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Id 2675
Author Leyva-Moral J.M.; Aguayo-González M.; San Rafael-Gutiérrez S.; Gómez-Ibáñez R.
Title Narrative photography with an expert patient as a method to improve empathy: A satisfaction study with health sciences students

Leyva-Moral J.M.; Aguayo-González M.; San Rafael-Gutiérrez S.; Gómez-Ibáñez R. Narrative photography with an expert patient as a method to improve empathy: A satisfaction study with health sciences students,International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 19 1

Keywords Empathy; HIV Infections; Humans; Patient Satisfaction; Personal Satisfaction; Photography; Students; empathy; human; Human immunodeficiency virus infection; patient satisfaction; photography; satisfaction; student
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Abstract Objectives: To assess health sciences students' satisfaction with narrative photography with an expert patient as an empathy-fostering teaching method. Methods: Nineteen students from a public medical sciences university in Barcelona (Spain) voluntarily completed six online training sessions using narrative photography and expert patient. Data were collected using an anonymous online satisfaction questionnaire verified by experts, including 29 quantitative and qualitative questions that were analyzed descriptively. Results: Eighteen valid questionnaires were obtained (90% response rate). All students evaluated the teaching method as highly satisfactory. The main positive aspects of the teaching method were being able to express one's emotions and reflections. Students felt the activity enhanced their empathy and helped them minimize their prejudices, specifically to patients living with HIV. Students also evaluated the online format as less optimal than if it were delivered in person. Conclusion: The students found the teaching method to have a personal and professional impact, which facilitated the integration of empathy in their daily practice when caring for people living with HIV. © 2022 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston.



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