tironi M., Haarich S.N. Bilbaos art scene and the Guggenheim effect revisited This newly emerged art cluster is the result of a comprehensive urban regeneration strategy with the goal to improve local urban structures, social integration and quality of life. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria This can enhance the quality and capacity for dialogue. .
View Beeksma, A., ; Chiara , D., C. Participatory heritage in a gentrifying neighbourhood: Amsterdam’s Van Eesteren Museum as affective space of negotiations This form of citizenship centres on feelings of local belonging and makes people feel that a certain place is truly home. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Sense of community and cultural identity Sense of community can be defined as a feeling that members have of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members' needs will be met through their commitment to be together. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Moreover, feelings of attachment help inhabitants find their roots and strengthen their sense of local identity, belonging and security. .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections This shared understanding of each other played a key role in building a sense of community in the programme. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community The residents bonded well with each other and friendships among residents developed as had shared experiences. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. And the feeling of bonding and friendship with the other participants, you know, who are going through. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development This awareness calls for a reflection on cultural and social dynamics capable of contributing to the process of empowerment of local communities. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. A knowledgeable, compassionate, flexible, and thoughtful facilitator created an atmosphere of respect and openness. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works For example, the various program components enabled learning, connection, activity, opportunities to engage with others, and shared experiences to occur. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria During this phase many stakeholders and partners came together to deliver a cultural base community development program in the area. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development As a final outcome, the art determines choral harmony, which generates a field of attractive forces in the landscape. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites When residents see their own cultural heritage being better preserved, they have more pride and higher SWB. .
View Sandell, R., Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change. At an individual or personal level, engagement with museums can deliver positive outcomes such as enhanced self-esteem, confidence and creativity. .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. Aim of the questions was not only to locate heritage values, but also understand that heritage potential assists sustainable development locally and specifically affects communitys well-being. .
View Binnie, J. Does Viewing Art in the Museum Reduce Anxiety and Improve Wellbeing? For many people working within the cultural sector, this belief is the motivating factor behind their commitment to their work. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts In these cases, urban renewal and heritage conservation can compliment and support each other, resulting in the local people building new place attachments and having a sense of belonging. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Social factors of heritage conservation The literature on conservation around the world discusses the ways that heritage conservation can contribute to the social wellbeing of people in urban renewal and regeneration districts. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts It contributes to a unique sense of place and community tradition. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts A heritage site is also a common means/ground to link people to their roots. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Moreover, heritage building should reflect self or community identity and enrich daily social lives, thus, contributing to cultural diversity. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts First, revitalized heritage buildings can affect the behavior and attitudes of the members of the community collectively and help them form some kind of bond. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Third, if a revitalized heritage building can retain the inhabitants' sense of ownership of place, this may contribute to improving their self-esteem. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Finally, after revitalization, the heritage buildings should become landmarks in the districts whose own symbolic meanings arise from symbols, spirit, emotions and nostalgia of place. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts The heritage buildings can also act as platforms for exchanging diversified cultures and to foster creativity. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts As well, a heritage conservation project is considered to be socially beneficial if it can enhance social interactions and social networks in the community and is associated with collective memory, which helps to create a stronger cultural identity and sense of community. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts At the same time, a heritage conservation project should also enhance cultural diversity and engender creativity. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts With the implementation of responsive policies and the organization of community events and activities, heritage conservation can enhance social interaction and social networks, enrich collective memory and create cultural identity, cultural diversity and sense of community. .
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals Results suggest that these types of cultural heritages are important place-based resources with a potential to contribute to improved regional attractiveness and growth..
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals Alongside these traditional factors, we also find that there are some natural and cultural qualities that are positively associated with growth in human capital. .
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals The local supply of built heritages (listed monuments, historical buildings and site) and cultural environments is positively associated with the growth in human capital. .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections There is also good evidence to show that creative engagement in museums supports health and wellbeing, quality of life, social inclusion and lifelong learning. .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections The new learning gained from the programme, across both nature and arts topics, also contributed to a shared sense of community and individual self-esteem, thereby reducing feelings of isolation commonly reported by participants before the start of the project. .
View Monsuez J.-J., François V., Ratiney R., Trinchet I., Polomeni P., Sebbane G., Muller S., Litout M., Castagno C., Frandji D. Museum moving to inpatients: Le louvre à l’hôpital Arts and cultural programs were reported to enhance their quality of life. .
View Morse N., Chatterjee H. Museums, health and wellbeing research: co-developing a new observational method for people with dementia in hospital contexts The museum professionals wanted the programme to support participant wellbeing by providing an enjoyable time and an opportunity to connect emotionally with museum objects they might remember from their childhood. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Meaning in life The findings in the study show that the service users have a comprehensive understanding of the role that the arts and cultural activity have in their lives and this understanding makes them experts on their own engagement in the arts and places them in a position to contribute as an engaged expert in their recovery. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Being able to develop a creative identity and engaging in arts activities has positive wellbeing benefits and provide purpose and/or meaning in life to some service users. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement In this way, engagement in arts can be a vital element in rebuilding life, contributing to survival and providing meaning in life for a service user and as a positive step in the recovery journey. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community Engagement in cultural and creative arts by older people can increase their morale and self-confidence and provides opportunities for social connection. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center Appreciating art thus appears to promote both subjective and objective improvement in recovery and community re-integration for veterans who are experiencing chronic and disabling emotional distress. .
View Paddon H.L., Thomson L.J.M., Menon U., Lanceley A.E., Chatterjee H.J. Mixed methods evaluation of well-being benefits derived from a heritage-in-health intervention with hospital patients Heritage-in-health interventions offered by museums (including art galleries) exemplify the NEF view of well-being, particularly the actions concerned with connecting and learning seen to promote renewed confidence and enjoyment. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients Additionally, heritage objects were aesthetically pleasing in their colour, form and pattern while handmade items demonstrated the makers skills. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients The research found that the sensory nature of museum objects, combined with a positive narrative, enhanced feelings of confidence, vitality, participation, identity, enjoyment and wellbeing. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development As it improves personal development, in turn heritage induces the improvement of interpersonal relationships. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria This, in turn, led to sustainability of key communities and offers the potential for inclusive growth in cultural heritage and cultural tourism, post conflict. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria Strengthening the Sense of Belonging and Empowering Local Groups Engaging with community archaeology and heritage projects not only reinforces the need for communities to come together, it enhances the relationships. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria Such engagement in cultural activities has been found to result in: the gaining of new skills improved informal and formal learning, increased self-confidence, self-esteem and feeling of self-worth, the improvement or creation of social networks, an enhanced quality of life, the promotion of social cohesion, personal and community empowerment, and improvement of personal and local image, identity and wellbeing. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria Practically, we also found that art and culture policies that lead to community engagement, storytelling and exchange of cultural heritage can have lasting effects that can aid in conflict prevention and help grow the development of cultural heritage, especially as opportunities for women. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria We also found that those that utilised the long lasting traditions of arts and cultural production were able to help validate peoples stories (the intangible cultural heritage) and perspectives by bringing people together to discover shared goals and strength. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria Inspiring Social Action Another factor that can be at the core of shaping identity and a sense of belonging is the nature of the archaeological work as a process to produce heritage; therefore, people engaged in these practices are a focus of local cultures and traditions and often become more engaged in their communities which helps the inclusion practices through social connectedness, participation and partnership, which, in turn, empower the indicators of social inclusion like understanding, acceptance and mutual trust. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing These include personal enrichment, social learning, satisfaction from sharing the heritage products with others, and less anxiety about the present. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Whether becoming involved in heritage is good for ones health is thus significant in this respect. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Understanding the spaces being created and occupied by community-based heritage groups and whether they are likely to promote social wellbeing is important. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Heritage conservation as noted above is by its very nature about generating a closer relationship with one's local area. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing From the above two comments, it is clear that heritage conservation can go some way towards helping people make strong connections with their local sense of place and to some extent help alleviate some present day anxieties. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Moreover, these positive affects appeared to have contributed to wider experiences of belonging, engagement, and social wellbeing, with each tied to place overtly. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing For the first point, there were obvious benefits from being able to draw on one's love of history and place, in terms of building and sustaining one's sense of belonging, cultural identity and security in one's area. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Our findings show that people can develop much stronger, long-lasting connections with their communities through the heritage conservation work. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Moreover, we would argue that facing these challenges can have longer lasting health-enabling effects, given the wider collective sense of community, belonging, order, balance, stability and place which can be cultivated and sustained by researching and conserving the heritage of one's local area. .
View Fancourt, D.; Steptoe, A.; Cadar, D. Cultural engagement and cognitive reserve: museum attendance and dementia incidence over a 10-year period Visiting museums is also a light physical activity so could reduce the negative effects of sedentary behaviours. .
View Binnie, J. Does Viewing Art in the Museum Reduce Anxiety and Improve Wellbeing? Discussion From the data collected within these two studies it appears that, at least for the museum visiting population, viewing art within a museum does have a positive impact upon anxiety, and thus also wellbeing. .
View Binnie, J. Does Viewing Art in the Museum Reduce Anxiety and Improve Wellbeing? This positive experience for museums and art gallery visitors suggests that as well as being seen as educational or enjoyable places to visit, that the well-known idea that they are spaces of calm within a busy world can be true and as such museums and art galleries can be seen as places beneficial to personal wellbeing..
View Mastandrea S., Maricchiolo F., Carrus G., Giovannelli I., Giuliani V., Berardi D. Visits to figurative art museums may lower blood pressure and stress Visits to art museum, in particular representational art style, may have positive effects on stress, decreasing heart rate and blood pressure. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement The service users found museums to be places where they found stimulation and a place for learning, relaxation and wellbeing: Museums are very important ... important for people from the hospital who have been through crises, for inspiration . if they spent their time on creativity, then museum and galleries are a good idea . It makes my life better . I gained inspiration from the visits (Lotte). .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion Using psychophysiological measures, studies find visits to art museums decrease stress, which could promote health and well-being (Clow and Fredhoi, 2006; Mastandrea et al., 2018). .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing There can also be health benefits associated with walking around between places associated with the heritage project. .
View Fancourt, D.; Steptoe, A.; Cadar, D. Cultural engagement and cognitive reserve: museum attendance and dementia incidence over a 10-year period Theories of cognitive reserve suggest that complex and stimulating experiences can enhance neuronal structure and brain function, protecting against neurodegeneration.1 .
View Fancourt, D.; Steptoe, A.; Cadar, D. Cultural engagement and cognitive reserve: museum attendance and dementia incidence over a 10-year period In conclusion, this novel analysis demonstrates that cultural participation through museum attendance could provide opportunities for interventions in older adults as a way of supporting engaged lifestyles to prevent dementia. .
View Thomson, L. J.; Lockyer, B.; Camic, P. M.; Chatterjee, H. J. Effects of a museum-based social prescription intervention on quantitative measures of psychological wellbeing in older adults Conclusion: Museums can be instrumental in offering museum-based programmes for older adults to improve psychological wellbeing over time. .
View Thomson, L. J.; Lockyer, B.; Camic, P. M.; Chatterjee, H. J. Effects of a museum-based social prescription intervention on quantitative measures of psychological wellbeing in older adults CONCLUSION Museums can be instrumental in offering older adult activities that improve psychological wellbeing and may lead to long-term outcomes such as sustained social capital and enhanced physical health. .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Spiro N., Williamon A., Fancourt D. Longitudinal associations between short-term, repeated, and sustained arts engagement and well-being outcomes in Older Adults These findings, taken together with previous evidence of the importance of arts engagement for well-being in older adulthood, suggest that policies that facilitate access to certain arts venues and support older adults engagement with them, for example, through free admission schemes and investments in local cultural initiatives, may help to promote happy, fulfilling lives of an increasing segment of the population..
View Fancourt D., Steptoe A. The art of life and death: 14 year follow-up analyses of associations between arts engagement and mortality in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing This finding is consistent with research that shows that receptive arts engagement can help in preventing and managing depression, and that it can provide support in preventing cognitive decline and in developing cognitive reserve. .
View Fancourt D., Steptoe A. Cultural engagement predicts changes in cognitive function in older adults over a 10 year period: Findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing There is increasing evidence that leading an active, socially engaged lifestyle might protect against cognitive decline. .
View Fancourt D., Steptoe A. Cultural engagement predicts changes in cognitive function in older adults over a 10 year period: Findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Complex and stimulating experiences can enhance neuronal structure and brain function through additional environmental stimulation and thereby provide a protective effect either against neurodegeneration or cognitive decline. .
View Fancourt D., Steptoe A. Cultural engagement predicts changes in cognitive function in older adults over a 10 year period: Findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing So combined stress-reducing and affect-enhancing effects of receptive cultural activities provide another explanation for how receptive cultural activities could protect against cognitive decline. .
View Fancourt D., Steptoe A. Cultural engagement predicts changes in cognitive function in older adults over a 10 year period: Findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing In light of this, a key consideration is whether programmes to increase cultural engagement amongst older adults could specifically arrest a decline in cognitive function. .
View Binnie, J. Does Viewing Art in the Museum Reduce Anxiety and Improve Wellbeing? One type of response which is of particular interest within this research is that of a sense of relaxation, calming and the reduction of anxiety. .
View Beauchet O., Cooper-Brown L., Hayashi Y., Galery K., Vilcocq C., Bastien T. Effects of thursdays at the Museum at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the mental and physical health of older community dwellers: The art-health randomized clinical trial protocol In conclusion, participation in museums art-based activities has received growing interest from researchers and policy-makers due to their potentially positive effects on mental and physical health. .
View Mastandrea S., Maricchiolo F., Carrus G., Giovannelli I., Giuliani V., Berardi D. Visits to figurative art museums may lower blood pressure and stress This sort of behavioral treatment could be indicated for people who suffer from hypertension or other health problems, gaining direct beneficial effects in terms of relaxation and stress recovering..
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement The functionality ascribed to arts in mental health is illustrated by using art to make sense of the day and creating meaning in life as a tool for inspiration and motivation, and feeling good and relaxed, as described in the comments by the service users. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion In this review, we consider the idea that the positive emotional output elicited from the aesthetic experience affects mood, and indirectly promotes health and well-being. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion CONCLUSION Aesthetic experience, in many settings, may promote well-being. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion The self-rewarding nature of aesthetic experience may influence the beholders affective state, possibly improving wellbeing. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center Considerable research has shown the positive effects of art, music and drama therapy on mental health and well-being. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients Sessions visibly calmed anxiety and, in some cases, increased levels of enjoyment in depressed patients. .
View Camic P.M., Baker E.L., Tischler V. Theorizing how art gallery interventions impact people with dementia and their caregivers Psychologically informed arts and health programs may be particularly beneficial ways of improving the lives of people with dementia and their caregivers. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing 2. Researching heritage, place and wellbeing As indicated, the health geography literature has explored the beneficial physical and mental health effects of participating in a range of community-based activities. .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections Nature prescriptions can promote physical activity leading to positive health outcomes, while contact with nature can have an additional restorative effect on mental wellbeing. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works People left their homes and became more active: I think it's walking about, getting there, the journey as a way of keeping healthy, exercising, doing stairs. .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. In such an approach, knowledge gained from projects, referred to usually as legacy, can be more efficiently incorporated in the institutional capital of heritage organizations and retrofitted into the successive project planning and design processes they undertake. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts In doing so, this new approach to heritage conservation contributes to the physical fabric and character of a surrounding environment. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center One of the most important aspects of the recovery model is the support of cultural diversity and lifelong learning. .
View Whitesell E.R. A day at the museum: The impact of field trips on middle school science achievement Support for this strategy is found in research on in- and out-of-school contributions to learning. .
View Whitesell E.R. A day at the museum: The impact of field trips on middle school science achievement The extensive PD UA teachers undergo with regard to integrating inquiry experiences and planning field trips could increase confidence in their ability to design trips that contribute meaningfully to students education outcomes, including test scores. .
View Whitesell E.R. A day at the museum: The impact of field trips on middle school science achievement This information will lead to a better understanding of how field trips influence students educational development and achievement. .
View Whitesell E.R. A day at the museum: The impact of field trips on middle school science achievement On the one hand, this is an ideal setting for studying field trips, as it provides evidence about the potential class field trips have for improving students achievement. .
View Bandelli A. Assessing scientific citizenship through science centre visitor studies How science centres strengthen scientific competence has been studied in various domains from the perspective of learning, engagement, literacy, etc. .
