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Id 2134
Author Steel J.
Title Children’s wellbeing and reading engagement: the impact of reading to dogs in a Scottish Primary 1 classroom

Steel J. Children’s wellbeing and reading engagement: the impact of reading to dogs in a Scottish Primary 1 classroom,Education 3-13

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Abstract Wellbeing and effective engagement in reading are critical to successful learning and achievement throughout school and beyond. Reading to Dogs in schools is an increasingly popular way of supporting both wellbeing and reading engagement yet limited educational research has been conducted. This small-scale study took place in a Scottish Primary 1 classroom with N = 21 participants aged 5–6 years. A 4-week intervention, adopting an inclusive approach for the whole class, was evaluated. A qualitative study design incorporated observations and semi-structured interviews. Results suggest improved wellbeing and engagement in reading for all; however, the greatest improvements were found in the most vulnerable. © 2022 ASPE.



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