Analysis of article using Artificial Intelligence tools

Id 2129
Author Leroy C.; Kammerer Y.
Title Reading multiple documents on a health-related issue: the roles of a text-highlighting tool and re-reading behaviour in integrated understanding

Leroy C.; Kammerer Y. Reading multiple documents on a health-related issue: the roles of a text-highlighting tool and re-reading behaviour in integrated understanding,Behaviour and Information Technology

Keywords Condition; Document integration; Eye-tracking; Eye-tracking analysis; Multiple document integration; Multiple documents; Re-reading behavior; Text-highlighting tool; University students; adult; article; exploratory research; eye tracking; female; human; human experiment; major clinical study; male; touch; university student; Eye tracking
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Abstract This study aimed to investigate the roles of a text-highlighting tool and readers’ re-reading behaviour in their integrated understanding of multiple documents. University students (N = 95) read five partly conflicting documents on a health-related issue on a touch display with or without a text-highlighting tool. Integrated understanding of documents was assessed by the number of intertextual connections in essays written after reading and by a source-content mapping task. The provision of the text-highlighting tool resulted in longer initial reading times even when subtracting the time taken for highlighting, but shorter re-reading times, particularly for participants with a high number of re-readings. Further, only for participants with a high number of re-readings, the provision of the text-highlighting tool resulted in more intertextual connections than when no text-highlighting tool was provided. Participants’ source-content integration was positively related to the number of re-readings, regardless of whether the text-highlighting tool was provided. Finally, additional exploratory eye-tracking analyses revealed that for two out of the five documents, participants in the with-highlighting condition focused on significantly smaller parts of the documents during re-reading than controls. © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.



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