View Rahm J. Multiple Modes of Meaning-Making in a Science Center Such studies would also help clarify the methodological challenges inherent in studies of learning trajectories and facilitate an expansion of research methods needed to address the much more complex questions such notions of learning pose. .
View Rahm J. Multiple Modes of Meaning-Making in a Science Center Through such sustained opportunities of involvement in the museum, they were able to develop not only a deeper understanding of the science embedded in the exhibits, but also came to realize their potential as learners in a general sense. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development Art, identified as super-core creativity, has a special function in the relationship between community and built environment, because it contributes to the construction of a new critical knowledge, able to recreate communities. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria It is clear that cultural participation can lead to the development and enhancement of many skills and competences. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing There was a clear awareness of the beneficial effects of giving young people an opportunity to become involved in the heritage research projects. .
View Ander, E.; Thomson, L.; Lanceley, A.; Menon, U.; Noble, G. Heritage, Health and Wellbeing: Assessing the impact of a heritage focused intervention on health and wellbeing. In conclusion, closer links between heritage and social care organizations, such as hospitals or care homes, offers significant mutualistic benefits and should not be underestimated..
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Higher cognitive well-being and more positive affects reinforce residents' support for tourism. .
View Beeksma, A., ; Chiara , D., C. Participatory heritage in a gentrifying neighbourhood: Amsterdam’s Van Eesteren Museum as affective space of negotiations For all of them though, volunteering for the museum is a profoundly meaningful experience that gives people a sense of empowerment by enabling them to contribute to their living environment and their own self-improvement. .
View Thomson, L. J.; Lockyer, B.; Camic, P. M.; Chatterjee, H. J. Effects of a museum-based social prescription intervention on quantitative measures of psychological wellbeing in older adults The reported study contributes to a wider body of evidence on how cultural engagement can bring about positive outcomes for older adults at risk of social exclusion by improving positive emotion; it is likely that this occurs through creative processes involving new learning and acquisition of skills, and the formation of social capital through co-productivity, exchange of ideas, and enhanced sense of community and belonging. .
View Morse, N.; Thomson, L.J.M.; Brown, Z.; Chatterjee, H.J. Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users The assetbased model focuses on connecting communities and people as a way to bolster community and individual health and well-being. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts In addition, the revitalized heritage buildings can help people continue their daily social lives. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts In contrast, mutual trust between community members could be developed through a heritage conservation regime. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts In addition, better accessibility to heritage buildings could elicit better public participation. .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections Self-esteem was derived through social interactions around group activities outdoors where participants would help and support one another in activities (e.g. helping someone to dig), as well as supporting each other through informal, social discussion around the activities, both giving participants a sense of purpose. .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections Each of these interacted to form the collective experience of the intervention; the sense of community supported a decrease in social isolation while self-esteem was boosted through social interaction. .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Fancourt D., Williamon A. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between receptive arts engagement and loneliness among older adults These venues provide social spaces and opportunities to engage with the arts and leisure activities, and could be utilised as assets to help reduce loneliness within communities. .
View Koebner I.J., Fishman S.M., Paterniti D., Sommer D., Witt C.M., Ward D., Joseph J.G. The art of analgesia: A pilot study of art museum tours to decrease pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain Among interviewees who indicated a beneficial response to the intervention, several noted that it also raised awareness that social connection could mitigate the burden of their chronic pain in the longer term. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Communities and institutions can be a support in this process by establishing social networks and different sorts of social support that can encourage people through difficult transitions and periods of vulnerability in life. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works These components operated within a context that was enriched by the museum as a place to support wellbeing and enhance social interaction. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community The findings demonstrate there were benefits to the older people and their care staff in terms of wellbeing, social engagement, learning, social inclusion and creativity. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community The overall aim or goal of the programme was to promote wellbeing for older people living in residential care in the community through cultural and creative arts activities by engaging with gallery/museum exhibitions and collections. .
View Paddon H.L., Thomson L.J.M., Menon U., Lanceley A.E., Chatterjee H.J. Mixed methods evaluation of well-being benefits derived from a heritage-in-health intervention with hospital patients Conclusions: Heritage-in-health sessions enhanced positive mood and social interaction, endorsing the need for provision of well-being-related museum and gallery activities for socially excluded or vulnerable healthcare audiences. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients Many wellbeing outcomes derived from increased levels of conversation, and from improved social skills developed through discussion about museum objects. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development In literature, social impacts of heritage on community relate to three areas of impact: greater interaction between people, that hence the strengthening of social capital; a deeper sense of collective identity, linked to sense of place; enhanced levels of awareness and understanding between particular groups, with a positive effect on community cohesion (HLF 2015). .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development From the regeneration of relations between community and built environment it is possible to activate new virtuous development processes, linked to symbiosis between people/place and synergies between people. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development While they feed material culture, enhancing planning and designing capacity of local community and putting in relation old place and new technologies, they contribute to regenerating social capital, nurturing both bonding and social capital and building bracing capital. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development As it contributes to rediscovering the sense of belonging and in turn to re-activating the bond between people and place, this kind of tourism is able to produce circular relationships with local community. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development This scenario does not contrast with tourism, but rather it contributes to develop integrated economic activity and to improve the relationships of tourists and local people. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria The paper demonstrates how the contribution of community archaeology in soft power change has assisted personal and community empowerment through inclusive cultural heritage on an individual level while strengthening social networks to mobilise the impact on the community as a whole. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria When communities are engaged with cultural activity, or, in this case, a heritage formation process through an archaeological project, this can help to increase communication and social skills. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective (2010) notions on social inclusion in a tourism context have been identified as tourists benefit from audience development schemes that enhance their cultural capital strengthening their social bonds and fostering social capital. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing For example, they can create mutually supportive atmospheres that can tackle social isolation and enhance people's quality of life and social wellbeing. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Bringing people together Secondly, we were interested in the extent to which the social aspects of community-based heritage research were important in sustaining people's interest in the projects. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing The findings revealed a rich array of examples of gaining social wellbeing through interacting with others with shared interests. .
View Grossi, E.; Blessi, G. T.; Sacco, P.L. Magic moments: Determinants of stress relief and subjective wellbeing from visiting a cultural heritage site. The study underlines the potential of the arts and culture as a new platform for public health practices and new approaches to welfare policy design..
View Grossi, E.; Blessi, G. T.; Sacco, P.L. Magic moments: Determinants of stress relief and subjective wellbeing from visiting a cultural heritage site. Therefore, cultural participation should be regarded as a key structural factor in evaluating the individual and social effects of arts-and-culture-focused health policies..
View Sandell, R., Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change. However, more recently, research into the origins of the concept and its applicability to the cultural sector has contributed to an enhanced understanding of the change imperatives that the social inclusion agenda brings with it. .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. At the same time, innovative tools for community-led heritage management, tourism planning and inclusive governance are on the rise. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Cultural diversity and creativity It is claimed that acknowledging and maintaining cultural diversity can enhance quality of life. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts The survey helped to provide valuable insight into the social effects of heritage conservation in urban renewal districts. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts To begin with, it is important to provide public involvement opportunities during the heritage conservation and urban renewal process. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Moreover, as part of the urban renewal strategy, promoting public awareness of local heritage and the preservation of traditional industries is essential for achieving more successful heritage conservation. .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Fancourt D., Williamon A. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between receptive arts engagement and loneliness among older adults If replicated in future studies, these findings would suggest that those who manage places and spaces for arts engagement should, at the least, be aware of the potential for their venues to facilitate shared experiences and positive social interactions and, even better, direct their resources and programming toward facilitating such opportunities. .
View Monsuez J.-J., François V., Ratiney R., Trinchet I., Polomeni P., Sebbane G., Muller S., Litout M., Castagno C., Frandji D. Museum moving to inpatients: Le louvre à l’hôpital It constitutes a valuable way to provide art activities for inpatients in large numbers. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Findings: These benefits are perceived to include empowerment and meaning in life, which are two of the core principles of recovery; arts engagement can, therefore, be a useful tool in recovery. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Empowerment The study shows that accessing cultural institutions can support feelings of empowerment for service users. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Having access to arts engagements enables a creative process and a person-centred approach that values the uniqueness of the individual, which is important for the service users in this study. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement The findings in this study suggest that mental health service users experience a sense of empowerment by visiting museums/galleries and arts engagement. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Valuing the diversity of the community encourages cultural institutions to attract a different public. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Recognising that mental health service users benefit from arts engagement in terms of the CHIME categories identified, arts engagement can arguably play a vital role in the recovery process; it is possible to use arts engagement as a tool in recovery, given that it is placed within a framework, as arts engagement can add something unique to each personal and complex story and each journey, provided that it is facilitated adequately. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Conclusion The findings show that engagement in arts can create a sense of meaning, purpose in life and empowerment, which are part of the conceptual framework, CHIME, which describes the human process of recovery. .
View Fancourt D., Steptoe A. Cultural engagement predicts changes in cognitive function in older adults over a 10 year period: Findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing However, these are all examples of productive cultural activities. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community Arts and creative activities form part of social engagement/ involvement and social prescription for health, wellbeing and quality of life within communities. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being Conclusion: Developing similar projects would offer opportunities to foster diverse artistic communities and empower people with experiences of disability and mental health conditions. .
View Morrison C. Public Art Replacement on the Mapocho River: Erasure, Renewal, and a Conflict of Cultural Value in Santiago de Chile Historical value of the stonework, in this light, is augmented through its artistic reinterpretation. .
View Mantziou L. Museum Cluster as Urban Defibrillator Nowadays, the regeneration or the expansion of cultural-profile areas is of the highest importance in terms of the international presence of the city, its cultural status, its economic growth, the enhancement of its special national and historical profile. .
View Booth K. Thinking through lines: locating perception and experience in place It is tied to the idea that by introducing arts and culture into communities identified as in deficit, cultural engagement will be facilitated and tangible positive social change will take place. .
View Booth K. Thinking through lines: locating perception and experience in place Change, in effect, takes place through the filling up of this vacant space with arts and culture. .
View Booth K. Thinking through lines: locating perception and experience in place Such accounts of place create a space, in effect, for imagining what a significant impact a new and large cultural institution would create. .
View Booth K., O’Connor J. Planning for creative effects: the Museum of Old and New Art Key concepts when considering the social and cultural dimensions of creative effect may include indicators like the number of jobs created, the quality of such jobs, and levels of cultural engagement, as well as measures of local perceptions and experiences such as contributions of art and culture to sense of place and liveability. .
View Booth K., O’Connor J. Planning for creative effects: the Museum of Old and New Art Access roots to cultural production rather than just consumption is a key indicator of equitable cultural planning. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development The proposed thesis is that the recovery of public space, configured by art and culture and shared with local community according to an inclusive approach, contribute to regenerate creativity, reconstructing the relationships between people, communities and landscape. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development In this process, art is a driver which acts on the creativity of local residents, stimulating their critical thinking, open-mindedness and design capacity, and leading them to accept diversity as an opportunity. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development From street art to site-specific installations, from poetry to theater up to live works, artistic experience, shared with local communities, become instrument to regenerate both the system of relations between people, which supports the definition of community, and the process of interaction between people and built environment. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development The proposed thesis is that the recovery of public space, configured by art and culture and shared with local community according to an inclusive approach, contributes to regenerate creativity, reconstructing the relationships between people, communities and landscape. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development In this process, art is a driver which acts on the creativity of local residents, stimulating their critical thinking, open-mindedness and design capacity, and leading them to accept diversity as an opportunity. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development An additional function is performed by the recovery of built heritage, creativity-core activities, which spreads and connects with the built heritage soliciting creative effects from art (see Figure 1). .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development The art manufacturing process, as well as the recovery of built environment, are both creative activities which, shared with local communities, stimulate individual and collective creativity. .
View Collazo A.A. Progress, mobility and Urban regeneration in a traditional neighbourhood: El Encino, Mexico A sustainable city should consider the preservation of its cultural heritage sites. .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) The cultural regeneration of industrial towns also contributes to the creation of the towns touristic image. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria In the end, archaeological excavations have the power to transform a specific locally isolated geographical spot into a cultural heritage location with a lot of attention from different organisations. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria The aim of this program has been articulated by one of the program executives as Our goal was to put strategic outlines for cultural based community development that empower people to reshape their own cultural and inherited identity, people to become more actively responsible towards their cultural heritage, enhance their abilities to be able to protect their reach heritage and insure its sustainability as an important economic resource. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective However, appreciation for certain art forms can also be acquired if the individual is exposed and cultivated until they develop enthusiasm and interest in participating in cultural endeavours. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective The cultural tourist The frameworks above are useful in the understanding of the different phases involved in the task of developing audiences for the arts and the array of elements that influence these processes. .
View Ander, E.; Thomson, L.; Lanceley, A.; Menon, U.; Noble, G. Heritage, Health and Wellbeing: Assessing the impact of a heritage focused intervention on health and wellbeing. Participants reactions to handling museum objects gave an insight into why heritage objects in particular (rather than pictures or non-heritage objects) produce engagement, feelings (positive and negative) and wellbeing benefits. .
View Ander, E.; Thomson, L.; Lanceley, A.; Menon, U.; Noble, G. Heritage, Health and Wellbeing: Assessing the impact of a heritage focused intervention on health and wellbeing. The multi-centre research also showed that a museum handling session is a versatile and accessible tool to improve wellbeing for long and short term patients, and sufferers of mental and physical ill health alike. .
View Fancourt, D.; Steptoe, A.; Cadar, D. Cultural engagement and cognitive reserve: museum attendance and dementia incidence over a 10-year period Consequently, activities that are mentally engaging, enjoyable, stress-reducing and socially interactive could be protective against the development of dementia, and in light of this, there has been a call for the identification of more affordable multimodal public health interventions to decrease the risk of dementia for individuals.6 A multimodal activity that combines a number of protective factors (including intellectual stimulation, light physical activity, positive affect, relaxation and social engagement through interaction with staff, fellow visitors or friends) is visiting museums, art galleries and exhibitions (hereafter referred to as museums).7-9 Previous studies have incorporated visiting museums within definitions of leisure activities in dementia research,10 or looked at the broader impact of attendance on people with dementia, finding benefits for cognitive performance, well-being, quality of life, self-esteem and social support.11 .
View Thomson, L. J.; Lockyer, B.; Camic, P. M.; Chatterjee, H. J. Effects of a museum-based social prescription intervention on quantitative measures of psychological wellbeing in older adults Research has shown that museum spaces and the collections they house provide opportunities for positive social interactions, calming experiences, learning and acquisition of new skills, leading to increased self-esteem, sense of identity, inspiration and opportunities for meaning making, in addition to reduced social isolation and decreased anxiety.7 .
View Thomson, L. J.; Lockyer, B.; Camic, P. M.; Chatterjee, H. J. Effects of a museum-based social prescription intervention on quantitative measures of psychological wellbeing in older adults The social resources engendered by the museum-based programme directly increased the positive affect demonstrated by significant improvements in the wellbeing emotions, and it is likely that physical health for some participants will also improve; one participant reported that since taking part in the museum programme they felt more positive about my life and health and more determined to keep up my practice of photography and painting that required a level of physical fitness as the participant had formed a meet-up group to go sketching in and around a contemporary art gallery. .
View Morse, N.; Thomson, L.J.M.; Brown, Z.; Chatterjee, H.J. Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users Overall, this preliminary study contributes to understanding how museum activities can make a positive contribution to recovery for MH and AR service-users by evidencing the effects of museum sessions on confidence, sociability and well-being. .
View Beauchet O., Cooper-Brown L., Hayashi Y., Galery K., Vilcocq C., Bastien T. Effects of thursdays at the Museum at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the mental and physical health of older community dwellers: The art-health randomized clinical trial protocol Discussion: Art-based activities carried out at museums have been receiving increased interest from researchers and policy-makers because of their benefits to mental and physical health. .
View Beauchet O., Cooper-Brown L., Hayashi Y., Galery K., Vilcocq C., Bastien T. Effects of thursdays at the Museum at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the mental and physical health of older community dwellers: The art-health randomized clinical trial protocol It has been shown that participatory art-based activities may improve aspects of mental health such as positive emotions and self-esteem 3-6 . .
View Beauchet O., Cooper-Brown L., Hayashi Y., Galery K., Vilcocq C., Bastien T. Effects of thursdays at the Museum at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the mental and physical health of older community dwellers: The art-health randomized clinical trial protocol Art-based activities help patients, regardless of their disease, to build a sense of self, transforming the illness experience into a positive experience and improving patients well-being and quality of life 5-8 . .
