Mental health problems, low birthweight and academic achievement in mathematics and reading
Fabian R.; Tarasova D.; Bergmann T.; Sappok T.
An improvisational theatre intervention in people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems
Lai B.; Vogtle L.; Young R.; Craig M.; Kim Y.; Gowey M.; Swanson-Kimani E.; Davis D.; Rimmer J.H.
Telehealth Movement-to-Music to Increase Physical Activity Participation Among Adolescents With Cerebral Palsy: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Keyvanfar A.; Shafaghat A.; Rosli N.A.L.
A Decision Support Toolkit for the Design of Children-Oriented Urban Outdoor Learning Environments
Moraes-Partelli A.N.; Coelho M.P.; Santos S.G.; Santos I.L.; Cabral I.E.
Participation of adolescents from the Quilombola community in the creation of an educational game about alcohol consumption; Participação de adolescentes de comunidade Quilombola na criação de jogo educativo sobre o consumo de álcool ; Participación de adolescentes de comunidad Quilombola en la creación de juego educativo sobre consumo de alcohol
Raney M.A.; Daniel E.; Jack N.
Impact of urban schoolyard play zone diversity and nature-based design features on unstructured recess play behaviors
Cisney L.
Active learning: a consideration in collection development in health sciences libraries?
Note: Due to lack of computing power, results have been previously created and saved in database
MESOC has received funding
from Horizon 2020 - the EU Framework Programme
for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) -
under Grant Agreement n°870935.
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