View Beauchet O., Cooper-Brown L., Hayashi Y., Galery K., Vilcocq C., Bastien T. Effects of thursdays at the Museum at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the mental and physical health of older community dwellers: The art-health randomized clinical trial protocol These mental and physical health benefits suggest that art-based activities may be effective interventions for frailty prevention in older community-dwellers. .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Fancourt D., Williamon A. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between receptive arts engagement and loneliness among older adults The evidence to date indicates that arts engagement in older age may serve as a multimodal intervention helping to prevent loneliness and enhance social interactions alongside other aspects of well-being and health. .
View Rogers N.T., Fancourt D. Cultural Engagement Is a Risk-Reducing Factor for Frailty Incidence and Progression As studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of cultural engagement (including visiting museums/theatre/cinema) for many of the components of frailty, this study sought to explore whether community cultural engagement is associated both with a reduced risk of becoming frail and a slower trajectory of frailty progression in older adults. .
View Konrath S. Museums as Weavers of the Invisible Strings that Connect us It then suggests that art museums can play a critical role in helping communities re-connect, by reenvisioning their roles as meaning makers in atime when peoples existential needs are threatened. .
View Fancourt D., Steptoe A. Cultural engagement and mental health: Does socio-economic status explain the association? There is a growing body of literature suggesting that the arts can support mental health. .
View Mastandrea S., Maricchiolo F., Carrus G., Giovannelli I., Giuliani V., Berardi D. Visits to figurative art museums may lower blood pressure and stress Background The research aimed to assess, through physiological measurements such as blood pressure and heart rate, whether exposure to art museums and to different art styles (figurative vs. modern art) was able to enhance visitors well-being in terms of relaxing and stress reduction. .
View Monsuez J.-J., François V., Ratiney R., Trinchet I., Polomeni P., Sebbane G., Muller S., Litout M., Castagno C., Frandji D. Museum moving to inpatients: Le louvre à l’hôpital 4. Discussion Art, music, cultural programs, and participatory-based art interventions have been shown to provide opportunities to enhance quality of life and to reduce hospital-related anxiety and depression in a large panel of inpatients 11-13 . .
View Koebner I.J., Fishman S.M., Paterniti D., Sommer D., Witt C.M., Ward D., Joseph J.G. The art of analgesia: A pilot study of art museum tours to decrease pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain One possibility is to develop interventions that target the social context in which pain is suffered through public health partnerships with organizations outside of the health care sector that may facilitate a sense of social connection, such as museums. .
View Koebner I.J., Fishman S.M., Paterniti D., Sommer D., Witt C.M., Ward D., Joseph J.G. The art of analgesia: A pilot study of art museum tours to decrease pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain In addition, given the observation that pain can be modulated at cortical levels by the aesthetic content of stimuli, the museums art collection itself may help to reduce pain 24 . .
View Koebner I.J., Fishman S.M., Paterniti D., Sommer D., Witt C.M., Ward D., Joseph J.G. The art of analgesia: A pilot study of art museum tours to decrease pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain Although ambulation in any context may aggravate certain pain conditions, considering the potential of museums to facilitate a sense of social connection and that social connection may have analgesic properties 9-11,25 , we hypothesize that tours of a museum offered to individuals with chronic pain may decrease perceived social disconnection and pain. .
View Koebner I.J., Fishman S.M., Paterniti D., Sommer D., Witt C.M., Ward D., Joseph J.G. The art of analgesia: A pilot study of art museum tours to decrease pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain Socially based interventions for individuals with chronic pain supported by health care organizations, such as Art Rx, may help to mitigate not only the experience of isolation, but also the distressing associations that many individuals with chronic pain have with the health care system. .
View Morse N., Chatterjee H. Museums, health and wellbeing research: co-developing a new observational method for people with dementia in hospital contexts Museum-based activities for wellbeing broadly include supported museum visiting, object handling, volunteering and a range of creative activities inspired from the sectors wide-ranging museum collections, from art making to performing arts and music. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Purpose: Arts and cultural activities have been illustrated to be beneficial for mental health service users. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement The purpose of this paper is to explore the benefits of museum visits and engage in arts activities for mental health service users. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Many studies have illustrated that users of mental health services experience a range of benefits from engagement in arts activities. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement It aims to highlight the benefits and challenges for mental health service users engaging in arts activities and to understand some of the issues that may occur in practice in the interdisciplinary field of arts and health. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement When asked about visiting a museum, it was commented on as being inspirational, useful and positive as part of a recovery for mental health service users. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Additionally, the comment offered by another service user, describing how arts engagement had stopped her suicidal thoughts, further illustrates that engagement in arts has the ability to create meaning in life. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement These findings illustrate that engaging in arts activities allows a healthy disconnection from concerns and can combat negative thoughts, resulting in health rewards such as relaxation, entering a flow, and making new connections where none existed before which can empower the individual. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement In this way, interdisciplinary collaborations between health and the arts can promote recovery, given that the professionals involved understand recovery and, as a minimum, have basic mental health awareness..
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion Empirical studies suggest that art improves health and well-being among individuals. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion Linking the Brain to Aesthetic Experience The studies reviewed so far demonstrated that the aesthetic value of artwork and their use in educational programs may affect psychological and physiological states, thus promoting well-being and enhancing learning. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion Nevertheless, these different approaches to aesthetic evaluation may have different implications for a strategic use of art as tool for promoting well-being and health. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion Deeper understanding of the dynamic relationship between bottom-up stimulus properties and top-down cognitive appraisal on emotional experience during the aesthetic appreciation of an artwork might be useful to effective use of art-based tools for promoting individual health and well-being. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery Conclusions: Creative activities may cause a transformation of the image of dysfunction associated with mental illness as well as promoting health and recovery. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery Giving art as a present or guiding others in a museum visit are activities that motivate, increase their self-esteem and can help re-elaborate their identity. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery The joined-up approaches to participation from community groups, professionals and service users in creative practices in non-clinical contexts could reduce public stigma and improve their psychological well-being (mutual recovery). .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works The present study sought to understand, how museum-based social prescribing programs reduced social isolation for older people, by determining the specific elements and processes involved, and how these interacted to create a social and physical environment that enhanced psychological wellbeing. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being This raises interesting questions about the emphasis of community arts projects when used to promote health and wellbeing. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being For example, providing mental health awareness training for the museum staff proved most valuable. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center The Art Appreciation class offers the opportunity to further investigate art appreciation as a vehicle for psychological growth and improved mental health. .
View Paddon H.L., Thomson L.J.M., Menon U., Lanceley A.E., Chatterjee H.J. Mixed methods evaluation of well-being benefits derived from a heritage-in-health intervention with hospital patients Thus, addressing meaning may be a fruitful approach to clinical interventions aimed at helping people recover from these highly stressful experiences. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients This research employed museum object handling to enhance health and wellbeing, with the aim of examining the impact of the sessions on emotions, feelings and life experiences, as encouraged through tactile interaction with museum objects. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients In line with Symonss et als (2011) research, involving participants with neurological conditions undergoing rehabilitation using art materials, engagement with museum objects helped to increase enjoyment and positive emotion for around two-thirds of the clients in this study. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. Evaluation of the art therapy/museum education program demonstrated many benefits for cancer patients including support, psychological strength, and new insights about their cancer experience..
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. Art therapy helped them both to reflect on difficult or negative thoughts and to nurture positive feelings about themselves. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. The art therapy program facilitated their identification and exploration of deeper feelings and strengthened their ability to balance their cancer experience with other aspects of their lives: I think art... il's a very sublie process. .
View Camic P.M., Baker E.L., Tischler V. Theorizing how art gallery interventions impact people with dementia and their caregivers Enjoyable, intellectually stimulating activities, such as viewing and making visual art, engaged both those with dementia and caregivers, thus providing an activity that they participated in together and which had a positive impact on their relationship. .
View Camic P.M., Baker E.L., Tischler V. Theorizing how art gallery interventions impact people with dementia and their caregivers Offering programs to people with dementia, in a valued place such as an art gallery, facilitated intellectual stimulation, and social interaction, which in turn helped to promote positive affect, relational benefits, and changed perceptions of dementia. .
View Ander, E.; Thomson, L.; Lanceley, A.; Menon, U.; Noble, G. Heritage, Health and Wellbeing: Assessing the impact of a heritage focused intervention on health and wellbeing. Their research has resulted in the articulation of the Interactive Learning Model which proposes that the physical environment, the social context, the personal background of the museum visitor and subsequent experiences, all affect the learning that happens during a museum visit. .
View Sandell, R., Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change. Recent research suggests that museums can contribute towards social inclusion at individual, community and societal levels. .
View Sandell, R., Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change. At a community level, museums can act as a catalyst for social regeneration, empowering communities to increase their self-determination and develop the confidence and skills to take greater control over their lives and the development of the neighbourhoods in which they live. .
View Sandell, R., Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change. What are the characteristics held by those museums that have successfully engaged with issues of social inclusion and how can these be developed and built upon throughout the sector? .
View Thomson, L. J.; Lockyer, B.; Camic, P. M.; Chatterjee, H. J. Effects of a museum-based social prescription intervention on quantitative measures of psychological wellbeing in older adults When interviewed, many participants highlighted the opportunity to handle museum objects and engage with collections and curators; they commented on learning new information and being absorbed by it, and acquiring new skills, which could account for increases in the absorbed and enlightened items of the measure. .
View Thomson, L. J.; Lockyer, B.; Camic, P. M.; Chatterjee, H. J. Effects of a museum-based social prescription intervention on quantitative measures of psychological wellbeing in older adults Many museums have skills and expertise suitable for wider audiences such as disadvantaged, vulnerable and older adults and can provide access-appropriate community spaces within inspirational environments. .
View Thomson, L. J.; Lockyer, B.; Camic, P. M.; Chatterjee, H. J. Effects of a museum-based social prescription intervention on quantitative measures of psychological wellbeing in older adults Participants in the Museums on Prescription study rated highly the experiences of feeling absorbed and enlightened by the sessions and commented on the opportunities afforded by the museum-based activities to acquire new learning and develop new skills. .
View Morse, N.; Thomson, L.J.M.; Brown, Z.; Chatterjee, H.J. Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users The central aims were to facilitate positive opportunities for participants and develop new museum audiences. .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections At the same time, there is some indication that this unique combination of physical and creative activities, and the outdoor and indoor museum spaces, may allow for additional benefits, as participants were able to engage in individual and group pursuits. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Lotte sees museums as places for both visual learning, stimulation of new ideas for her own artwork and as a source for gaining new knowledge. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works Museum as a positive enabler Museum programs within a welcoming and stimulating place enabled new experiences, relational processes and individual journeys; the facilitator, physical space and activities were all contributors in this process. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community The programme was part of the emerging work of the gallery and museum (in-reach and out-reach) with the community to promote access to their collections, share knowledge and learning, social engagement and participation in cultural and creative arts activities. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center This experience introduces veterans to museums to view original art first-hand and to consider the museums as community resources for further exploration on their own. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients Similarly, discussing and handling museum objects with others, and contributing associated personal knowledge or life experiences, could help endorse a sense of achievement and increased confidence in participants, in addition to positive emotions such as self esteem. .
View Camic P.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museums and art galleries as partners for public health interventions Museums can be places that encourage people to learn about themselves, their culture and society, and the larger world around them. .
View Rocha V., Schall V.T., Lemos E.D.S. The contribution of a science museum towards formation of healthcare concepts among young visitors A contribuição de um museu de ciências na formação de concepções sobre saúde de jovens visitantes We can consider , for means of evidence found , that the museum contributed offering an environment favorable to the exchange of meanings important for understanding content related to science , health and environment what facilitated learning . .
View Mantziou L. Museum Cluster as Urban Defibrillator The urban design of museum clusters redefines the public space and potentially enhances the social, cultural and economic development of the city. .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) Thus, technical museums become a means of conveying a positive image of industrial towns, which can evolve towards a higher level of efficiency, and become cultural tourist centers and at the same time sources of definition of the local culture for future generations. .
View Dean C., Donnellan C., Pratt A.C. Tate Modern: Pushing the limits of regeneration In doing so, a new type of a museum was created accessible to a wide audience and that offers a broad visual and cultural experience. .
View Fancourt, D.; Steptoe, A.; Cadar, D. Cultural engagement and cognitive reserve: museum attendance and dementia incidence over a 10-year period Further, visiting museums can be seen as a specific type of social engagement: visiting can reduce perceived isolation by encouraging people to leave their homes, it is an activity that is frequently a focal point for meeting family/friends, and even if people attend alone, there is casual social contact with museum staff and/or other visitors. .
View Sandell, R., Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change. For some inclusion initiatives, museums will require staff who hold an in-depth understanding of diverse potential audiences and who are aware of networks that will provide routes into the community. .
View Morse, N.; Thomson, L.J.M.; Brown, Z.; Chatterjee, H.J. Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users Sociability Museum sessions encouraged interaction between service-users many of whom did not know each other beforehand. .
View Morse, N.; Thomson, L.J.M.; Brown, Z.; Chatterjee, H.J. Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users Another theme identified in the research, visiting new places, showed how programmes might contribute to positioning museums within broadening social networks and, following Chatterjee and Noble (2013), establishing museums as part of a wider sense of social capital. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Furthermore, as diversity of activities increases through revitalization projects, residents can be provided with more and different opportunities for social interaction and, hence, develop different networks. .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections Positive engagement was enhanced by facilitators and museum staff who recognised that participants were more than just their diagnosis. .
View Beauchet O., Cooper-Brown L., Hayashi Y., Galery K., Vilcocq C., Bastien T. Effects of thursdays at the Museum at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the mental and physical health of older community dwellers: The art-health randomized clinical trial protocol In addition, these art-based activities are performed in groups, which stimulates social interaction and engagement 7 . .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Fancourt D., Williamon A. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between receptive arts engagement and loneliness among older adults Most recently, museum-based programs for isolated older adults were also found to foster social inclusion by enabling social interactions and cultivation of meaningful relationships 21 . .
View Konrath S. Museums as Weavers of the Invisible Strings that Connect us It ends by providing specific suggestions that art museums can try to re-connect people in their communities. .
View Konrath S. Museums as Weavers of the Invisible Strings that Connect us But these starting points are incomplete without conversations and collaborations, among and between art museum practitioners and their stakeholders. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery Participants explain how, sometimes, the creative workshops in the CAAC have helped them to meet new people and make new friends that they continue to meet and join in activities with outside the museum. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works To meaningfully support socially isolated older people as part of local public health strategies, museums need to be accessible and engaging places that purposively support social interaction by involving people and objects, participating in multiple sessions over time, that are facilitated by skilled and knowledgeable staff. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works Relational processes The programs were aimed at people who were socially isolated and as such, the extent to which museums create opportunities for social interactions and relationship building is pivotal. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works Along with considerations for place and length of time, the role of the facilitator as museum expert and as a socially engaging and welcoming person, was seen to be essential. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works Longer term museum programs, such as those employed in the current study, can contribute to initiating and developing friendships. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works Similarly, by utilizing follow-up interviews there was a sense participants reflected on their experiences and consolidated their experiences and learning, often by sharing the knowledge with others; this also provided information about contact between participants, and how the museum experience enabled subsequent connections and activities elsewhere over time. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works Perhaps social programs such as those in museums will initially appeal to people with a stronger sense of self and existing social networks. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community It gives them things to talk about with residents and it helps them bond with the residents - builds relationships. .
View Konrath S. Museums as Weavers of the Invisible Strings that Connect us Consider how to encourage people to connect with nature and enjoy quiet moments of reflection on museum grounds. .
View Sandell, R., Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change. Lastly, museums, through the representation of inclusive communities within collections and displays, have the potential to promote tolerance, inter-community respect and to challenge stereotypes. .
View Sandell, R., Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change. Social Inclusion and the Emergence of Associated Change Imperatives Demands for increased accessibility and a desire to broaden museums visitor profiles have preoccupied the sector for many years. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Through public consultation forums, workshops and exhibitions, the general public can become involved in the planning and design of urban renewal projects and the decision-making processes concerning the use of the heritage sites. .
View Konrath S. Museums as Weavers of the Invisible Strings that Connect us For example, art museums could work with other local arts groups and emerging artists to create regular interactive events. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients Museums are increasingly using collections as a bridge to wellbeing, social inclusion and learning, often taking objects beyond the museum site itself into communities. .
View Sandell, R., Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change. Central to these questions is the need for a paradigmatic shift in attitudes within the sector; a mind-set change that is open to radically different roles and responsibilities for museums as well as new relationships with audiences. .
View Binnie, J. Does Viewing Art in the Museum Reduce Anxiety and Improve Wellbeing? With the multitude of possible influential factors it was assumed that using a variety of methods to investigate this would provide a more holistic view of experiencing art in the museum. .
View Binnie, J. Does Viewing Art in the Museum Reduce Anxiety and Improve Wellbeing? One example given by a staff participant was of a visitor inspired to make some alterations to their life due to a specific exhibition which they had seen at New Walk Museum and Art Gallery. .
View Konrath S. Museums as Weavers of the Invisible Strings that Connect us But it is important for art museums to understand both the increased interest in visual arts creation, and the potentially increased limitations in the capacity for divergent thinking among younger generations. .
View Konrath S. Museums as Weavers of the Invisible Strings that Connect us Its important to recognise the social nature of art museum experiences and how they can help to fulfil our needs for deep and authentic connection. .
View Konrath S. Museums as Weavers of the Invisible Strings that Connect us And these ideas could be further developed in collaboration with art museum leaders. .
View Monsuez J.-J., François V., Ratiney R., Trinchet I., Polomeni P., Sebbane G., Muller S., Litout M., Castagno C., Frandji D. Museum moving to inpatients: Le louvre à l’hôpital Another new approach of this study consisted in promoting self-choice of the artworks displayed in the individual rooms. .
View Koebner I.J., Fishman S.M., Paterniti D., Sommer D., Witt C.M., Ward D., Joseph J.G. The art of analgesia: A pilot study of art museum tours to decrease pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain The art objects viewed changed each tour in an effort to foster inclusivity and appeal to the broadest audience possible. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery According to observers and keyworkers, the dynamic of the workshops allows some users to give new meaning to their life events through the discussions of the artists work. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works Interacting social context Museums provided a background context in which programs operated, influencing group experience and enhancing the potential for change. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being The emphasis of the Ways of Seeing project reflected the museums interest in and commitment to overcoming these barriers and enabling inclusive participation in the arts. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being This was the first local project aiming directly to involve people with mental health problems in interpreting works of art and creating new ways of looking at those works, including curating the exhibition. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being In addition to the artistic focus of the project, the social opportunities enabled people to take on different roles and identities. .
View Zazulak J., Halgren C., Tan M., Grierson L.E.M. The impact of an arts-based programme on the affective and cognitive components of empathic development The programme proposes that education in the techniques of art appreciation helps participants develop skills in visual information processing, which may be beneficial to observation that occurs outside of the museum such as during the interpersonal interactions that underpin much of clinical care. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center This sharing not only provides information about a particular artist or artists, but it also informs members about art-experience opportunities in the community. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center included, opens my mind, opens my mind to the beauty around me, by watching the artist (slide presentations), and go to museums to see art by the artist. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. Learning about the history of different artists through gallery visits, videos, and movies allowed participants to increase their awareness of art and its impact on the human spirit. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. This art education provided a basis for appreciating different artists' approaches ami the value of expression through art: Well, the lecture (gallery) pul us through periods of art. .
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. This is a public space that has been modified in order for users to experience the space from a link with art, being able to move between large-format works made on the walls of the neighborhood and framed through walls that function as museum devices, at the same time that they are resizing the public space. .
View Mantziou L. Museum Cluster as Urban Defibrillator The urban-specific museum planning redefines public space and it potentially reinforces social, cultural and economic development. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development Understanding the process by which the individual relationship between person and art contributes to activating a system of relations with the built environment and between people can lead to outline a strategy for urban regeneration processes. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development So, art contributes to local development, as it acts on people, influencing their behaviours and openness and stimulating their learning capacity and attitude to innovation (Sacco et al. 2015). .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development Integrating people needs and spacial quality, art contributes to rethink the world and contributes to regenerate social institution and urban community, starting from the recovery of public space, with places for socializing. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective This legitimises the need to conduct research on the different tools that are used by performing arts institutions to develop their new audiences. .
View Sandell, R., Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change. These differences are significant in explaining the cultural sectors interest in, and engagement with, social inclusion. .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Fancourt D., Williamon A. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between receptive arts engagement and loneliness among older adults For instance, the study participants may have visited cultural venues such as museums and galleries to take part in participatory workshops or activities such as educational classes. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being Discussion The findings have illustrated how a public art gallery or museum can engage people in an inclusive and ambitious way. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center The class emphasizes cultural diversity and supports community integration, combining didactics with community outings to provide places to go to appreciate art, a deeper awareness of the lives of artists, and, in turn, deeper insight into the veterans own life stories. .
View Camic P.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museums and art galleries as partners for public health interventions One such potential partner is the cultural heritage sector, a segment of which comprises museums and art galleries. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. Participants enjoyed all aspects of the art therapy/museum education program The variety and sequencing of the education, art. .
View Mantziou L. Museum Cluster as Urban Defibrillator A museum cluster is engraved in the collective consciousness as an innovative site for knowledge communion and culture, as a special quality element of the city as regards the cultural function it hosts. .
View Lange-Valdés C. Architecture as an apparatus of urban regeneration: 20 years of the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum La arquitectura como dispositivo de regeneración urbana: 20 años del Museo Guggenheim Bilbao through artistic and cultural activities aimed at promoting tourism, and disseminating the image of the city at a local, national or international Level. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective Given these considerations and to address the overall aim of this study, the conceptual framework presented below discusses the topics of cultural capital, social inclusion, audience development, social capital and different approaches to categorising the cultural tourist. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective The previous statement highlights the importance of audience development and notes how it can succeed in generating awareness of the cultural offer of an institution and the provision of performing arts. .
View Sandell, R., Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change. As agents of individual, community and societal change, museums have demonstrated their potential to contribute towards the combating of issues such as poor health, high crime, low educational attainment and unemployment. .
View Sandell, R., Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change. Staff training and development, that will develop amongst all museum workers both an ethos of social responsibility and the tools, skills and knowledge to begin to work in an effective way, is needed to help to effect wider change. .
View Sandell, R., Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change. The Registration Scheme is designed to act as both a minimum standards scheme and also a means through which museums can be encouraged, through advice and guidance from Area Museums Councils and Resource, to improve in all areas of practice, beyond the minimum requirements necessary to achieve registered museum status. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement This further perpetuates the need for awareness training for staff at cultural institutions and can further enhance a positive interaction between service users and professional staff. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works For museums to meaningfully support socially isolated older people, and to offer programs that can usefully be part of local public health strategies, the museum as a social place of interaction involving people and objects, needs to be considered. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works Facilitator training needs to take this into consideration if museums plan to offer programs that address substantive social and health issues. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works 6. Conclusion This study aimed to explore how museum programs created opportunities for social inclusion and wellbeing in socially isolated older people. .
View Rocha V., Schall V.T., Lemos E.D.S. The contribution of a science museum towards formation of healthcare concepts among young visitors A contribuição de um museu de ciências na formação de concepções sobre saúde de jovens visitantes Promote evaluations continuation of the visit to Museum of Life with many different audiences and approaches necessary for your improvement , in a perspective of an education with commitment to contribute to the formation of citizens responsible and in a position to become participatory in the improvement of your health conditions . .
View Camic P.M., Baker E.L., Tischler V. Theorizing how art gallery interventions impact people with dementia and their caregivers A better-developed understanding of this process could influence future research and help to further refine subsequent involvement of art galleries and museums in health and well-being improvement programs thus supporting different national dementia strategies. .
View Rahm J. Multiple Modes of Meaning-Making in a Science Center When thinking of museum design, there is a clear need to develop museums and exhibits that support engagement in them over longer periods of time, which then makes possible the use of the tool-kit for meaning-making. .
View Mantziou L. Museum Cluster as Urban Defibrillator Museums as a means for urban regeneration, as well as the formation of museum clusters are amid the tools for such a revitalization. .
View Plaza B., Haarich S.N. The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: Between Regional Embeddedness and Global Networking The authors conclude with some recommendations on strengthening both the regional embeddedness and the global networking potential of museums in order to generate positive effects on urban regeneration and regional development. .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) Museum and cultural organizations have been recognized as a value for the vitality and character of cities particularly within the idea of urban regeneration, that includes the challenge to achieve long-term, strategic reshaping of cities and neighbourhoods, set against a history of short-term, area-based initiatives. .
View Beeksma, A., ; Chiara , D., C. Participatory heritage in a gentrifying neighbourhood: Amsterdam’s Van Eesteren Museum as affective space of negotiations These volunteers involvement is crucial to the museums existence and self-concept. .
View Beeksma, A., ; Chiara , D., C. Participatory heritage in a gentrifying neighbourhood: Amsterdam’s Van Eesteren Museum as affective space of negotiations When we asked the volunteers what they enjoyed about their museum work, they emphasised the social dimension (the gezelligheid) of the place, sharing passions with likeminded people, and a desire to stay in touch with their professional field. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works However, for those who felt the museum program provided a new or missing social resource that was personally and emotionally meaningful, relationships created in this context were more likely to be experienced as valued, along with the physical place of the museum. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being The way to do it was to have those people feel genuinely that they were contributing to the life of this place and putting together an exhibition. .
View Mantziou L. Museum Cluster as Urban Defibrillator A museum cluster is engraved in the collective consciousness as an innovative site for knowledge communion and culture, as a special quality element of the city. .
View Mantziou L. Museum Cluster as Urban Defibrillator Nowadays, the new strategies for economic and urban regeneration through culture incorporate cultural clustering programmes, which in turn foster museum networking and museum concentration in an area. .
View Mantziou L. Museum Cluster as Urban Defibrillator A critical parameter is the location of the museum cluster in the city, because it impacts the way it integrates in public life and attracts visitors. .
View Lange-Valdés C. Architecture as an apparatus of urban regeneration: 20 years of the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum La arquitectura como dispositivo de regeneración urbana: 20 años del Museo Guggenheim Bilbao Although these practices ai not limited to the surroundings of the Museum, the sports use of the circuits surrounding it is massive, allowing new forms of sociability among the inhabitants, and fostering feelings of identity and belonging in relation to the Museum. .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) The success of a museum is visible and viable if the museum is strongly anchored in the local culture and history. .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) It is also necessary to get the local community involved in establishing and maintaining the museum, so as to easily convey to tourists its cultural importance, and success is translated by the inflow of tourists who validate the cultural importance of the respective tourist destination. .
View Morse, N.; Thomson, L.J.M.; Brown, Z.; Chatterjee, H.J. Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users The activities provided spaces of conviviality, conversation and friendship, and the focus on group decision-making enabled further interaction and forms of non-medical peer-support. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Through the provision of opportunities for gatherings and interactions after revitalization, people can make new friends while keeping up their close relationships with their present neighbours. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works Trying to spread the word and engage other older people is another way the sharing process provided opportunities for connection. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being Inclusion is not just about increasing diversity of visitor profiles, however, but about increasing social links or networks between people. .
View Paddon H.L., Thomson L.J.M., Menon U., Lanceley A.E., Chatterjee H.J. Mixed methods evaluation of well-being benefits derived from a heritage-in-health intervention with hospital patients Participant features consisted of the influence of social/physical/environmental contexts, thinking and meaning-making, positive interactions and self-esteem, whereas facilitator features comprised encouraging engagement, communicating knowledge and information and building trust and developing rapport. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. Participants felt that the program fostered personal growth. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing The positive experiences were tied up with firstly, whetting one's appetite and original passion for history and place; secondly, meeting other like-minded people and seeing wider community connections grow; and thirdly, seeing the final product come to fruition and sharing it. .
View Grossi, E.; Blessi, G. T.; Sacco, P.L. Magic moments: Determinants of stress relief and subjective wellbeing from visiting a cultural heritage site. On the other hand, the fact that educational levels may be such a powerful modulator of stress reduction from aesthetic experiences could provide a very interesting basis for the strategic integration of health, cultural and educational policies as a more comprehensive approach to future welfare policies. .
View Beauchet O., Cooper-Brown L., Hayashi Y., Galery K., Vilcocq C., Bastien T. Effects of thursdays at the Museum at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the mental and physical health of older community dwellers: The art-health randomized clinical trial protocol In parallel, it has been found that art-based activities are positively associated with numerous aspects of individuals physical health, like a better immune system response and slower disease progression, with these effects being related to well-being improvement 3, 6-8 . .
View Beauchet O., Cooper-Brown L., Hayashi Y., Galery K., Vilcocq C., Bastien T. Effects of thursdays at the Museum at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the mental and physical health of older community dwellers: The art-health randomized clinical trial protocol There is growing evidence that art-based activities have positive benefits for patients, such as improvements in self-esteem, confidence, and mood 6, 7 . .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Fancourt D., Williamon A. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between receptive arts engagement and loneliness among older adults Here, we demonstrate that frequent self-directed arts attendance may also help to protect older adults from loneliness. .
View Koebner I.J., Fishman S.M., Paterniti D., Sommer D., Witt C.M., Ward D., Joseph J.G. The art of analgesia: A pilot study of art museum tours to decrease pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain Ultimately, many participants found that the program and the sense of social connection it facilitated provided distraction from their pain. .
View Fancourt D., Steptoe A. The art of life and death: 14 year follow-up analyses of associations between arts engagement and mortality in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Further possibilities are that arts engagement improves a sense of purpose in life, helps with the regulation of emotions and thereby enhances coping, supports the buffering of stress, and builds creativity, which improves peoples ability to adapt positively to changing life circumstances.16 17 39 The potential mediating role of these factors remains to be explored further in future studies. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Service users have described how arts engagement has supported their recovery; for example, Parrs (2012) study illustrates that mental health service users who regularly participated in arts groups/activities experienced a sense of belonging that fosters positive emotion and self-esteem. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Several service users also commented on the aspects of relaxation and de-stressing when engaged in arts activities. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion These benefits include improvement of memory and lower stress levels, and amelioration of social inclusion. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion These studies suggest that embedding visual art in healthcare education may increase understanding of emotional experience of chronic pain and suffering of the patients, thereby improving nursing care practices. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion One might wonder how the emotional experience elicited by the appreciation of diverse forms of art enables individuals to feel better and learn quickly and effectively, and whether the boosting effect of art on these different domains forms a basis of a common cognitive or affective mechanism. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion From a psychological point of view, it has been suggested that the cognitive processing of art produces affective and often positive and pleasing aesthetic experiences. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion As such, this self-rewarding nature of aesthetic experience may account for aesthetic appreciations promotion of health and well-being. .
View Fancourt D., Steptoe A. Cultural engagement predicts changes in cognitive function in older adults over a 10 year period: Findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing The arts have been proposed as potentially beneficial activities due to their combination of cognitive complexity and mental creativity. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery Psychological well-being Most users recognise an improvement in their psychological well-being due to their participation in creative workshops. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community Arts based activities and interventions have the potential to improve health, wellbeing and quality of life of these populations, address inequalities and social justice. .
View Zazulak J., Halgren C., Tan M., Grierson L.E.M. The impact of an arts-based programme on the affective and cognitive components of empathic development In conclusion, the evaluation of The Art of Seeing demonstrates the potential benefit associated with arts-based programmes in enhancing the empathic development of participants. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center The leader seeks to engage members in the discussion of art, artistic styles and artists, to evoke positive and recovery-oriented thoughts and feelings. .
View Paddon H.L., Thomson L.J.M., Menon U., Lanceley A.E., Chatterjee H.J. Mixed methods evaluation of well-being benefits derived from a heritage-in-health intervention with hospital patients As a non-pharmacological intervention, the results of these object handling sessions have shown that meaning-making and thinking have the potential to help patients cope and take part in a positive experience during their hospital stay..
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients The use of creative arts as a therapeutic medium in mental health services is well established. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients The ensuing sense of achievement and confidence could help to moderate depressive symptoms. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients Outcomes indicated that art contributed to recovery by helping clients both to regain confidence and to meet individual goals. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. Art therapy is a healing art intended to integrate physical, emotional, and spiritual care by facilitating creative ways for patients to respond to their cancer experience. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. Benefits from participating in an art therapy program have been realized by patients with cancer. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. Participants understood and valued art therapy as a vehicle for expressing feelings and learning new coping skills. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. Although the work was not perceived lo be easy, participants appreciated that art therapy process was a cathartic and worthwhile endeavour geared towards personal growth and healing. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. They could also encourage patients to explore art therapy as a means of coping with difficult emotions throughout the cancer experience. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development Artistic experience is generally a personal emotional experience, which results in a direct relationship between the artistic input and who receives it; from personal emotional experience art enhances wellbeing, also linked at making sense and satisfacting identity needs. .
View Koebner I.J., Fishman S.M., Paterniti D., Sommer D., Witt C.M., Ward D., Joseph J.G. The art of analgesia: A pilot study of art museum tours to decrease pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain The program was also felt to facilitate a new and enhanced relationship to art: I give more consideration of what was the intention of the artists..
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Furthermore, the role of arts and cultural intervention can be that of facilitating a personal journey, as the arts also offers different perspectives on the experiences of peoples difficulties (Sixsmith and Kagan, 2005; de Botton and Armstrong, 2013), and provides a platform for reflection. .
View Zazulak J., Halgren C., Tan M., Grierson L.E.M. The impact of an arts-based programme on the affective and cognitive components of empathic development Using contemporary artwork, this session attempted to enhance the participants tolerance for ambiguity and challenged them to consider how their own personal experiences might bias their observations and interpretations. .
View Paddon H.L., Thomson L.J.M., Menon U., Lanceley A.E., Chatterjee H.J. Mixed methods evaluation of well-being benefits derived from a heritage-in-health intervention with hospital patients An intriguing object was more likely to augment the communication of personal opinions and feelings. .
View Konrath S. Museums as Weavers of the Invisible Strings that Connect us Art museums could engage people through more hands on art making activities and by offering more informal conversations with artists about how they make their art. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works Sharing even small experiences with others can help build self-esteem and encourage further social interactions. .
View Camic P.M., Baker E.L., Tischler V. Theorizing how art gallery interventions impact people with dementia and their caregivers Findings implied that the intervention prompted the discovery of residual abilities, enjoyment, sparked new interest in art, and increased social contact. .
View Thomson, L. J.; Lockyer, B.; Camic, P. M.; Chatterjee, H. J. Effects of a museum-based social prescription intervention on quantitative measures of psychological wellbeing in older adults Participants appreciated opportunities afforded by creative and co-productive activities to acquire learning and skills, and get to know new people in a different context..
View Morse, N.; Thomson, L.J.M.; Brown, Z.; Chatterjee, H.J. Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users These creative spaces enabled participant confidence to grow over the weeks. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion Aesthetic experience concerns the appreciation of aesthetic objects and the resulting pleasure. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community It was also stated being able to create their art work was a source of pride. .
View Zazulak J., Halgren C., Tan M., Grierson L.E.M. The impact of an arts-based programme on the affective and cognitive components of empathic development The basic idea is that exposure to art appreciation techniques equips learners with visual literacy strategies that increase the attention that is paid to the details that constitute an image, which in turn improves the quality of the perceptions that are formed through observation. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center The students taught themselves to see the world more fully through the artists creativity. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center Through his art, he helps the viewer learn to see more and in greater detail. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. Participants also shared (heir perceptions of the outcomes of the program in terms of their ability to achieve their goals, personal growth, satisfaction, and recommendations for the art therapy program. .
View Whitesell E.R. A day at the museum: The impact of field trips on middle school science achievement In addition to fact recall, this study identified impacts on students ability to interpret and describe art, finding positive effects that were largest for disadvantaged students. .
View Monsuez J.-J., François V., Ratiney R., Trinchet I., Polomeni P., Sebbane G., Muller S., Litout M., Castagno C., Frandji D. Museum moving to inpatients: Le louvre à l’hôpital They were trained for continuing the art engagement activity with the patients in the years to follow. .
View Konrath S. Museums as Weavers of the Invisible Strings that Connect us Be a Model of Empathy First, art museums can play an active role in building empathy and social connection within their communities, and the first step is to be a model of empathy and warmth for visitors and those who dont currently attend. .
View Konrath S. Museums as Weavers of the Invisible Strings that Connect us Design Evidence-Based Exercises that Encourage Empathy This is also related to the first point, but it focuses on how the artworks themselves can be used to help increase empathy and social connection. .
View Zazulak J., Halgren C., Tan M., Grierson L.E.M. The impact of an arts-based programme on the affective and cognitive components of empathic development The questions were designed to assess whether the students felt that their empathic tendencies were enhanced as a result of participating in the programme, as well as to determine whether the programme was effective in developing skills other than visual literacy. .
View Zazulak J., Halgren C., Tan M., Grierson L.E.M. The impact of an arts-based programme on the affective and cognitive components of empathic development For example, they reported that viewing art enabled them to become more attentive and tolerant to the feelings and viewpoints of others. .
View Zazulak J., Halgren C., Tan M., Grierson L.E.M. The impact of an arts-based programme on the affective and cognitive components of empathic development It also helps to foster tolerance for different opinions. .
View Zazulak J., Halgren C., Tan M., Grierson L.E.M. The impact of an arts-based programme on the affective and cognitive components of empathic development For instance, the current programme could potentially be improved through increased focus on art appreciation exercises that are geared towards affective aspects of empathy. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. While the cancel experience continued to change their lives in many ways, the benefits from involvement in the art therapy/museum education program were portrayed as numerous. Although each persons diagnosis and personal circumstances differed, many described a common bond that developed from the mutual understanding and empathy evolving throughout the sessions. Participants found their confidence was reaffirmed as positive feelings about themselves increased through awareness and expression, ...fl gained) increased awareness, revelation of some unconscious feelings and issues... gelling in touch with certain things brought out more positive aspects of oneself. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing A treasured outcome reported by one participant was learning tolerance for people with different capabilities: It teaches you tolerance I think. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery Participants were encouraged to create their own artwork. .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Spiro N., Williamon A., Fancourt D. Longitudinal associations between short-term, repeated, and sustained arts engagement and well-being outcomes in Older Adults These findings suggest that policies that facilitate older adults' access to arts venues and activities, and support their continued engagement with them, may help to promote happy, fulfilling lives of an increasing segment of the population. .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Spiro N., Williamon A., Fancourt D. Longitudinal associations between short-term, repeated, and sustained arts engagement and well-being outcomes in Older Adults Here, we further demonstrate that sustained engagement with receptive arts activities is particularly associated with positive experienced, evaluative, and eudaimonic well-being over time. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement The comments offered by the participating service users show that they are aware of the value that arts and cultural activities can bring to their lives in terms of life quality as well as health and wellbeing. .
View Whitesell E.R. A day at the museum: The impact of field trips on middle school science achievement This evidence that field trips can contribute positively to student achievement is meaningful for policymakers and administrators, as it suggests schools can provide enrichment experiences that families desire without sacrificing student test scores. .
View Plaza B., Haarich S.N. The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: Between Regional Embeddedness and Global Networking This global network allows for better exhibitions, better educational programs, allows more people to learn through art, attracts more and better artists and collections, shares different values, and contributes to enhancing better relationships between different countries, regions, cultures, and people (Azua, 2005, p. 83). .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria Art and cultural engagement can play a positive role in raising peoples aspirations and making them aware of the opportunities that are available to them both within and outside their communities and this aligns well with developing soft power skills through the use of art and culture 31 . .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery The explicit and public appreciation of the artwork produced by the users has an important effect on them. .
View Zazulak J., Halgren C., Tan M., Grierson L.E.M. The impact of an arts-based programme on the affective and cognitive components of empathic development This study evaluates the impact of an arts-based intervention designed to nurture learner empathy through the provision of facilitated visual literacy activities. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective The audience development tools that the Royal Opera House uses to engage new audiences resulting in social inclusion were emerging themes as some tourists noted the influence that these initiatives exert in their awareness of the theatre and experience of the area. .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) The implementation of the process of cultural regeneration at the level of industrial towns allows a progress in their course from the category of unaes-thetic urban centers to localities that can offer a series of cultural landmarks, other than those we are used to. .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections Participants felt that the intervention gave them routine and structure with an opportunity to engage positively with others, which in turn decreased the sense of social isolation and was felt to support wellbeing and the potential of recovery. .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections Another aspect of note from this study is the sharing of past and current experiences of mental health that appeared to enhance social ties. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement The empowerment of mental health service users can include a higher degree of individual empowerment, a stronger sense of belonging to the community, development of, and participation in, the activities. .
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. The compilation, transformation and generation of new knowledge from the different disciplines will allow, from the academic point of view, to define new dynamics that contribute to a new social value and a new appropriation of both those who inhabit the neighborhood and those who visit it. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery This improvement is described in connection with a decrease of stress, a greater ability to relax or escape from their problems. .
View Monsuez J.-J., François V., Ratiney R., Trinchet I., Polomeni P., Sebbane G., Muller S., Litout M., Castagno C., Frandji D. Museum moving to inpatients: Le louvre à l’hôpital Such an approach is judged very satisfying by patients and may, in many instances reduce hospital-related anxiety..
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Tourism development is usually accompanied by infrastructure improvement in order to make a destination more attractive to tourists. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Such infrastructure upgrades also benefit residents, who will enjoy easier access to a variety of recreation, leisure, shopping and service facilities. .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. It can also significantly improve current practices via producing targeted recommendations for professionals working with communities in such contexts. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts If the key social factors identified in this study are properly addressed, they can enhance the potential social benefits to the community. .
View Camic P.M., Baker E.L., Tischler V. Theorizing how art gallery interventions impact people with dementia and their caregivers Caregivers commented on the importance of the social interaction and group nature for the success of the activity: There are a lot of activities which are good for people in our situation. .
View Vardopoulos I., Stamopoulos C., Chatzithanasis G., Michalakelis C., Giannouli P., Pastrapa E. Considering urban development paths and processes on account of adaptive reuse projects Future cities should urban communi ies committed to improving the well-being of the current and future residents, integrating economic, environmental, social and cultural considerations. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Interplay between heritage conservation and urban renewal Urban renewal involves the demolition or restoration of decayed and obsolete buildings so as to create better living environments. .
View Korfmacher K.S., Garrison V. Partnering to reduce environmental hazards through a community-based healthy home museum: Education for action This collaboration showed that a collaboratively operated, interactive healthy home museum can build residents' capacity to reduce home health hazards while changing local policies and practices to sustainably promote healthier homes. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Finally, barrier-free access and amenities should be provided for people with special needs in order to enhance equal opportunities for visiting the buildings. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts The general public can access a buildings easily if there are fewer restrictions and barriers. .
View Beauchet O., Cooper-Brown L., Hayashi Y., Galery K., Vilcocq C., Bastien T. Effects of thursdays at the Museum at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the mental and physical health of older community dwellers: The art-health randomized clinical trial protocol In addition, to minimize potential risks, the RCT is conducted in compliance with Good Clinical Practices (GCP), providing assurance that the rights, safety, and well-being of participants are protected. .
View Collazo A.A. Progress, mobility and Urban regeneration in a traditional neighbourhood: El Encino, Mexico The clue to preserve the site is the inclusion of friendly urban renovations in the city planning, in order to make the place a quieter place to live in, decreasing the context of vulnerability. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works With the link between wellbeing, social inclusion and physical health being widely accepted, this research makes a contribution by identifying how such schemes are beneficial. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients Qualitative analysis considered the ways in which improvements in reported wellbeing, health, social and physical functioning resulting from the sessions might have occurred. .
View Sandell, R., Social inclusion, the museum and the dynamics of sectoral change. Much of the impetus for the development of projects aimed at social inclusion has come out of education and outreach teams. .
View Grossi, E.; Blessi, G. T.; Sacco, P.L. Magic moments: Determinants of stress relief and subjective wellbeing from visiting a cultural heritage site. This implies, among other things, that even people for whom we hardly can expect an increase of well-being as a result of aesthetic experiences due to high baseline values, can nevertheless benefit from it in terms of stress reduction. .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Spiro N., Williamon A., Fancourt D. Longitudinal associations between short-term, repeated, and sustained arts engagement and well-being outcomes in Older Adults There is thus a need to investigate sustainable ways of promoting well-being in later life. .
View Camic P.M., Baker E.L., Tischler V. Theorizing how art gallery interventions impact people with dementia and their caregivers The intervention stimulated social interaction and positive affect, which, in turn, enabled a sense of respite in caregivers daily lives. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery This discussion was facilitated by the art facilitator who in some instances asked questions to facilitate reflections and critical thinking. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery This emphasis on discursive and pragmatic aspects, attention training and the effect of release from rumination suggests a value to cognitive rehabilitation through creative practice. .
View Binnie, J. Does Viewing Art in the Museum Reduce Anxiety and Improve Wellbeing? One participant from this group, said that if someone is able to connect with the art then it probably would, which suggests that the visitors feeling of how well they understand the artwork, or are able to find meaning in it, is an important factor in feeling comfortable and satisfied with the experience. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement Other benefits of participating in the arts projects were described in terms of giving purpose, meaning and hope, increased confidence, a sense of achievement, pride and satisfaction, as well as confidence and self-esteem and the ability to rebuild an identity beyond that of being a service user (Secker et al., 2007). .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement It is most likely a state of being that is difficult to access for individuals with mental health problems, which makes arts engagements even more significant in terms of therapeutic values and feelings of empowerment. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion Alternatively, it may be that experiencing positive aesthetic emotions is not only the outcome of a special empathetic state provoked by the artwork but may depend on the level of perceived ambiguity in the artwork itself. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. Comments were elicited about the organization of sessions and the enjoyment and satisfaction derived from the art therapy program in relation to its strengths and weaknesses. .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Fancourt D., Williamon A. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between receptive arts engagement and loneliness among older adults There is, therefore, a need to identify sustainable, community-based solutions to foster social interactions and prevent loneliness in older adults. .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Fancourt D., Williamon A. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between receptive arts engagement and loneliness among older adults These programmes were found to aid perceived social inclusion by providing a context for social interactions and a safe and stimulating space that enabled positive change for the individual such as enhanced self-esteem and positive interpersonal experiences including opportunities for social interactions and cultivating relationships 21 . .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Fancourt D., Williamon A. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between receptive arts engagement and loneliness among older adults Future research is needed to understand the mechanisms through which different arts activities, in particular receptive arts engagement, can contribute to preventing and alleviating feelings of loneliness and facilitating social connectedness among older adults..
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community The overall aim and goals of the programme and sessions were to promote wellbeing through engaging with the collections/exhibitions, creative activities and social encounters facilitated by staff and artists. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients Stickleys (2010) narrative inquiry into arts participation suggested that outcomes might include making new friends and experiencing peer support; although it was unsurprising to find higher levels of social interaction in our study, this outcome was notably important in ameliorating feelings of social isolation brought about by mental illness. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria It reveals how such a project enhanced dialogue, increased awareness, and built and contributed to mutual understanding in order to support a shift in the harder area of symbolic community thinking and attitude, against a backdrop of conflict, war and isolation and builds the basis for inclusive cultural heritage tourism. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria Community archaeology as a figurative vehicle can empower individuals and communities as it supports creating cultural participation in people to come together, discuss their past, present and future in order to build the integrated bridges between who they are and who they want to become; reducing the risk of further conflict. .
View Jensen A. Mental health recovery and arts engagement The notion of identity is also explored in Daykin et al. (2010), who suggest that engaging in arts activities provides service users with access to a variety of new identities and is able to depart from the stigmatised or relatively powerlessness of the patient; this was reinforced by giving service users a new voice to provide their opinions or speak about their experiences. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts It is a district with rich cultural traditions and heritage buildings. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development This scenario can include the production of artworks and crafts. .
View Fancourt, D.; Steptoe, A.; Cadar, D. Cultural engagement and cognitive reserve: museum attendance and dementia incidence over a 10-year period Theories of cognitive reserve, disuse syndrome and stress have suggested that activities that are mentally engaging, enjoyable and socially interactive could be protective against the development of dementia. .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections Conclusion: Creative green prescription programmes, using a combination of arts- and nature-based activities, present distinct synergistic benefits that have the potential to make a significant impact on the psychosocial wellbeing of adult mental health service users. .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Spiro N., Williamon A., Fancourt D. Longitudinal associations between short-term, repeated, and sustained arts engagement and well-being outcomes in Older Adults Further research is therefore needed to clarify how different participatory and receptive arts activities link to well-being outcomes in older adults. .
View Morse N., Chatterjee H. Museums, health and wellbeing research: co-developing a new observational method for people with dementia in hospital contexts ENGAGEMENT IN PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA Engaging a person with dementia in meaningful activity is seen as a priority in care provision to promote wellbeing and quality of life.21-23 Studies in care homes have shown the adverse effect of prolonged lack of stimulation and inactivity, such as increased risk of cognitive decline, apathy, depression and agitation,24,25 and the positive impact of participation in activities, which can lead to a reduction in challenging behaviours and depression, and improvements in mood.21,22,26,27 The study of engagement is therefore fundamental to the development of non-pharmacological interventions for people with dementia28 and to determine the efficacy of interventions that promote meaningful activity.29 .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion In particular, we leveraged advances in neuroaesthetics to explore different hypotheses about the determinants of aesthetic pleasure during art reception, in the attempt to clarify how experiencing art promotes well-being. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community Methods Aims To identify the benefits and potential impact of an arts for health programme on the wellbeing of older people from supported living and care home populations. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center Dimming of the lights while appreciating art projected on the screen is conducive to a pervasive sense of peace and calm. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Tourism is viewed as a means of revitalizing cultures when dying customs are rejuvenated for tourists by increasing cultural activities (Gilbert & Clark, 1997) and promoting local arts and crafts. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts In addition, the revitalization of shophouses to art and creative industry has been completed by the URA in the area, which has definitely contributed to creativity in the community. .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) As far as the cultural part is concerned, the conversion of abandoned industrial sites into manifestly cultural and touristic facilities reflects the recovery and restoration capacity of certain areas that apparently are deprived of economic value and tourist-attractiveness. .
View Mastandrea S., Maricchiolo F., Carrus G., Giovannelli I., Giuliani V., Berardi D. Visits to figurative art museums may lower blood pressure and stress There are good reasons to argue that art museums should be conceived as potentially restorative environments. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery In summary, the perceived positive impact of creative workshop activities on recovery, their low cost, together with the added potential for mutual benefit to health and social care practitioners, present tentative evidence to recommend the development of creative activities in non-clinical settings (e.g. a museum), and, where possible and feasible in partnership with a varied stakeholder group including people diagnosed with mental disorders..
View Remesar A. Public Art in Urban Regeneration. Piotrkowska street. Pride of a city: Łódź That aestheticization programs included urban regeneration and local development strategies are convenient. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development Artworks are also integrated in the street space, configuring the external walls of buildings, especially those with no architectural value, in order to give new meanings to public space and to reconcile differences between new and historical buildings. .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) Ensuring a proper cultural management can turn the industrial site converted into a museum in an outstanding cultural tourist attraction that can win over a significant number of tourists. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Tourism has brought more employment opportunities and booming economic development (Su & Teo, 2008). .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Tourism helps bring job opportunities and provide stable household income, which improves residents' standard of living and economic status. .
View Konrath S. Museums as Weavers of the Invisible Strings that Connect us These programmes have brought new people to the museum and its grounds, and have served as an additional sense of revenue. .
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. Parallel to this explosion of activities, a special interest began to be experienced in the population that still resides in the neighborhood, their customs and cultural wealth that generated a boom of artists who began to establish their workshops and homes. .
View Rogelja I. The Museumification of Treasure Hill: Authenticity, Authority and Art in a Taiwanese Urban Village While sales contribute to the young artists income, the presence of a constant stream of visitors can also be distracting. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development Where settled communities are able to recognize, protect and produce beauty issues rather than individual interests, territory has a greater ability to magnetize economic investment, stimulating the new economic activities. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development Art is here instrumental in adding economic values and could produce social spillovers linked to the involvement of local artisans. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development Art is supported by traditional economy and is a potential source of gentrification. .
View Plaza B., Haarich S.N. The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: Between Regional Embeddedness and Global Networking Additionally, the GMB and its visitors stimulated additional investments in the local art sector. .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) This trend is the result of the country's adaptation to the new socio-economic conditions, but also an accession into the stage of cultural and touristic capitalization on industrial heritage assets, acting as a support-activity in boosting the economy of disadvantaged industrial areas. .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) The change of the positive image can also have an important role, later on, in winning over investments in various economic activities. .
View Dean C., Donnellan C., Pratt A.C. Tate Modern: Pushing the limits of regeneration As noted above, such niche tourism can be viewed as very resource efficient with a greater return on investment per visitor. .
View Plaza B., Tironi M., Haarich S.N. Bilbaos art scene and the Guggenheim effect revisited The proximity of BLV to Casco Viejo, which is one of the commercial centres of the city and a magnet for visitors and tourists, has helped in the attraction of art-interested clients and in the exhibiting and commercialisation of local art in downtown Bilbao. .
View Plaza B., Tironi M., Haarich S.N. Bilbaos art scene and the Guggenheim effect revisited In order to strengthen the positive effect on the local economy, private shop-owners and trade associations, as well as organizations that patronize these businesses, may further exploit this art-related clustering so as to make it profitable for them, for the neighbourhood community and for Bilbaos art scene in general..
View Beeksma, A., ; Chiara , D., C. Participatory heritage in a gentrifying neighbourhood: Amsterdam’s Van Eesteren Museum as affective space of negotiations The Van Eesteren Museum produces a community of belonging that is incredibly meaningful to the volunteers and that offered many a new life and sense of purpose during the economic crisis. .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Fancourt D., Williamon A. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between receptive arts engagement and loneliness among older adults Relationships created or strengthened as part of engaging with the arts, such as making music in local community groups can increase access to different forms of support, such as peer or informational support, and act as a source of social affirmation 23, 26 . .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Promote public awareness of local heritage and preserve local traditional industries This factor mainly concerns public awareness of local heritage and traditional industries. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients Arts and crafts have a long history in professional practice but learning about ones own and other peoples heritage and culture is subtly different. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Residents cognitive well-being and affective well-being positively affected their support for tourism. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Tourism has long been seen as a boon for economic development, especially for developing and underdeveloped countries and regions. .
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals Specifically, the novel finding that built heritage is an important attractor of high-skilled labor may strengthen their position in the local land use and policy decision process and provide incentives for local governments to engage in preservation efforts..
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. The purposes of this intervention, which can be valued to a lesser or greater degree, depending on the nature of the project, consist of generating an improvement in the living conditions of the residents, as well as environmental conditions, economic development, social and cultural aspects of the sector and therefore of the city. .
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. This brought with it the displacement of the resident population to other sectors of the city, which had an impact on the value of real estate in the neighborhood, an opportunity that was taken advantage of by investors who, given the depletion of the real estate market in the neighborhoods of the historic core, they found in the vicinity of the Getsemani neighborhood the realization of their commercial, housing and tourism businesses, thus generating restoration, remodeling and construction actions in the sector. .
View Booth K., O’Connor J. Planning for creative effects: the Museum of Old and New Art Much has been made of the social and economic benefits of incorporating arts and culture into urban planning frameworks. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development It is instrumental in adding economic values and nurturing local attraction capacity, but it can produce social spillovers, linked to the interaction between residents and tourists, nurturing the sense of identity. .
View Fremaux S., Fremaux M. Remembering the beatles legacy in hamburgs problematic tourism strategy This link with nostalgia can be very positive and attractive for tourist agencies in building tourism attractions. .
View Dean C., Donnellan C., Pratt A.C. Tate Modern: Pushing the limits of regeneration Clearly, this is not the only reason for galleries to be built, but in periods of public sector funding constraints it is a significant one; aided and abetted by the possibility that such an iconic gallery will create a media event, and prime cultural tourism (code for affluent tourists who take short stays in expensive hotels). .
View Plaza B., Tironi M., Haarich S.N. Bilbaos art scene and the Guggenheim effect revisited Although it is clear that other factors may play a role, it can be asserted that the effects of the museum are not only limited to an increase in tourism or fiscal return, but also contribute to the development and spatial articulation of the local art scene and public support of the arts. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria The British Council report on Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth suggests that when communities are inclusive and bring people together in creating and protecting their own cultural heritage it also allows them to promote their cultural heritage, in cultural tourism terms, thus contributing to their own social and economic development 11 . .
View Grossi, E.; Blessi, G. T.; Sacco, P.L. Magic moments: Determinants of stress relief and subjective wellbeing from visiting a cultural heritage site. If the arts and culture would gain enough credit as key factors of promotion of health and wellbeing, and therefore as a new major field of public health research and policy design, that would make a significant difference. .
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. They are policies that seek to reclaim vacant land and buildings to beneficial uses, create new forms of work where they have been lost, improve the urban environment, and address a range of urban problems. .
View Vardopoulos I., Stamopoulos C., Chatzithanasis G., Michalakelis C., Giannouli P., Pastrapa E. Considering urban development paths and processes on account of adaptive reuse projects Adaptive reuse is an urban sustainability development evolving process, used to manage assets and resources efficiently, resulting in economic development, increased local attraction, and revitalized community engagement. .
View Mantziou L. Museum Cluster as Urban Defibrillator Reshaping the city profile through the creation of emblematic architectural projects is continuously attracting new investors but also tourists. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development This kind of art, called social art, is supported by new types of economy as collaborative and sharing economy and is an aid for facing new urban challenges, which are evident in Torre Annunziata. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development In the third scenario, art is instrumental in adding economic/cultural values and in engaging people, sharing knowledge, connecting people, designing urban recovery, finding the strength for change. .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) Technical museums can serve as an instrument in revitalizing the economy of functionally-restructur- ing regions. .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) Establishing technical museums in industrial areas that have undergone functional restructuring it is an instrument in the process of cultural regeneration, which, on the one hand, ensures a continuity of industrial patrimony assets, and on the other hand contributes to reviving the local economy, by including them in the tourist circuit. .
View Dean C., Donnellan C., Pratt A.C. Tate Modern: Pushing the limits of regeneration This led many cities to make significant efforts to develop their own economies, but more so to attract foreign mobile investment. .
View Dean C., Donnellan C., Pratt A.C. Tate Modern: Pushing the limits of regeneration Those with a stake in the property market will, of course, benefit as, critically, will city tax payers. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts The following section briefly explains the social benefits of heritage conservation, which form the theoretical framework of this research study. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Thus, revitalized heritage buildings can benefit society by acting as reminders of the history of traditional trades and businesses. .
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals They find that some types of cultural heritage sites, such as historic buildings and memorials, provide positive spillovers to property prices and interpret these price premiums as capturing esthetic beauty. .
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals These findings support the hypotheses that high-human-capital individuals value the availability of cultural amenities (Moretti 2004); they also support the idea of cultural heritage as an important locational attribute that can increase the attractivity of an area. .
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals Although we anticipate a positive relationship between the local supply of cultural heritages and the growth of high-skilled individuals, it is also important to note that there could also be negative consequences of proximity to these heritages. .
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals Thus, given the size and other location-specific variables built heritages and cultural environments are factors for local policy makers to consider in attempts to increase the attractiveness of their local area. .
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals It is also important to distinguish between natural and cultural qualities as different sources of regional attractiveness and growth. .
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals Building on such arguments, built heritages and cultural environments are strategic resources with the potential to improve regional attractiveness and are hypothesized to play a significant role to explain growth in the level of human capital. .
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals These results suggest that cultural heritage constitutes an important place-based resource in Sweden with the potential to improve regional attractiveness. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion If aesthetically pleasing, such an experience can be defined rewarding. .
View Plaza B., Haarich S.N. The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: Between Regional Embeddedness and Global Networking Image accumulation fuels increasing demand for place, which reinforces a brand and ultimately attracts cultural visitors (Figure 4). .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) In virtue of their cultural function, technical museums are included in the category of man-made tourist resources, a fact that can favor their inclusion in the development strategies of the areas hit by economic reorganization, having a well-defined role and place in the system of touristic capitalization of those regions. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites b) affective well-being positively influences their support for tourism. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Therefore, local governments and tourism policy-makers are encouraged to grow local tourism to improve residents' SWB. .
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals In particular, since their demand rises with income and education, there is a possibility that cultural heritages are, in part, caused by regional economic growth and market size effects. .
View Korfmacher K.S., Garrison V. Partnering to reduce environmental hazards through a community-based healthy home museum: Education for action This was a way of tracking interest in tour information and of adapting future tours to community needs. .
View Fremaux S., Fremaux M. Remembering the beatles legacy in hamburgs problematic tourism strategy In the wider context of tourism, heritage and music tourism are direct responses to the increase in traveling for recreation and personal pleasure. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective In addition to this stimulus, added facilities such as shops, cafes and terraces can potentially engage the areas visitors and embed the Opera House as part of the overall experience of the urban precinct. .
View Grossi, E.; Blessi, G. T.; Sacco, P.L. Magic moments: Determinants of stress relief and subjective wellbeing from visiting a cultural heritage site. Among the reported variables, it is interesting to point out the key role of variables related to cultural participation. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts We argue that a society should maintain different cultures with the aim to broaden its diversity of values, ideas, beliefs and traditions. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development But if tourism is programmed and oriented, it can contribute to local sustainable development as it produce a myriad of interactions between insiders, which daily live the place, and outsiders, which see landscape with different eyes. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Urban renewal is considered to be important for many reasons. .
View Remesar A. Public Art in Urban Regeneration. Piotrkowska street. Pride of a city: Łódź The aim of the Foundation was to revitalize the street and transform it into a pedestrian zone. .
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. This is how the initiative of the Museo Vivo El Prado promotes this value as a process of urban regeneration. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Third, a city can be reshaped by improving urban layouts, open spaces, road networks and other infrastructures. .
View Mantziou L. Museum Cluster as Urban Defibrillator Culture is influential, therefore it transcends the walls of buildings hosting it, and it is diffused in the wider urban tissue, ameliorating transportation connections, infrastructures and the quality of life in the cities. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development These indicators highlight the quality of built environment as a potentiality to improve. .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. The whole scheme had a special focus on achieving public engagement, expressed through specific objectives for including communities in projects. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Furthermore, social participation should be promoted and the public reminded that after renewal the heritage buildings are part of community property. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Thus, public involvement should be encouraged. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts More programmes and activities should be generated after revitalization and the diversity of community life enhanced. .
View Vardopoulos I., Stamopoulos C., Chatzithanasis G., Michalakelis C., Giannouli P., Pastrapa E. Considering urban development paths and processes on account of adaptive reuse projects They are used, intentionally and unintentionally, as a means of mobilizing communities, by defining specific city locations (GeoTagg) as places that provide an encouraging socially unifying channel for community involvement. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts It has been increasingly recognized that heritage conservation in older districts undergoing urban renewal has a significant impact on enhancing a community's sense of place, identity and development. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Urban renewal processes now increasingly incorporate heritage conservation elements in the overall urban renewal plan. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts In this paper, these heritage places refer to monuments and historic buildings that have historical, architectural, aesthetic and social values and which reflect the living conditions and culture of the people of the cities. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Heritage conservation can enrich people's understanding of their community (English Heritage, 2005). .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts It reveals that a revitalized heritage building should be considered a landmark in the district. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts The study advocates that heritage conservation in urban renewal districts should not only address the physical fabric of the historic buildings and the surrounding environment, but also the social impact and the intangible values of a community as a whole as they are of paramount importance. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Thus, it is important to stress the collective social impact of heritage conservation projects on the people of a district. .
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. In this way, the value of culture in the transformation of the neighborhood is taken into account, making traditional and heritage effects gain importance in the development and determination of public space based on cultural creation and innovation, and how This last factor becomes an articulating component of the physical, social, economic, cultural and political dimensions of the neighborhood. .
View Vardopoulos I., Stamopoulos C., Chatzithanasis G., Michalakelis C., Giannouli P., Pastrapa E. Considering urban development paths and processes on account of adaptive reuse projects Since the cultural heritage buildings are rooted into the citys identity as (mostly) part of the urban landscape, adaptive reuse can strengthen the communitys sense of belonging by positively linking the citys past with the future, offering, at the same time, some of the most astonishing buildings to be used for the emerging city needs, a process which can, overall, spark wholesome urban renewal processes 10 . .
View Rogelja I. The Museumification of Treasure Hill: Authenticity, Authority and Art in a Taiwanese Urban Village The present case therefore contributes a more layered view of post-industrial urban transformations in East Asia and beyond by exploring the role of expertise and the state in culture-led urban redevelopment. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development On the one hand, it means preserving historical beauty, while maintaining efficiency in dynamic processes that shaped the built environment over time as a complex ecosystem. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development Earlier studies (CHCFE 2015, HLF 2015) highlight the ability of heritage (and landscape) to enhance both personal and social development. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria This transformation has been driven by different reasons concerning the preservation of the archaeological sites and the civic engagement and the development agendas in the area of excavation. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria How an individual or local community creates meaning of the past can reshape perceptions of national collective meaning ties in with government cultural policies and international protection and promotion of heritage. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Tracing these paths can inform how and where people become connected with, and forge connections amongst local heritage groups and how they use narratives to make sense of their involvement. .
View Barelkowski R. Involving social participation in the preservation of heritage: The experience of Greater Poland and Kujavia Architectural heritage is a substantial component of every nation's culture, on both a national and local level. .
View Barelkowski R. Involving social participation in the preservation of heritage: The experience of Greater Poland and Kujavia Focusing on architecture, we have to approach the problem of heritage in a more specific manner, both disciplinary and interdisciplinary, nevertheless architecture-oriented, to discover that both material and immaterial aspects of its influence on our perception of culture and history are especially effective. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Thus, the major problem lies in how a city can carry out successful renewal with a view to attaining overall urban sustainability for the future. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Moreover, urban renewal tends to prioritize economic growth and physical improvement. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients Conclusion: Museums and their collections can be a valuable addition to cultural and arts occupations, in particular for long-stay hospital clients. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective Therefore, it is clear that the benefits of building bridges towards new markets for the performing arts ensures the long term economic sustainability of cultural institutions while making active contributions to social networks and interactions within society (see Aitchison, 2007). .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective This confirms that the experience of the building is not only related to the direct appreciation of performing arts, but also to the provision of these services. .
View Korfmacher K.S., Garrison V. Partnering to reduce environmental hazards through a community-based healthy home museum: Education for action Having a concrete projectthe experience of operating a Healthy Home museumwas an effective way to develop and broaden a local healthy home partnership. .
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals Related to the location-specific characteristics at the neighborhood level, we observe that there is a positive relationship between larger neighborhoods, in terms of population density, and the inflow of human capitalintensive individuals. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria In turn, the new products and tourists flowing to the area to see and consume their work achieves one of the objectives of the projects and demonstrates soft power change in action. .
View Vardopoulos I., Stamopoulos C., Chatzithanasis G., Michalakelis C., Giannouli P., Pastrapa E. Considering urban development paths and processes on account of adaptive reuse projects Seen as a prime example of an evolving cultural heritage conservation process applying the principles of economic, environmental, and social sustainability, and used in order to manage mainly cultural heritage assets and resources efficiently, the interaction with social media use, and smart city initiatives are examined. .
View Fancourt D., Steptoe A. Cultural engagement predicts changes in cognitive function in older adults over a 10 year period: Findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Productive cultural activities include singing in choirs, taking part in dance classes and engaging in crafts activities, while receptive cultural activities include going to the cinema, watching a concert or visiting a museum (also referred to as cultural engagement). .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective These can be associated with attendance to performing arts events that enable information acquisition of performers, cultural venues and other details of cultural productions. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective In this sense, the role of cultural providers such as Opera Houses and their initiatives to make their cultural produce accessible to new and emerging markets can be fundamental in the process of cultural capital acquisition. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective For example, when there is demand for a particular ballet production but efforts are made to promote attendance to comparable productions. .
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals They apply an instrumental variable approach and find that it is the local level of high-human-capital employees who value proximity to a Baroque opera house and that this in turn has a positive effect on regional growth. .
View Booth K., O’Connor J. Planning for creative effects: the Museum of Old and New Art In the expanded version it states, Valuing arts and culture as part of our daily lives has transformed our community. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective From an international tourism perspective, future research could explore how an individuals socio-demographic characteristics including cultural background and nationality influence their engagement with opera and ballet productions. .
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. A commune that seeks to clean up urban public space through mural intervention, as well as the actions carried out through art in public space that, from decorum, seeks to beautify the urban scene. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion In this review, we refer to aesthetic experiences associated with the appreciation of artworks, particularly visual arts. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community Other sessions, by comparison, engaged participants artistically and creatively with a range of activities examining artefacts from other cultures, to participating in story making, to making their own individual prints. .
View Morrison C. Public Art Replacement on the Mapocho River: Erasure, Renewal, and a Conflict of Cultural Value in Santiago de Chile Questions of cultural value - of the worth assigned to diverse cultural expressions and who has the power to make such valuations - are a matter of public interest. .
View Dean C., Donnellan C., Pratt A.C. Tate Modern: Pushing the limits of regeneration Museums and galleries have a part to play in attracting and sustaining investment and income. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria It is useful to bring an evidence-based approach to scientific committees regarding decisions about the development of the archaeological work when used as a cultural heritage project as this can lead to better engagement with policy makers and help with further funding. .
View Mastandrea S., Fagioli S., Biasi V. Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion Here, we review evidence showing that arts promote well-being across several domains, and discuss the neural underpinnings of aesthetic experience, emotional processing, pleasure, and reward. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being These validate some of the findings from previous research highlighting the benefits of arts participation. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being Enjoyment and appreciation The highest number of comments expressed enjoyment which was about the aesthetics of the artwork as well as appreciating the aims of the exhibition: I love this project - the variety, quality and freedom of it. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. I think (facilitator) has a wonderful knack of kind of making you realize that, you know, there's something good happening here. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development It is also replicable the idea that art can be the driver for building a creative milieu, which is the requirement for local development. .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Fancourt D., Williamon A. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between receptive arts engagement and loneliness among older adults As arts engagement is often a shared experience, future research is needed to understand the interplay between the social and creative processes occurring in encounters with the arts. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites For instance, tourism creates more opportunities to upgrade facilities and infrastructure such as outdoor recreation facilities, parks, and roads (Liu & Var, 1986). .
View Koebner I.J., Fishman S.M., Paterniti D., Sommer D., Witt C.M., Ward D., Joseph J.G. The art of analgesia: A pilot study of art museum tours to decrease pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain Furthermore, many museums offer free or reduced fees for children, students, older adults, and special populations, a practice that lowers barriers to access and encourages regular attendance, two additional characteristics favorable to public health interventions 17 . .
View Camic P.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museums and art galleries as partners for public health interventions In addition, when attending the majority of UK national and US federal museums no cost is incurred for regular admission, while in many other European countries entrance fees are reduced or free for children, students, older adults and those unemployed, making access less dependent on financial ability while also encouraging frequent attendance across all age groups; two ideal variables for public health programming. .
View Plaza B., Haarich S.N. The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: Between Regional Embeddedness and Global Networking In addition, the global operating structure and the worldwide distribution of exhibitions facilitates access to private sponsors and enhances the museums attractiveness to the general public and potential visitors from non-artistic circles. .
View Beauchet O., Cooper-Brown L., Hayashi Y., Galery K., Vilcocq C., Bastien T. Effects of thursdays at the Museum at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the mental and physical health of older community dwellers: The art-health randomized clinical trial protocol Museums have designed their spaces to create participatory art-based activity programs that can be carried out in a pleasant environment 8, 17-20 . .
View Booth K. Thinking through lines: locating perception and experience in place Undertaking a line analysis of a place-based social phenomenon provides signposts for a line methodology and can contribute to the advancement of research in which place matters. .
View Ander, E.; Thomson, L.; Lanceley, A.; Menon, U.; Noble, G. Heritage, Health and Wellbeing: Assessing the impact of a heritage focused intervention on health and wellbeing. Wellbeing outcomes Engagement in the objects provided stimulation and distraction, both highly important for wellbeing in the hospital context. .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections Furthermore, the authors proposed that creative arts contribute to the health of the wider community, not just the individual. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development The impacts of heritage on community can be expressed as changes in conditions or internal relations, encouraging dialogue between persons not belonging to the same social circle, stimulating acceptance diversity, openness, helping the understanding of different ideas. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community The facilitators needed to engage participants with collections and activities, share knowledge, present information, facilitate discussion, social interaction and engagement, answer questions as well as lead and support the planned creative activities. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria They are enhancing awareness, knowledge, and discourse around the key issues identified above, and were able to confirm a shift in attitudes, an increased capacity, in skills, resources and status to engage in civic concerns, promote effective participation and action as well as improve systems and policies that ensure social justice and create a sustainable environment. .
View Parry M.S. Public health heritage and policy: HIV and aids in museums and archives Herança e política de saúde pública: HIV e aids em museus e arquivos Archivists and curators institutionalise remembering, and forgetting, by accessioning objects and transforming them into heritage. .
View Mantziou L. Museum Cluster as Urban Defibrillator Safeguarding these traces and in doing so, enhancing historical memory, becomes a critical matter in terms of redefining humanity for posterity. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts This study aims to identify the social role of heritage conservation in urban renewal. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts First, the public concern for heritage conservation should be promoted in urban renewal through educating people and teaching them more about the local cultural and commercial history. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Therefore, it is particularly important to have a good understanding of the underlying social factors that need to be addressed in order to enhance more sustainable heritage conservation during the process of urban renewal. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Thus, these social factors should provide insight for urban planners and conservationists when formulating urban renewal plans for incorporating and balancing redevelopment and conservation. .
View Collazo A.A. Progress, mobility and Urban regeneration in a traditional neighbourhood: El Encino, Mexico Its useful to read the history in building (architecture itself contains history) that tells us whats happening in the city at certain moment of time - including social problems - in order to propose innovative, relevant and applicable urban designs with alternatives for the revaluation of urban heritage. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria For the archaeological mission this phase was important to build knowledge and experience as well as networks to reach the Eco-Archaeological Park to insure sustainability for both site conservation as well as tourism as a complete experience. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Our rationale for working with the same groups was to draw on what they learned from the workshops and other experiences, to enable the creation of our mapping tool to help other communities become involved in heritage conservation. .
View Barelkowski R. Involving social participation in the preservation of heritage: The experience of Greater Poland and Kujavia To preserve architectural heritage efficiently, especially when dealing with small remote heritage sites, a research program involves social participation intended to program the reuse of the object and its surrounding. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria Various individuals and groups can transcend barriers to be part of a collective memory, with a common past, present and future 4 and that is what interests others to visit and help contribute to the inclusive growth of cultural heritage. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria As for the impact of globalisation, there is a strong sense among some archaeologists and cultural diplomats that by including communities in the decision making process, through the meaning of either participatory or collaborative approach, they are helping to create a sense of heritage for that particular group, therefore, archaeologists can embrace the various and diverse histories found in any one place or community aiding the peace building process 4,25 . .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites The development of tourism at World Heritage Sites generates financial resources that can be used to preserve and sustain the heritage sites (Su et al., 2016). .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. These findings are simply represented in the list Perceptions of the role and contribution of heritage for socially sustainable development, identifying three major ways in which heritage assists local well-being: (1) Heritage supporting economic development: ... from council perspective is about enabling communities to do projects ... economic development, so, improving visitor offer . visiting different parts of Orkney ... . .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. Perceptions of the role and contribution of heritage for socially sustainable development: (1) Heritage to support economic development: heritage to support economy based on services and tourism; and heritage to tackle issue of seasonality in interests. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development Communities act on built environment through a sedimented intangible cultural capital, making use of and enhancing local resources. .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. The qualitative approach we suggest holds potential benefits for informing local-level, heritage micro-policy: asking participants to elicit heritage values and project impacts combined with realizing a community profile in the start of the projects allows mapping impacts on specific target groups with greater certainty, instead of simply listing cumulative impacts, generalizing for the whole of local population. .
View Backman, M., ; Nilsson, P., The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals These results would thus lend support to the hypothesis that built heritages and cultural environments constitute important place-based resources that have the potential to improve regional attractiveness and growth in Sweden. .
View Lange-Valdés C. Architecture as an apparatus of urban regeneration: 20 years of the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum La arquitectura como dispositivo de regeneración urbana: 20 años del Museo Guggenheim Bilbao It is precisely this set of characteristics that allow its architecture to be presented as a promoter of device of cultural centrality. .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) Also, the development of heritage tourism is understood not only as one of the pillars of alternative economic and social development to replace the deactivated mining industry, but also an active agent in the process of defining the diverse collective identities (Ballesteros & Ramirez, 2007 quoted by Gorjup-Kavi et al, 2010). .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria Therefore, heritage can be seen as a performance to underpin identity, particularly national identity. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria This close relationship and positive dynamic with the locals enabled Buccellati to understand the local needs and interests leading him to extend the archaeological vision to create an eco-archaeological park in the region aiming to safeguard the integrity of the place and participate in the sociocultural development of the region based on the local special characteristics, needs and skills. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community It was noted that exhibits and activities did encourage visitors engagement with their personal and shared history. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria 4. Conclusions This article demonstrates that mobilising a community archaeology project can be a useful soft power tool to support an inclusive process within isolated and diverse communities, leading to growth in tangible and intangible cultural heritage. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Community-based heritage conservation refers to the increasingly popular activity of coming together with members of the community to research local historical assets. .
View Parry M.S. Public health heritage and policy: HIV and aids in museums and archives Herança e política de saúde pública: HIV e aids em museus e arquivos As I hope I have demonstrated here, it is critical that collections of public health heritage be expanded and interlinked with others to give a broader picture of the past and the possibilities for the future. .
View Ander E.E., Thomson L.J.M., Blair K., Noble G., Menon U., Lanceley A., Chatterjee H.J. Using museum objects to improve wellbeing in mental health service users and neurological rehabilitation clients The sessions also provided opportunities for learning and discussion about the history and use of these objects. .
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. It is a living source of information that is based on historical value, enhancing its importance in the present, and projecting the future, from the vision of development. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Therefore the therapeutic effect can be extended to others through the sharing and interpreting of the heritage re-presentation. .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. At the same time, rich intangible heritage of the area includes traditional dialect, music and customs unique for the locality and the projects within the scheme focus on both tangible and intangible aspects of heritage. .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. 4.2 Identifying heritage values It is crucial at this stage to understand that while evaluating the impacts of heritage participation within landscape we need to trace: ( 1) Perception of intrinsic values towards heritage places or intangible heritage that signify roles of heritage for the lives of community and may affect perceived impacts of participation. .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. Intrinsic values were mapped here as perceptions of heritage by the different participants, using questions to elicit discussion, like for example What is the most important heritage aspects in (area) for you? .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Local culture and history of city development Conservation of heritage sites can help develop the placespecific character of urban regions (Swensen, 2012) and improve the physical conditions of the environment, while maintaining and enhancing local life and culture and the uniqueness of a place (Strange & Whitney, 2003). .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Second, as landmarks, the heritage buildings should be able to promote a district's identity. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts As urban renewal districts usually contain unique local culture and history, undertaking heritage conservation projects in the districts can be even more challenging. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Heritage largely remains the preserve of cultural geography. .
View Camic P.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museums and art galleries as partners for public health interventions The role and interplay of sensory modalities may help explain why kinaesthetic museum interventions afford wellbeing benefits. .
View Barelkowski R. Involving social participation in the preservation of heritage: The experience of Greater Poland and Kujavia From the economic perspective, the creation of a strong connection between a society and pieces of heritage may be the last chance for many forgotten architectural objects, otherwise doomed to destruction. .
View Barelkowski R. Involving social participation in the preservation of heritage: The experience of Greater Poland and Kujavia How to achieve efficient protection without the necessity to exploit ancient buildings and valuable sites, without generating an enormous flow of visitors, without the problem of spending the obtained financial means to cover the destruction brought by tourist activities? .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. What is more, empirical studies have showed that enhancing sense of place is in turn important for the socially sustainable development of revitalization projects (Yung and Chan, 2012; Liu and Cheung, 2016), making it key element for successful heritage projects with place-making elements. .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. By linking values and community groups that represent the bearers of those heritage values, such an approach opens the way for achieving socially relevant project planning and project design in the heritage sector. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing The findings thus offer an early contribution to the way in which heritage is worked by individuals in their own practice and understanding that of others. .
View Ander, E.; Thomson, L.; Lanceley, A.; Menon, U.; Noble, G. Heritage, Health and Wellbeing: Assessing the impact of a heritage focused intervention on health and wellbeing. Care of heritage collections and the need for trained facilitation also need to be thought about for such projects to work. .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. (I4/M4, Scheme manager) (3) Heritage sustaining wider community in place: Finally, participating in community-led projects was connected to the function of heritage centers by local trusts and associations as community centers, supporting community needs and in the long run potentially assisting in sustaining population in place: . there was all very well having a heritage center . . .
View Beeksma, A., ; Chiara , D., C. Participatory heritage in a gentrifying neighbourhood: Amsterdam’s Van Eesteren Museum as affective space of negotiations How does this fascinating participatory heritage project intervene in and attempt to shape a super-diverse urban neighbourhood with a history of deprivation that is currently the target of government urban renewal policies? .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Thus, this paper aims to develop a set of social evaluation factors that should be considered when assessing the social impact of conserving groups of heritage buildings in urban renewal districts. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Another key authority involved in the conservation and adaptive reuse of historic buildings is the Urban Renewal Authority (formerly the Land Development Corporation). .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts The revitalized heritage buildings can reflect the economic, industrial and planning development of districts or cities of the past. .
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. When positioning ourselves in a conception of urban regeneration, it is important to take into account the successful experiences in other Latin American countries, in which culture has been the essential factor in urban transformation, since through it it is sought, in addition to of the revaluation of the neighborhood, conserving the existing social fabric, to generate the empowerment of its residents, who in association with agents of the creative sector will be able to configure a neighborhood identity that integrates both the tangible and intangible heritage. .
View Mantziou L. Museum Cluster as Urban Defibrillator City authorities develop strategies, which invest in culture and are aimed at creating a city with a modern, competitive and innovative profile. .
View Cristina M., Loreta C., Daniel P., George M., Cristian D., Radu P. The role of technical museums in the regeneration of industrial functionally, restructured regions (Romania) Cultural investments, merging tourism strategies with local capability creation, have been seen, in this context, as effective catalysts for city regeneration processes (Bi-anchini, 1993, Geronimi, 2006). .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Such work would help to uncover the true value of heritage conservation on health and wellbeing across the many different stages of becoming or staying well that are enabled or inhibited within a broader web of social, political and economic contexts..
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. Perceived impacts of heritage to social sustainability via participation were obtained through questions focusing on: specific changes in social behavior, use of social (infra) structures and civic participation (observed or experienced) realized as a result of participants activity in the project as well as changes in appreciation of heritage places evidenced through interactions with those (engagement in protection processes including conservation interpretation documentation, touristic and social use of heritage sites/use of outputs, etc.). .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts This could be helpful in understanding how the occupants perceive and interact with the heritage buildings. .
View Morse N., Chatterjee H. Museums, health and wellbeing research: co-developing a new observational method for people with dementia in hospital contexts In order to understand the benefits of cultural programming for health, it is crucial to understand the situated contexts of each project partner and participant. .
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. However, this apprehension can be nuanced insofar as these interests, duly integrated into a reconversion or regeneration process, can have a positive impact on the positioning, validation and interest of culture as a significant instrument for improving living conditions. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria The reason that culture is so precious is it assists in the role of aiding mutual understanding, tolerance and increasing resilience amongst community groups but also presents the opportunity for inclusion, personal and economic growth and sustainability in cultural tourism terms 17 . .
View Gallou, E., ; Fouseki, K., Applying Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Principles in Assessing Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Social Sustainability. (I10/ C1 community member-volunteer) . was about getting people out to appreciate heritage and then telling the story of the cultural heritage they d see when they are looking at the landscape, when they experience it . because thats what landscapes are I guess . natural/cultural influences that make that landscape . . .
View Ander, E.; Thomson, L.; Lanceley, A.; Menon, U.; Noble, G. Heritage, Health and Wellbeing: Assessing the impact of a heritage focused intervention on health and wellbeing. For example, heritage objects have usually been collected because they are significant. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Notwithstanding these limitations, the paper showed a wide range of positive experiences associated with community-based heritage conservation. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Moreover, despite the heritage projects being predominantly led by older people, many in the wider community were able to participate and benefit too, through the active interpretation of exhibits and other products attached to the history of their local area and through attending talks and school workshops. .
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. Institution, non-profit, whose purpose is the acquisition, conservation, study and exhibition to the public of objects of cultural interest. .
View Vardopoulos I., Stamopoulos C., Chatzithanasis G., Michalakelis C., Giannouli P., Pastrapa E. Considering urban development paths and processes on account of adaptive reuse projects Therefore, public understanding and engagement (participatory and interactive) with digital cultural data is considered to be particularly important. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria The fieldwork research was informed by conducting a review of literature on the impact of culture and heritage in social contexts, social inclusion and cultural diplomacy. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Furthermore, residents' perceived high economic status and favorable social relations channel through residents SWB to bolster their support for tourism..
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Tourism brings positive impacts on residents SWB. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing Our focus was to represent how community-based heritage groups operate and to share the lessons learned. .
View Barelkowski R. Involving social participation in the preservation of heritage: The experience of Greater Poland and Kujavia Material evidence provides the opportunity to explore, to research, to touch, to acquire clues to understand the past. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works The social context enabled participants to both approach and engage with the museum program; the program in turn fed back into this process to create change. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing These groups accessed a variety of skills-based training workshops from the universities including archival searching and storing data. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing It also typically involves the creation of cultural products to conserve such heritage such as voice recordings of oral histories, poster exhibitions, heritage trails maps, books and murals. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts Secondly, it is well recognized that the past and its interpretation as local history or heritage confers social benefits. .
View Thomson, L. J.; Lockyer, B.; Camic, P. M.; Chatterjee, H. J. Effects of a museum-based social prescription intervention on quantitative measures of psychological wellbeing in older adults Participants noted the importance of facilitators listening to our ideas and how helpful it was to feel intellectually challenged. .
View Koebner I.J., Fishman S.M., Paterniti D., Sommer D., Witt C.M., Ward D., Joseph J.G. The art of analgesia: A pilot study of art museum tours to decrease pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain Experience During the Tour Participants generally experienced Art Rx as a positive experience that facilitated a sense of social connection, citing it as aesthetic, validating, engaging, educational, and restorative. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development For this feature, it can not be replicated elsewhere as it is, but is very useful in order to understanding the relationships that the recovery of public space configured by social art can activate between people, place and community and the processes of involvement of local communities. .
View Monsuez J.-J., François V., Ratiney R., Trinchet I., Polomeni P., Sebbane G., Muller S., Litout M., Castagno C., Frandji D. Museum moving to inpatients: Le louvre à l’hôpital Patients were encouraged participating to guided art discussions, to workshops, and to visits at the Louvre while not confined to bed. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery Users with more experience participating in the workshops express an increase in their general cultural level and a better knowledge of artists and styles. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being There had been requests from people involved in local mental health arts projects to be involved in the museums programmes and this project aimed to create such an opportunity for them. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center Community integration, as opposed to institutionalization, is the goal of recovery, and the Art Appreciation class includes both classroom sessions and community outings. .
View Tymoszuk U., Perkins R., Fancourt D., Williamon A. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between receptive arts engagement and loneliness among older adults Further research is needed to investigate the differences between art forms and cultural venues in opportunities for social inclusion and shared experiences facilitating positive social contact of older adults. .
View Koebner I.J., Fishman S.M., Paterniti D., Sommer D., Witt C.M., Ward D., Joseph J.G. The art of analgesia: A pilot study of art museum tours to decrease pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain Participants highlighted three specific components of the group dynamic as contributing to a sense of social connection: the ability to bring family members or friends, the docent-facilitated discussion of the art works, which involved hearing new perspectives, and the encouragement to express ones own views. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being Shared experiences The relationship between the original artworks and the participants responses was a focus for some comments: This project seems to have revealed something in the artists. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center In this class, veterans have been exposed to a wide range of cultures in their exploration of art. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery In other words, what is observed here is an interpretive and critical style characteristic of what might be called artistic discourse genre. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being Seeing in a different way Many visitors found the exhibition inspiring and thought-provoking and were inspired by the talent evident in the artwork: Wonderful and thought provoking exhibition helps us all stop for a minute and think about our world differently. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being Sharing and reflecting on the different ways of responding was thought-provoking for participants and public alike, challenging assumptions about disability, modern art and participation in the arts. .
View Paddon H.L., Thomson L.J.M., Menon U., Lanceley A.E., Chatterjee H.J. Mixed methods evaluation of well-being benefits derived from a heritage-in-health intervention with hospital patients Qualitative investigation revealed thinking and meaning-making opportunities for participants engaged with objects. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. The role of the facilitator was to assist in the interpretation of a participant's drawing in order to reveal meaning in the art. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites Residents' economic status positively influences their subjective well-being by positively influencing .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development With the function from personal emotions to community belonging, art contributes to producing new value creation circuits, linked to sharing capacity and cooperative, which in turn introduces new forms of wealth creation. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective This suggests that by enabling different mechanisms to recognise and include previously excluded members of society, they in turn become assets through these developmental processes as they seek to participate and contribute economically to activities that were not originally pursued. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery In their opinion, in the groups of users with an intermediate degree of autonomy, there is a more evident improvement in overall health and psychological well-being. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development The integration between art and built environment, which in the past has always characterized public places, becomes the driver of implementing new forms of communication between culture and communities and regenerating both the material culture, and social capital. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective But its social inclusion and audience development initiatives that foster a new generation of opera and ballet theatre-goers emerged as important findings as the Houses open door policy for daytime visitors along with live relays of current opera and ballet productions in other locations spark an interest in experiencing the building from the inside. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective Cultural consumption and performing arts Tourists that expand the range of cultural events they engage with can be related to the notion of cultural capital acquisition, defined by Honneth (1986:58) as all the learnable skills and competencies that enable individuals to handle the social potentials of scientific information, aesthetic enjoyment and everyday pleasures. .
View Guachalla A. Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: a tourist perspective This related to DiMaggio and Ussems (1978) approach to audience development as arts appreciation is trained and is the result of an educational journey (Kawashima, 2006) that nurtures individuals that connect with and appreciate opera and ballet productions. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing What emerged from the interviews was a commonly shared experience of valued social connections and the extent the projects brought people together. .
View Beeksma, A., ; Chiara , D., C. Participatory heritage in a gentrifying neighbourhood: Amsterdam’s Van Eesteren Museum as affective space of negotiations Recent studies of urban community organising have demonstrated this: w e . . . assume that expanding participation can be a source of democratic renewal, social solidarity, and better decisions. .
View Dean C., Donnellan C., Pratt A.C. Tate Modern: Pushing the limits of regeneration Allied to this radical practice is the attempt to engage with, or configure audiences as active and participatory. .
View Zazulak J., Halgren C., Tan M., Grierson L.E.M. The impact of an arts-based programme on the affective and cognitive components of empathic development These statements highlight the participants beliefs that the learning imparted by the programme helped them to connect with the personal viewpoints and narratives of others. .
View Zazulak J., Halgren C., Tan M., Grierson L.E.M. The impact of an arts-based programme on the affective and cognitive components of empathic development Medical education research demonstrates that empathic behaviour is amenable to positive change when targeted through educational programmes. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development It produces social crossovers as it causes the regeneration of relations and inter-relations between people and built environment. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria For example, widening social networks, while supporting individual confidence in addition to integrating immigrant groups with its hosting societies. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works These responses highlight the accessibility and inclusivity of museum programs for those with health limitations and the motivational influence it had in creating an alternative to an illness narrative. .
View Dean C., Donnellan C., Pratt A.C. Tate Modern: Pushing the limits of regeneration Aside from anything else, such galleries are planned to be accessible and inclusive to all-comers, physically and intellectually, as well as culturally. .
View Dean C., Donnellan C., Pratt A.C. Tate Modern: Pushing the limits of regeneration Different policies evoke, or construct, various publics, visitors and audiences. .
View Onesti A. Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as engine of human development In turn, built environment causes relational impacts on communities, regenerating both social ties and their relationships with environment. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works Conversely, participants who were keen to connect with new people saw the programs as an opportunity and resource to do so. .
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. It is not a matter of creating an untouchable inert environment, but to allowing actions and relationships between visitors and inhabitants that enhance those dynamics. .
View Padilla-Llano S.E., Machado-Penso M.V., Reyes-Schade E., Larios-Giraldo P.M., Cabrera-Sánchez I., Martínez-Palacios E., González-Forero D., Tapias-Martínez J. Barrio El Prado: A living museum for the city of Barranquilla Barrio el prado un museo vivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla. It is not a matter of creating an inert, untouchable environment, but of allowing actions and relationships between visitors and inhabitants that enhance these dynamics. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria This process can broaden citizen voices and participation, offering a welcoming entry point to those who have not felt power in the civic realm before. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts From this, the factor, create attachment of meaning to the heritage was derived. .
View Mastandrea S., Maricchiolo F., Carrus G., Giovannelli I., Giuliani V., Berardi D. Visits to figurative art museums may lower blood pressure and stress However, modern art can also be highly stimulating and engage debate, social interaction, curiosity and discussion, all positive aspects of visiting art museums and viewing art. .
View Geng-qing Chi, C., ; Caia, R., ; Li, Y., Factors influencing residents’ subjective well-being at World Heritage Sites The effects of favorable relations with family, friends, neighbors and colleagues channel through residents SWB to bolster their support for tourism. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts A public-private partnership working mode could be beneficial to the success of a project and provide social benefits to the communities. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being Using resources in this way, to widen participation and foster community involvement, effectively changes attitudes and promotes social integration (Lamb, 2009). .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. The interactive style of the format allowed for caring responsiveness to the needs and concerns of the group members. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria Research Approach This case study approach tracks the shift in the social behaviour of the locals from isolation and indifference towards participation, partnership and inclusion and investigates the development of building understanding, acceptance and mutual trust within the communities there as objectives towards the long-term aim of integration through different interventions. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria The opportunity for social participation and its effects on the social fabric of the community is important, as it involves relational ties between individuals and society and individuals and the state. .
View Moualla Y., McPherson G. Making change towards inclusive societies: The soft power of community archaeology in building cultural heritage in Mozan, Syria In projects that aim to achieve soft power outcomes, such as social change, mutual trust and understanding, etc., every group needs to feel included and be heard as part of the decision-making process, infrastructure and development. .
View Saavedra J., Arias S., Crawford P., Pérez E. Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recovery They found that the vast majority of the studies showed an improvement of psychological well-being, a drop in levels of anxiety and greater satisfaction in life. .
View Ketch R.A., Rubin R.T., Baker M.R., Sones A.C., Ames D. Art appreciation for veterans with severe mental illness in a VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center Visual art has been shown to alleviate stress and anxiety in patients in healthcare settings (Nanda, Eisen, & Baladandayuthapani, 2008; Ulrich, 2009; Ulrich & Gilpin, 2003; Wissing, 2009). .
View Morse, N.; Thomson, L.J.M.; Brown, Z.; Chatterjee, H.J. Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users Inductive analysis Pride and achievement Taking an active part in the creative element of the project was depicted as an achievement in both groups. .
View Morse, N.; Thomson, L.J.M.; Brown, Z.; Chatterjee, H.J. Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users The sense of pride in the current study can be linked to increased confidence and self-esteem derived from trying something new. .
View Thomson L.J., Morse N., Elsden E., Chatterjee H.J. Art, nature and mental health: assessing the biopsychosocial effects of a ‘creative green prescription’ museum programme involving horticulture, artmaking and collections Self-esteem was also derived from the new learning and skills development about art and horticulture. .
View Wilson L., Bryant W., Reynolds F., Lawson J. Therapeutic outcomes in a museum? “You dont get them by aiming for them”. How a focus on arts participation promotes inclusion and well-being The funding also enabled the contribution of practising artists and the professional standard of the final exhibition. .
View Power A., Smyth K. Heritage, health and place: The legacies of local community-based heritage conservation on social wellbeing I can't complain cause Im really, really happy with the end product. .
View Deane K., Fitch M., Carman M. An innovative art therapy program for cancer patients. You know, the self expression part of things.... .
View Morse, N.; Thomson, L.J.M.; Brown, Z.; Chatterjee, H.J. Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users Participants were enabled to learn new skills and crafts to take back to other parts of their lives: Learning a new interest - Im going to make a proggy mat at home! .
View Beauchet O., Cooper-Brown L., Hayashi Y., Galery K., Vilcocq C., Bastien T. Effects of thursdays at the Museum at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the mental and physical health of older community dwellers: The art-health randomized clinical trial protocol They manage the interactive hands-on art activities, with special attention given to creativity, handcrafting techniques, and fine motor skills. .
View Roe B., McCormick S., Lucas T., Gallagher W., Winn A., Elkin S. Coffee, Cake & Culture: Evaluation of an art for health programme for older people in the community Benefits were not just limited to the visits but continued in terms of friendships between residents, care staff seeing older people in a new light because of social interaction and creative activity. .
View Parry M.S. Public health heritage and policy: HIV and aids in museums and archives Herança e política de saúde pública: HIV e aids em museus e arquivos Aside from general discomfort in front of a camera, stigma was also a major factor deterring people from participating. .
View Konrath S. Museums as Weavers of the Invisible Strings that Connect us This may have the unintended consequence of excluding large groups of potential museum visitors who might find traditional art museum practices intimidating. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works Rejecting the social experience could be a barrier to connection, increasing the likelihood of isolation. .
View Todd C., Camic P.M., Lockyer B., Thomson L.J.M., Chatterjee H.J. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: Understanding what works Being shy or anxious about socializing, one factor in social isolation, or skeptical, might lead someone to hold back and not engage more fully. .
View Yung, E., H. K.; Zhang, Q., ; Chan, E., H. Underlying social factors for evaluating heritage conservation in urban renewal districts In addition, rent control, incentives and subsidies for the original inhabitants and local businesses could be provided in order to prevent escalating rents and gentrification and loss of local character. .